DIY Plumbing Forum

DIY Plumbing Forum

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  • Hi Please can anyone help to identify this noise in the wall between me and my neighbour? Complicated but will try to explain. It occurs every few (7 – 10?) weeks, when it does it's very regular, every 21 mins plus a few seconds.. it's like a donkey – "squeak honk".. varies in volume. Continues […]
  • Had a problem with hammering noise coming from pipes (triggered by hot water, though it could be eased if you put the cold water on). Went through everything i could, checking joists etc. Problem appeared to be the ballcock in the loft cold water tank. Ive replaced it but for the life of me i […]
  • Hi all, I have an old school cement laundry sink which is clogged. I unscrewed the pipe underneath to try to clear it, and I was able to get some crud out of there. But it seems the majority of the blockage is higher up, in a section concealed within the cement where the two […]
  • Hi All, I hope you are doing well. I have this old-school bathtub mixer tub. I think there is something wrong with it. When I pour cold water then I have to wait for hot water twice or 3 times longer like cold water (higher pressure) forces itself into the hot water pipe otherwise how […]
  • Hello, I'm installing a new central heating & plumbing system and just wanted to run through my design choices to make sure I haven't overlooked anything! It's a 2 bed, 1 bathroom semi-detached house. These are the proposed appliances: WC, Basin, Bath, Shower, Bath, Washing Machine, Kitchen Sink, Dishwasher. I'm looking to put in a […]
  • your_browser_is_not_able_to_play_this_audio Hi Folks, Would like to cast the net far and wide to try and get some resolution to this problem. The mains water coming into the property via a 15mm copper pipe, I have a Worcester Bosch Heatslave 15/19 around 16 yrs old to which the mains goes into – just above the boiler […]
  • Hi, My property's soil stack has a single entry for the toilet waste. Then a separate hopper and downpipe which drains into a gulley to collect waste water from the basin, shower and bath. Photo attached for reference. I'm in the process of lowering the waste pipes and wondered whether I could combine the pipes […]
  • My pump is lifting water about 20 to 25 ft through 1-1/4" pipe at about 800' above sea level. Can anyone calculate the negative pressure at the pump for me? I'm just not that bright. I've recently installed a check valve near the pump and am having some issues with the system sucking air in […]
  • Hello, I'm installing a new central heating & plumbing system and just wanted to run through my design choices to make sure I haven't overlooked anything! It's a 2 bed, 1 bathroom semi detached house. These are the proposed appliances: WC, Basin, Bath, Shower, Washing Machine, Dishwasher, Kitchen Sink I'm looking to put in a […]
  • Hi, Thanks for looking. I am getting a new washing machine who will install, disconnect, recycle it, etc as long as its a straight forward process. Which it may be, however, we moved our old machine from one house to another and the plumber who disconnected it cut off the end of the waste pipe […]
  • Per the pics attached, I have a brand new tap timer fitted to my outdoor tap with a brand new washer. It always leaks from the bottom of the fitting collar. I have tried four different washers (all pictured), both individually and in combination. I have tried tightening the connection, loosening the connection, applying lots […]
  • Hi We have a small utility cupboard for a washing machine with a standard washing machine waste kit installed as shown. Excuse my poor draughtsmanship. For complicated reasons we need to raise the floor as shown but this means we obviously need to raise the washing machine waste trap. The shaded area is how the […]
  • I have a threaded galvanised tube between 2 T-pieces. I can’t screw the t-pieces onto the tube – they’re already sealed to the spur. So the only way I can screw the pipe between them is to screw it all the way into one side then screw it halfway into the other (by unscrewing from […]
  • There are bad smells that come from my sink drain when I run water. On inspecting (undoing) the U-bend trap, there is no debris or anything in there. It is a clean run. And I don't think the water is being siphoned out of the U-bend (though I can't be certain) because the sink is […]
  • Just in front of my house is this iron cover with "stopcock" on it (see attached photo) However, when I lift the lid and look inside there is apparently not a stopcock, but some sort of a vertical metal structure with a cable attached to it. Can anyone tell me what it is? The void […]
  • Hi, I have a Bristan Matrix Bath Shower Mixer Tap, the diverter valve has been temperamental for some time and has finally failed with a split rubber washer. The tap is obsolete and spares are no longer available. (I have contacted Bristan.) The bath is built in and access to the tap is not possible […]
  • Hi, after using bottom 2 to refill system. Should the 2 circled be left facing upwards Thanks
  • Hi All I have a leak coming from within my Mira Elite QT shower. It seems to be flowing from behind the switching Control. Any ideas what could be causing this leak. Already Changed the Pump Elbow as one of the clips had popped which was causing a second small leak, Any idea? Is it […]
  • Hi all, I'm installing a concrete patio out back. By the wall under the kitchen sink I have an existing P-Trap gully for the grey water from the sink, dishwasher, washing machine etc. When I pour the concrete there won't be any chance to dig it up anymore. From my own research I get the […]
  • I want to cap off the supply to my bath taps before removing the bath itself. Would I do this with a few Polyplumb stop ends? If so, is there an obvious point on each set of pipes that I should disconnect and add the stop end too, or will any work? (I'm only an […]

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