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Train 4 Trade Skills

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Hi everyone was looking for some help im due to meet the guy for train 4 skills tomorrow and after reading some off the views on this im having 2nd thoughts....I would like to know if the company is worht the money. also i will be traing towards my CITY OF GUILDS LEVEL 2 and DiPloma in plumbing and heating 6199-11. What exatley ARE these qualifications?will i be a fully qualified plumber? would i.e would i be able to fix electric showers, boilers etc etc or will it be the basics?

just noticed this as well, it says 'training towards'
And as you are in Scotland you won't get a job without an SVQ3 (NVQ3) infact you are unlikely to get a job without having done an apprenticeship i'm afraid.
Also the way things are now you will struggle to be taken on by anyone even if you do complete an apprenticeship.
Reasearch the trade well before you jump in and take the sales talk with a big pinch of salt. There are a lot of disappointed failures.
Guys this is only my opinion but here goes

Done a T4TS up to intermediate stage - cant believe people part with cash without research.

Found the course work to be good with books, 3D, links etc. However the best as mentioned is the weekend away where you meet the tutors from ATL - these guys are ex-plumbers, plumber and know there stuff. Think the problem is that the full stages to becoming a fully flethched trademan is alot different to the way they sell it. The NVQ side really needs alot of thought as it is expensive and you need to be able to fullfill the criteria. Think that T4TS can only do so much but the salesman make it sound so easy - thats their job. As on other links we only walk out with the basics or are not ready to go on to gas etc. I have completed my course and have walked out with a bit more knowledge and techniques such as bending, soldering etc. Think its quite dear and there are other ways to go.

I am just selling myself as a DIYer with plumbing qualities so cant possibly try to do work of a complex nature or too big. But can hopefully build it up a bit more as have contacts and these foruums are invaluable. Let us know how you all get on and any advice appreciated
Thanks Guys for the replys. Do you think its worth trying to get some experiance while doing the course then?
without it you wil struggle more than without, which will be a struggle anyway
Rip yer ma's, burds, aunties, mates or whoever's bathroom out and put it back together again:)

Other than that, i don't know.
If you are keen enough you may find something.
I signed up with train4trade skills a year and a half ago and have had no contact or help off them what so ever. I have recently sent a letter to them and the finance company(career finance 4 train4trade skills ltd) stating that due to being mis-sold the course and the fact that they don't have permission to use log's from company's such as BPEC, GAS SAFE, CITB etc, I won't be paying them another penny and want a full refund. I have had no reply yet but have just found out that the qualifications I am getting maybe be about to change. I am doing NVQ 6129 City and Guilds and NVQ Level 3 6089. Does anybody know if these qualifications are any good in the plumbing industry or is it changing to diploma's.
I signed up with train4trade skills a year and a half ago and have had no contact or help off them what so ever. I have recently sent a letter to them and the finance company(career finance 4 train4trade skills ltd) stating that due to being mis-sold the course and the fact that they don't have permission to use log's from company's such as BPEC, GAS SAFE, CITB etc, I won't be paying them another penny and want a full refund. I have had no reply yet but have just found out that the qualifications I am getting maybe be about to change. I am doing NVQ 6129 City and Guilds and NVQ Level 3 6089. Does anybody know if these qualifications are any good in the plumbing industry or is it changing to diploma's.

the 6129 isnt an NVQ its a tech cert (not classed as full qual) big jump from 6129 l2 to NVQ3!!! eek, your working as a plumber? because you need to be to gain the nvq
thanks fuzzy,wot they said was at the end of doing the level 2, they put me in a placement with a large plumbing company in my area for three months and that's how I gain the level 3 qualification but I don't think 3 months is anywhere near enough, but if 6129 isn't a full qual then i've been mis-sold anyway's I think so surely I must get a full refund.
thanks fuzzy,wot they said was at the end of doing the level 2, they put me in a placement with a large plumbing company in my area for three months and that's how I gain the level 3 qualification but I don't think 3 months is anywhere near enough, but if 6129 isn't a full qual then i've been mis-sold anyway's I think so surely I must get a full refund.

you cannot go straight from 6129 l2 to 6089nvq3

you need to upgrade the 6129 to a 6089nvq2 first by working with a company. then do the 6129 level 3 in a centre then work on site to upgrade that to the level 3

these quals are changing at the moment so you may have to do the new 6189 nvq diploma instead
Thanks m8. Extremely helpful info I will wait and see if they reply to my letter. If not then they will be getting another1 and another 1 and another 1 etc haha Thanks again.
Has anyone managed to get a refund off Train 4 Trade skills. If they have, then please message me as I am desperate to get off their course, as they completely lied to me and conned me into signing for a mickey mouse course in electrics. (I know this is a plumber's forum, but we all seem to be ripped of by same company)
Guys same old scernario dont hand over your hard earned cash without doing your homework, I got my level 2 6129 which was ok but couple of guys did the same they will have 6129 level 2 and 3 but as fuzzy has said its not the full qualification as you need 6089 level 2 and 3. When you speak to T4TS they say 'that our course gets you up to a level that you can do the 6089 but they dont offer it themselves' Only advice is to get some work with someone or to do the 6089 level 2 while doing the 6129 level 3 or take a year out to get the full qualification there are NO SHORTCUTS

Ideal route is:

6129 level 2 with T4TS or someone else
6089 level 2 with college
6129 level 3
6089 level 3

6089 level 2 and 3 needs to be with someone who is qualified

Good luck we're all in the same boat
Hi I am thinking of doing this course can someone please give me advise whether these qualifiactions are genuine basically its as follows

City And Guilds 6189: Level 2 NVQ Diploma In Plumbing And Domestic Heating
BPEC: Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999 Certification From BPEC

City And Guilds 6189: Level 3 NVQ Diploma In Domestic Plumbing And Heating
BPEC: Energy Efficiency Certificate
BPEC: Part P Defined Scope electrical qualification
LOGIC: Solar Thermal Domestic Hot Water Certificate
CITB: Domestic Unvented Hot Water Storage Systems Certificate

Total In centre training 11 weeks at Luton ATL.

Someone earlier said that the above certifications were in house and not industry endorsed but upon internet research (good old google) I could determine that BPEC, LOGIC and CITB are industry standard certifiers.

This has now got me worried as im thinking are they lying and just using the name of the organisations or are the certifications genuine. If genuine then surely they must be recognised by employers and thats got to be good I hope.

Also this new 6189 Level 2 & 3 Diploma is this the real deal in plumbing theory and knoweldge or just a part certification. How does it differ from the older certifications that T4TS were offering.

Also the sales rep also told me that I can complete the course as quickly as I want he never told me that I would have to wait till i'd paid a certain ammount of the finiance of before I could attend the in-centre training.

I really dont want to waste 5700 but all the qualifications are tempting and seem genuine can someone please advise me on how good they actually are and how genuinely established and recognised they are within the industry as this is all entirely new to me.

Also if someone from T4TS is posting on this site can you also dispel or confirm the conditonal in-house training and why or how you think that is justifiable when you have been paid in full from the fininace company and the money owed has no bearing on you whatsoever.

Someone please please answer the above questions for me before its too late for also.
The quals are all genuine enough but quals don't get you a job without experience and you can't get experience without a job. Catch 22
My only problem is how will I get certified on my NVQ level 2 and 3 without being on a job. How long do ineed to be on the job toget the nvq and will self employed count.
Tamz firstly thanks for the reply. Secondly what do you do for a living if you dont me asking and if you are in the plumbing trade what is your honest opinion of th course above.
You won't. Self employment is your only option.
Ask Fuzzy. He is the man for your answers to this stuff.

I'm a plumber (and employer). 38 years.

My true opinion?
Think carefully before spending your cash. Research the industry well and don't believe sales spiel.
You won't be employable without experience.
Lol im really thinking hard about this now. Self employed the only way but does this mean that i will never achieve my nvq level 2&3. Or will I still be able to complete my NVQ level 2&3 via the self employed route.
I can really sympathise, they don't give a monkeys about peoples personal circumstances. I hadn't even started course and they wouldn't cancel Train for Trade Skills are just in it for the money they don't care about the people!!!!

I agree with you 100%!.. I was so focused on going into doing plumbing, I ordered different bouchers from colleges and other companies like able skills and train 4 trade skills. In the end I got in contact with T4T as I could be fully qualified asap....which was perfect. After all the hassle I have been through with these people, trying to cancel the course and trying to get my money back I've given up looking looking to do plumbing.

Even though I've managed to now finally cancel from the course, It HURTS me till this day that people out there can take your money like that... and not give a f*** about you. I hope the owner burns in Hell! I can't believe I let one of those scum sales guys come into my home and lie to my face, now I look back he knew exactly what he was doing. He was making it sound as if places on the course were running out as we spoke and if I didn't sign I would loose a place, also the way he cleverly took my signed papers, folded them and placed it into the zip pocket of the pack so I would forget and not look at them, he then quickly moved onto what was in pack, which shifted my concentration on something else. Also the way he was telling me how hes a plumber / director of a plumbing company now and doesn't do hands on work any more, nows hes loaded, he goes on holidays to spain every few months, how hes told his son to forget going uni, and do plumbing as he will make loads of money like him.

I know the sales guy are obvious told these things, but I still blame them as they know exactly what they are doing.

T4T SKILLS I HATE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART!, I will get my money back!

Is there another watch dog case going on with this company again, that anyone here knows of?
This doesn't make nice reading. Has anyone had any good experience with them?I work week on week off on a boat as an engineer. I'd like to do this course then go to a local builder I know and say I've got my city and guilds etc can I get experience with you on my week off and work for you for free so I can get the further city and guilds the course don't mention. I'm not thinking oh I'll be a plumber and earn 100k a year. I'm just looking for something to do on my week off. Maybe eventually a career change. Heard so many bad things. But they are mainly a out the salesperson that comes calling and folk not being allowed out the deal. Just wondering if anyone has actually gone the full way with the course?
all of these training companies are only there to make money out of you.never ever trust a salesman he is allways going to lie to get the sale.we in the plumbing industry have allowed this situation to come about due to the demise of aprentiships and our reluctence to become a licenced trade. the training companies promise earn £40k plus but average wage £15k to £25k ,you can earn more as a self employed plumber but times are hard how long will it take to get your money back from the training.
I would really be interested in knowing as to how many people that have attended these courses, are now on the magical £40k salary....Salary not turn over mind...
it amazes me that people think it is alright/normal to train to be a plumber using a computer program working through scenarios. surely they must realise that no two houses are quite alike, unless new builds knocked out at the same time. i suppose it's something extra to make it seem that they're getting "value" for money.
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