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sad face today

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lame plumber

Popped back to see the plastic surgeon after my ct scan last week. He took ages running over our previous conversation before putting up the ct scans on his screen. " remember I mentioned that black line could be a fracture" he goes," well now we can see that your wrist can only really be described as a car crash!"

"Oh, don't hold back I said" is there any sight of a good prognosis out there, you know glue the fragments of my lutenate together? or pop in a nylon/silicone replacement, screw the remainder together if you must?"

Big pause and sucking of teeth (I swear he was a plumber in his previous existence) "er nope to all of those goes he, cant glue or repair bits as they are mashed up somewhat, spare part replacement wont work, as more risk of infection and that bone is one of the few not held in place by tendons so anything wrong and your old wrist collapses. As for the tie em all together, no can, but if it starts to really hurt we can do a 70/70 op. Take out the beggared bit and 2 bones either side, shorten the wrist and fuse it all together, gives 70% movement and 70% less pain. Hows about a steroid jab to reduce the inflammation for now? it does help and the anesthetic helps along with the steroid which starts working after a week."

Being an optimist, I think, it could be worse, the big C, currently the love of my life still works, and the Mrs might be more sympathetic now :), apparently, using a 6 inch core drill and my ddm2 wasn't a really good idea last week, bits may fall off quicker. So steroid shot, yeah go for it, big brave thing me, anyway if I chicken out over the next week I can cancel and they do numb it first:)

Silly old lame, this doc is keen to please, "shirt off he goes"............................ " bugger" says I, Nursey now asks if I have any issues, "apart from needle phobia" says I "No, but taking blood makes me go to sleep quite quickly sometimes!!!"

"Lie down there she says, pillow my luv? all friendly like, as dear old doc appears with that syringe and needle!!!!!! Sod the needle it was the size of the syringe that put the fear of God up me. At this point being shagged by a load of dykes with strap ons would have been preferable in my mind. So I asked " no one has mentioned it may sting a bit, or it wont take long or you'll not notice anything." So at least nursey was honest as she grabbed my right hand and whipped my head over to her side saying " squeeze my hand, I dont mind" and to top it off, "sorry on all three, it will, takes ages, and sorry, you will"

"And relax" goes the doc pushing it right into the what seemed like the shattered lutenate itself, as bits were definitely grating, so being a brave bunny I let my legs twitch, toes curl, grip in the other hand go to max, tears do stream down your face, you do develop a sudden severe sweating of the brow and I counted from one thousand to 29 thousand fairly slowly but jerkily before doc went, " there you are, all done, got to say I dont like needles either, and thats probably one of the worst to have!!!!!!!!!!!!!" What about the local numbing jab first I asked, oops he goes no the local is in with the steroid to stop it hurting so much, you wouldnt want 2 shots, I would never get you back on the bed after the first!

So I asked 5 minutes later, once I got the eyeballs focusing properly... how long does that stay off the pain? weeeell he says, anything from a week to months or even a year. Upto you if you need more jabs!

Isnt life great, you spend 12 -14 months telling your doc your wrist is/feels broken, which they ignore and by the time you kick off, its too late and there is no hope of a simple repair. Not complaining about my surgeon, he is actually honest and great to speak to and understand all the issues and within the limits of the NHS got me checked, scanned and diagnosed v quickly, its the idiot gps who dont work weekends, you never see the same one and the fact they dont listen!!! An early diagnosis would have saved the wrist and probly kept it 98% functional without pain. Only good thing to come out of this is my nipper is very experienced in medical negligence suits against the NHS, so I may get some comeback on the fact its likely, that in a few years time (more I hope) I lose the use of my hand.

So my little friends, dont take no for an answer, if it hurts moan groan and kick bum, or you may be too late, ours isnt an easy industry to work in and health is an essential part of the job. Currently Lame is continuing as ever, but may sub out the core drilling as required :)
****,thats taking the urine,loss of your hand means loss of your career,as i am sure you know john,you need to sue the **** out of them
getting even isnt the be all and end all, but in the long term it may happen in order to get some money to cover the inability to work. Got to keep the silver lining aspect, not dead, not cancer but not nice, others are worse off. Will get to see the Mrs more though,,,,,,,, bugger getting onto the nipper asap :)

So fellow peeps, I aim to keep going, pain can be resolved its the inability over time to use the hand that bugs me, I have got used to it being available for work 24/7
Sorry to hear you have problems with your arm Lame. Hope it gets sorted out. What thread is it? I'd like to nose at it.
Last week, a boiler fell on my right wrist. The wrist is all ballooned up. Saw GP yesterday who requested an xray with immediate effect? I'm yet to go and have the xray done. The missus has her work cut out with massaging the wrist now.
Sorry to hear you have problems with your arm Lame. Hope it gets sorted out. What thread is it? I'd like to nose at it.
Last week, a boiler fell on my right wrist. The wrist is all ballooned up. Saw GP yesterday who requested an xray with immediate effect? I'm yet to go and have the xray done. The missus has her work cut out with massaging the wrist now.

its out there somewhere, pics n all, god knows where though

good news ??????? getting my van back tomorrow, been painted a bit more and blended in now they say :) pity wrists dont take 3 weeks to redo :)
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Sorry about your problems, just been watching the news about the boy in the states who has just had a 2 new hands transplant op, and already starting to move his fingers, so just shows what can be done.
Glad you're staying positive Jon. Hope it heals better than the doc expects..
Damn thats not good...
Hope this gets sorted

But now gonna get a 3 foot scaffy bar on my core drill instead of the 12 inch side handle !
I have a similar problem with my wrist. Old scaphoid fracture I didn't know about healed all wrong as arthritic. Hurts like bugger using impact driver and core drilling. Went to the docs who did key hole surgery and said all he can suggest is a 4 corner fusion so I will be able to move my wrist left and right but not up and down. I said stuff that and now just wear a wrist support when I remember. Had the steroid injection but didn't really work.

A guy on here called clarky had the part fusion and he is doing well
Real sorry to hear of your woe, it`s all a bit of a lottery isn`t it? So much depends on where you live and which doc you get to see first.

Wasn`t there a guy on the forum down your way looking for work a couple of months back perhaps he would help you out as and when required.
Really sorry about the news lame. How will this affect the lifeboat work you do?

On a side note great to see you back RPM I've missed ya mate!
Yeah had a part fusion 2 years back now on my dominant wrist & no pain now does affect the work side a bit but I've learnt to cope with that plus it's a great get out clause when I don't fancy the wrist went late January, operation June back to work September....good luck lame....
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I have a similar problem with my wrist. Old scaphoid fracture I didn't know about healed all wrong as arthritic. Hurts like bugger using impact driver and core drilling. Went to the docs who did key hole surgery and said all he can suggest is a 4 corner fusion so I will be able to move my wrist left and right but not up and down. I said stuff that and now just wear a wrist support when I remember. Had the steroid injection but didn't really work.

A guy on here called clarky had the part fusion and he is doing well

now you tell

i think i have the same problem as you mutts' bust it at 15 playing basketball.

that kid in states lame, ... what you moaning brave kid! if he can get 2 new hands and they cant sort one little bone?wtf?
I had a steroid injection in the wrist and i've got to say, it got my full attention after the consultant said" little scratch". It worked well for me and still reasonably pain free six weeks on.
just seen the lad in the states, thats one to far for me! the idea of whipping bits out and fusion will appeal in years to come. But woke up today and no pain for first time in months, being a pratt off I went and overdid it, two services and then a lifeboat shout, bit short of crew only 4 available for the big boat, 2 for the rubber duck so they took a probationer lad (big grin on his face). the coast guard assumed the inshore boat would reach the two drowning kyakers first, funny to inform them that we were there first waiting for them. As it was the helicopter had found the two of them onshore as they had been virtually thrown back on land in the swell, luckily for them. their kyack was on another beach which we recovered and took back with us, might get a donation now when they collect it later on. My only cock up was not to use the bleedin seat belts, 32 knots in 3m seas equals flying lessons in your seat :)
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