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Looking for Business partner/s

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Hi All

I have been let down by a family member who is a qualified plumber and has over 17 years of experience in this profession. He is working for a hotel and doing some freelance work. I always encouraged him to own his business and I will be very willing to partner with him. I am a business analyst and very business oriented guy. All I needed him to do was the plumber jobs and I will take care of the rest (business plan, branding, logo, company set up, advertising strategy and execution, all the set up of company, web site design, van branding, admin and accountancy etc etc etc).

He was very keen initially so I put a lot of effort with my wife to do all of the above, but when it came to the crunch time (to start operating and for him to give up his job), the person let me down big time.

I was gutted, but thinking about it further I think it was for the best, since I was after someone who is as committed, ambitious and motivated as I am.

I have done a lot of research and am sure of my business idea and concept. So what I am looking for is a business partner/s who have experience and qualification in the plumbing trade. It may apply to you, you might be someone who is tired of working for others and now is the time to own your business and work for yourself and own future.

My plan is to start small and on a target area and customers and then grow as per the business plan. I can lead most of the work that I have outline above, my wife who is currently off work will cover all the admin and customer service work.

Please drop me a line if you are seriously interested and would like to discuss this further. I am based in London (Camden/Islington area) and would ideally want someone who is from London, but please don’t be discouraged to contact me if you aren’t from London.

Cheers and peace

Dolphin Plumbers
For those with strong views on the logo, do you have any suggestions on how I cam improve on the name and logo, what is your company name and logo like. I mean you are the experts in the business and know what works and what doesn't and that is why I am here to seek your help. Cheers
Basil Brush Gas Services, tagline: BOOM BOOM!
Honestly, the cartoon dolphin looks like it came out of microsoft paint clip art circa 1990. If you're dead set on dolphin (would honestly rethink) you need to get a designer to knock up something classy
For those with strong views on the logo, do you have any suggestions on how I cam improve on the name and logo, what is your company name and logo like. I mean you are the experts in the business and know what works and what doesn't and that is why I am here to seek your help. Cheers
i like you, your concept and your avatar.....but who am i.....well i'm a fully qualified, by that i mean down the apprentice route ,not fast tracked....and not your man as i'm too far away and happily self employed
Not a good business plan at all in my opinion.

Most plumbing businesses grow in the same way.

You have a one man band, and that bloke is great on the tools, reliable and personable with customers. He gets too busy so calls in some help, and employs another bloke. Then rinse and repeat and before you know it you have the magical 5-1 ratio where you can support a full time admin position.

You are trying to start a business with two people off the tools and one person doing all the manual graft. If they have their head screwed on, they'll soon see that they're a glorified employee on a crap wage!
re the avatar

where did you find it cos im damn sure you didnt design it there was a member here using the same one a year or two back
nothing wrong with dolphin plumbing if you dont mind being connected to a bathroom company that had a bad name for service and quality and went to the wall a couple of years ago
I will not be 'damn sure' if I were you. The dolphin concept was triggered my head from a similar concept that we have in our current company ('dolphin behavior - to be friendly and helpful etc etc). I have the first comical sketch that I did and that of my wife who is far better artist than I, but even that didn't stop the logo designer (my cousin) to laugh at it. It took 15 different versions to come to this final one. I never before have come to this site as you might figure that out by now.
Thanks for the advice, please note that my role and my wife's would have been Marketing-Business Development (finding customers, clients and contracts), all the admin work etc - All for nothing! Our aim was not short term but to get the business grow and look for profits 3 years down the line.

I really appreciate some of the views and advice, some not so helpful and relevant though.
Would I be wrong to assume that the majority here are one man band relying on 'word of mouth' with no plan and/ strategy as to how to be somewhere in the future where you will have a teams of plumbers who will work for you. I am sure they all dream of that, but what are they doing to get them there, word of mouth?!

Some may call me unrealistic but how different is the plumbing business from other service delivery business to grow?

Yes i think it looks a bit fishy:41:

I see, that explains why Churchill Insurance is going bust because they are using a silly dog for their Logo and adverts, the same is true for Gocompare and , right? NO!

These guys are not silly to spend millions on branding and advertisements on silly and stupid concepts.
Think of it this way, I have a dozen vans branded with my Dolphin logs going up and down London vs Steve’s Plumbing vans. The questions is who people will notice and remember?

If you are willing to sit back and not take anything for a while, then you may have a shot at it.

I still think you need to think about taking on a complete stranger, outsiders to the industry seem to think plumbing is and I quote "not difficult, its just joining pipes together" there is far more to it that and at the moment it seems for every 1 good plumber, there are 2-3 cowboys!!

Good luck, I wish you all the best!
I have the first comical sketch that I did and that of my wife who is far better artist than I...

Royalty Free Dolphin Stock Logo Designs

I will not be 'damn sure' if I were you. The dolphin concept was triggered my head from a similar concept that we have in our current company ('dolphin behavior - to be friendly and helpful etc etc). I have the first comical sketch that I did and that of my wife who is far better artist than I, but even that didn't stop the logo designer (my cousin) to laugh at it. It took 15 different versions to come to this final one. I never before have come to this site as you might figure that out by now.

Really? betcha don't come back lol

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
I have a dozen vans branded with my Dolphin logs going up and down London vs Steve’s Plumbing vans. The questions is who people will notice and remember?

Steve's vans is the answer, cos your vans are in your dreams.
Originally Posted by dophinplumbers

I have a dozen vans branded with my Dolphin logs going up and down London vs Steve’s Plumbing vans. The questions is who people will notice and remember?

Read more:

steves. He's tried and tested. I see dozens of different plumbing and heating vans on a daily basis and can honestly say that with that logo yours wouldn't stick in the memory for long.

Well theres a surfboard, some kind of palm tree, clouds, sunset, different colour dolphin, a lot of differences really....

A dolphin looks like a dolphin, you cant complain about a similar looking drawing because it actully looks like a dolphin?? Why does that matter?

I dont know who you are, even if this is a joke post as some are predicting, but as long as your committed to the company and workmanship is of fine quality, then good luck to u!!
I see, that explains why Churchill Insurance is going bust because they are using a silly dog for their Logo and adverts, the same is true for Gocompare and , right? NO!

These guys are not silly to spend millions on branding and advertisements on silly and stupid concepts.
Think of it this way, I have a dozen vans branded with my Dolphin logs going up and down London vs Steve’s Plumbing vans. The questions is who people will notice and remember?

Agreed, but let's hope they remember the signage for the right reasons.
Top search result when I google is this thread.
Well this guys marketing is already quite successful, people are discussing his branding nationally...
Really? betcha don't come back lol

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

Why will that be, what will that say about this forum and the people like you in it? I am not here looking for sharks and cowboys that you might be a good example of. I was here to looking for honest, helpful, fair and friendly plumbers (dolphin like) that migh have interest iin my idea. I think there is place for dolphin plumbers in the market as it is washed with cowboys and sharks! I wont be needing your opion or advice by the way, so please don't bother the effert of typing anything.

Why will that be, what will that say about this forum and the people like you in it? I am not here looking for sharks and cowboys that you might be a good example of. I was here to looking for honest, helpful, fair and friendly plumbers (dolphin like) that migh have interest iin my idea. I think there is place for dolphin plumbers in the market as it is washed with cowboys and sharks! I wont be needing your opion or advice by the way, so please don't bother the effert of typing anything.


Cos you are more than likely a troll.
For me you lost all credibility when you told porkies about the logo. As soon as i get the time I'll show everyone the members avatar the same as your 'original'

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
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