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Am I a bad customer / job magnet

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Hi guys I'm having a nightmare of late !!!! I started a bbu to combi change over last Tuesday the customer was hardwork from hour one I dug up the floor buryed the pipes except the gas all done right. came back Wednesday there was an atmosphere a. Bad one so carried on pipe work trvs ect . Came back Thursday with my roofer we put the flue though a flat roof on the out building and it was pouring down with rain finished and took a look thought it didn't look right as there was a opening window 650 to the right in the mean time I had problems with the pipe work from the old bbu to the a.c only had upstairs rads working I left the boiler and gas left off so called a mate to come in on the Friday the atmosphere was really bad we found the pipe work problem which was a mess under the front room floor and then I had a pinhole in a brand new length of 28 mm copper !! I then took another look at the flue before I commissioned and turned on the gas and boiler realised it was wrong genuine mistake spoke to the customer she went mad !! And said leave we not paying so I turned off the boiler gas ect and left . She's called a family member who is a gas engineer and gas safe and said its wrong which I new but they say they can smell fumes in the bedroom !! I'm frantic I called gas safe yesterday and explained and they said I have to wait till the inspection then sort things after . I new this job was a complete nightmare since I started now it's just a f up thoughts please
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Hi guys I'm having a nightmare of late !!!! I started a bbu to combi change over last Tuesday the customer was hardwork from hour one I dug up the floor burned the pipes except the gas all done right. came back Wednesday there was an atmosphere a. Bad one so carried on pipe work trvs ect . Came back Thursday with my roofer we put the flue though a flat roof on the out building and it was pouring down with rain finished and took a look thought it didn't look right as there was a opening window 650 to the right in the mean time I had problems with the pipe work from the old bbu to the a.c only had upstairs rads working I left the boiler and gas left off so called a mate to come in on the Friday the atmosphere was really bad we found the pipe work problem which was a mess under the front room floor and then I had a pinhole in a brand new length of 28 mm copper !! I then took another look at the flue before I commissioned and turned on the gas and boiler realised it was wrong genuine mistake spoke to the customer she went mad !! And said leave we not paying so I turned off the boiler gas ect and left . She's called a family member who is a gas engineer and gas safe and said its wrong which I new but they say they can smell fumes in the bedroom !! I'm frantic I called gas safe yesterday and explained and they said I have to wait till the inspection then sort things after . I new this job was a complete nightmare since I started now it's just a f up thoughts please

If you knew it was wrong and isolated the boiler and left, then someone else has turned it on and commissioned it, so it's on their head mate.

I wouldn't worry about the fumes entering the building because you left the boiler off.

You have called gas safe and told them situation, so you've covered yourself there :)

as as for the flue, you realised you'd made a mistake and admitted it and followed the correct precedure. We all make mistakes mate, but it's no excuse for her not to pay you.
as i said on the phone pete,ring gas safe,they will want you to sort it, offer to put it right,you should be paid though thats not on
I'm heads gone my mrs has gone mad because I didn't take a deposit she recons they won't believe me about leaving the boiler off She saying you made a mistake now you lost the money !! This customer was in contact with this family gas engineer all though the job now he's in the mix I'm at the end of my rope just so down
It sounds like you have had a bit of a nightmare with this job.

In all fairness to the customer, I can understand the customer getting a little upset by you installing it wrong. It would be easy to lose faith in someone in that situation. You have done the right thing by owning up to it and guessing, offering to make it right? As the boiler was not commissioned and left capped? Then you have covered yourself, but proving it may be difficult.

Hope you get it all sorted and come to an agreement with the customer.
as i said on the phone pete,ring gas safe,they will want you to sort it, offer to put it right,you should be paid though thats not on
They have now said they don't want the boiler !! They are having it changed and I can have it back and I can have all the removable parts. But I have to wait until gas safe inspect then they are removing my boiler and putting a differnt one in !! They said they are keeping the lead slate the 28 mm gas run the trvs and they are paying nothing I'm down down down
I'm sorry to hear it, but realistically when you look at what the customer sees, rads not working, leak, flue fitted incorrectly, you can see why they have lost faith. Regardless of the real issues, the customers view on any problem is that it's your fault.

Chin up, sort it out however you can to limit the damage no matter what it takes, a bit of bum licking to save a reputation is worth it in the long run.
They have now said they don't want the boiler !! They are having it changed and I can have it back and I can have all the removable parts. But I have to wait until gas safe inspect then they are removing my boiler and putting a differnt one in !! They said they are keeping the lead slate the 28 mm gas run the trvs and they are paying nothing I'm down down down

If nothing else, get your terms and conditions straight and a deposit system in place to stop this happening again.
They have now said they don't want the boiler !! They are having it changed and I can have it back and I can have all the removable parts. But I have to wait until gas safe inspect then they are removing my boiler and putting a differnt one in !! They said they are keeping the lead slate the 28 mm gas run the trvs and they are paying nothing I'm down down down

Thats theft then, get your boiler back and charge for the stuff they are keeping and your labour, atleast you may breakeven then.

They sound like a bunch of pricks to be honest mate and the quickest solution will probably be the best in this situation, even if it means taking a hit.
It sounds like you have had a bit of a nightmare with this job.

In all fairness to the customer, I can understand the customer getting a little upset by you installing it wrong. It would be easy to lose faith in someone in that situation. You have done the right thing by owning up to it and guessing, offering to make it right? As the boiler was not commissioned and left capped? Then you have covered yourself, but proving it may be difficult.

Hope you get it all sorted and come to an agreement with the customer.

If the boiler was left capped then its easy to prove, he will have a signed warning notice to prove he capped/isolated the boiler and advised not to use :)
Put it down to experience and bill them for the gas pipe, slate and trv,s.
Next time a customer seems peeved, ask them what's up, talk it through. It can save a lot of hassle and you can re assure them, or pack up your gear and go before your to far in.
As far as the flue goes, you won't do it again.
I f1@/73/ up big style I no I did but was sorting it out never had so many problems from one job I called a mate to help as I was sinking and he helped me but they thought I didn't no what I was doing they were quibbling the price all week and then said it was to much after agreeing and signing. I was going to do it for the materials because of the faults but nightmare
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I'm sorry to hear it, but realistically when you look at what the customer sees, rads not working, leak, flue fitted incorrectly, you can see why they have lost faith. Regardless of the real issues, the customers view on any problem is that it's your fault.

Chin up, sort it out however you can to limit the damage no matter what it takes, a bit of bum licking to save a reputation is worth it in the long run.

I see what you're saying, but if they have been difficult from the start then they have probably been waiting for something like this to happen and would have kicked up a fuss for any reason whatsoever.
If the boiler was left capped then its easy to prove, he will have a signed warning notice to prove he capped/isolated the boiler and advised not to use :)

If you issue a warning notice for a boiler you have just installed its really not going to look good, I cant imagine anyone doing that.
Put it down to experience and bill them for the gas pipe, slate and trv,s.
Next time a customer seems peeved, ask them what's up, talk it through. It can save a lot of hassle and you can re assure them, or pack up your gear and go before your to far in.
As far as the flue goes, you won't do it again.

The flue was a right royal f up I read the wrong point in the book and was under pressure due to the roofer time ect I thought I was right be realised after he had finished then the f up list was growing and I was far to deep I do a check list on every job before I commission and I said I need to get some flue bits and my roofers on his way and she exploded
I f1@/73/ up big style I no I do but was sorting it out never had so many problems from one job I called a mate to help as I was sinking and he helped me but they thought I didn't no what I was doing they were quibbling the price all week and then said it was to much after agreeing and signing. I was going to do it for the materials because of the faults but nightmare

They sound like awful people mate. Probably best to just get what money you can and right it off as an experience :)

i once had to fetch a bloke in to help me change a pump, I couldn't undo the pump nuts because I had a bad shoulder.

When the bloke came to help me, the customer refused to let me continue because he said I didn't know what I was doing :-(

some people are toss pieces mate and just like to be awkward.
Some days you're the pigeon, some days you're the statue.

You just have to suck it up, put right what you can, learn whatever lessons there are to learn and move on.
If you issue a warning notice for a boiler you have just installed its really not going to look good, I cant imagine anyone doing that.

If its dangerous then you haven't got a choice though have you.

You're right, it doesn't look good, but the rules are the rules.

Id write up any piece of paperwork, no matter how stupid I felt or looked, just to cover my backside.
If you issue a warning notice for a boiler you have just installed its really not going to look good, I cant imagine anyone doing that.

I issued a uncommisioned ticket be she refused to sign. I left the fuse out and the boiler isolated but I dont no who's been there over the weekend
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I issued a uncommisioned ticket be she refused to sign. I left the fuse out and the boiler isolated but I do no who's been there over the weekend

If she refuses to sign then that her problem, as long as you log on the paperwork that she refused and kept your copy then your arse is covered.
If materials are fitted as per quotation then at least they have to cover the materials .if however they have a genuine grievance with your work then that's another matter . Tell them the materials are non refundable and that that has to be paid as a minimum . Labour wise they are supposed to offer you a chance to repair the mistakes however I think you have a messy ones here ,get you terms out if I was you.
I am not a lawyer, but to the best of my understanding, the way the law stands: ''If a work man does work for you and you are not satisfied, you still have to pay them and give them the opportunity to put it right''.

OK, may be I have over elaborated on the work done and you are not satisfied?
Erm, in this case, the customer may claim that the work was not done as you did not commission the boiler and you pointed that the flue had been fitted wrong? The truth of the matter is that you recognised part of the installation was wrong and kindly pointed this out to the customer. The customer should have given you the opportunity to remedy the situation, appreciate your honesty and consideration for her and her families safety and paid you with a smile.

Why has she decided to get a family member to finish off the job? Considering she had access to a family member who is Gas Safe, why did she not get them to do the job in the first place?

On a final note, I am sorry to say your missus is RIGHT. You should have taken a deposit at the very least. I always make sure all materials are paid for in advance of work being done. Especially boilers, bathrooms, etc. If the customer is going to ''steal'' from me, let it just be my labour.
From the looks of things, this customer is going to get you well stressed. Bad news is, your missus will just compound your bad luck. I hope it gets sorted, but from the looks of things, you may be looking at taking her to Small Claims Court. GOOD LUCK BUDDY, I really hope she backs down and pays for materials and some labour, at least
They sound like awful people mate. Probably best to just get what money you can and right it off as an experience :)

i once had to fetch a bloke in to help me change a pump, I couldn't undo the pump nuts because I had a bad shoulder.

When the bloke came to help me, the customer refused to let me continue because he said I didn't know what I was doing :-(

some people are toss pieces mate and just like to be awkward.

The customers don't sound like the best, but look at it from their point of view and imagine being in their shoes.

There are problems from day one on the job,
The heating then doesn't work and someone else has to come along.
Then after the install is supposedly finished, they get told its been fitted wrong and it needs altering.
I am also guessing it has taken longer than they expected due to these circumstances.

Now this is not meant to be a pop at PJF at all, but maybe it will help it look at it from a different perspective and then help him with dealing with the customers.

If this happened to me in my house, I would assume the tradesman was incompetent (not saying you are, you seem to know what you are talking about from what I have seen on here) and I would most definitely not being paying in full. I would also be looking to get the work checked over and any alterations done by someone else and deducted from the bill for the original install.

Now this may be difficult but you need to grovel and offer to put right at your expense and then offer a discount on the job for the inconvenience caused, this is what I would do. We all have nightmares at work and make mistakes which ultimately cost us money, be it an incorrect diagnosis of a boiler fault, having a leak or managing to damage the customers property. It is how you deal with the customer and situation that counts.
I have read this epic - and certainly you are at fault - but hey !
we all make mistakes I did when I was young and silly. No ones dead !

Now the SERIOUS STUFF money - you are owed some but not all
I would bite the bullet go back talk and get some money out of them
OTHERWISE you might get zero. the materials are due and some of the
labour but not all -

Just go back and make deal - and get it sorted centralheatking
I would also be concerned about a possible counter charge I agree with chk over the lab our try get some of you can
The customers don't sound like the best, but look at it from their point of view and imagine being in their shoes.

There are problems from day one on the job,
The heating then doesn't work and someone else has to come along.
Then after the install is supposedly finished, they get told its been fitted wrong and it needs altering.
I am also guessing it has taken longer than they expected due to these circumstances.

Now this is not meant to be a pop at PJF at all, but maybe it will help it look at it from a different perspective and then help him with dealing with the customers.

If this happened to me in my house, I would assume the tradesman was incompetent (not saying you are, you seem to know what you are talking about from what I have seen on here) and I would most definitely not being paying in full. I would also be looking to get the work checked over and any alterations done by someone else and deducted from the bill for the original install.

Now this may be difficult but you need to grovel and offer to put right at your expense and then offer a discount on the job for the inconvenience caused, this is what I would do. We all have nightmares at work and make mistakes which ultimately cost us money, be it an incorrect diagnosis of a boiler fault, having a leak or managing to damage the customers property. It is how you deal with the customer and situation that counts.

Many thanks !! The worst part is they are having the boiler changed !!! Not all the problems were mine but I dropped the ball and dealt with them then I walked into a landmine and I'm hurting
It's certainly been a bum year for you so far dude but you have to at least save some face and cash on the job. :)
Tbh I would be happy with the boiler back nothing else money labour nothing just to put this one behind me
You'll get through this and crack onto the next job,the other downside to these type of problems is that this crust will probably tell half a dozen of her friends.
Was the job started on a hand shake or did you give them a written quote. because usually if it hasn't been commissioned ie not finished all sorts of problems can arise until final commission. and all parts supplied like trvs, lead slate even tube aren't the customers property until full payment. if you could prove somehow you had left it off ie un commisioned you might have a leg to stand on.
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