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you are flipping kidding me

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She should be sent over to Poland on a worker exchange scheme.

Her and her kind are lazy good for nothing scroungers and should get no benefits at all if they refuse to work.
I hope it was a tasty sandwich :)

People don't know what the word 'work' means :(
when I started as a plumber, I was gettin £3.50 an hour, up at half 5am, home at 6pm if I was lucky the traffic was good in london, all for £28 quid a day... And that's before I was taxed!
Ordinarily i'd be the first to string up a scrounger but reading about this girl I think she's getting a bum deal.

She's been to uni and got a degree in geology. There's plenty of tabloid inches devoted to how the education system has been dumbed down but the thought of writing a dissertation on a science subject fills me with dread. I'm sure it's not easy and takes no small amount of self motivation to complete a science degree no matter what anyone says.
She worked part time in a ****ty job through college and uni so I don't think she needs a lesson in hard work either.

Also couldn't they find something more relevant for a young, intelligent science graduate than working in funking poundland of all places?

The government keeps bleating about how we as a nation fall behind in the sciences and encourage youngsters to get an ology. This girl has done just that but has fallen foul of a recession that was none of her making. I think we should be more disgusted that a well educated young person is in the situation in the first place.
beggers cant be choosers though mate. in my life ive had many a jobs from pot washing to the dizzy heights of plumber. if she wants money it shouldnt matter the job.

too many are relying on handouts from the government.

imho they shouldnt give them money for food the should get stamps.

think ive told this story before but a few year back i was stood in a que at the post office there were 3 girls early 20s , when one of them said to the other ill give you that tenner back when i get my money in a minute. the conversation went shed borrowed the money to get milk for her baby cos she used her last tenner putting credit on her phone.

drifted off but you get the gisst , theres no proud in british no more am afriad
Myself i think folk on welfare should be paid in ration stamps not money! Even better why not have those who can at least earn their keep clearing ice in winter and gritting the streets. Cutting the grass for old folks in their neighbourhood or picking up litter!!! I certainly wouldn't like to be doing nothing for a living and getting paid for it! We're now into 3rd, even 4th generations of family members living on welfare! Surely as a country we can better treat our unemployed than to allow them to sit back and do nothing? :)
I hope it was a tasty sandwich :)

People don't know what the word 'work' means :(
when I started as a plumber, I was gettin £3.50 an hour, up at half 5am, home at 6pm if I was lucky the traffic was good in london, all for £28 quid a day... And that's before I was taxed!

It was. Morrisons seafood sandwich filler on brown bread :)

Continuing with the brown bread theme, imagine the 'hovis' theme playing. When I took my o'levels I was doing 42 hrs a week in a chippy for the princely sum of £54.
I don't like to see scroungers or people who don't work and stay on benefits as much as you guys. If these guys are offered a job they should take it. Surely something is better than nothing.

Having said that I think some of the big companies are taking advantage of this scheme and others.

With this scheme they get free labour for nothing (putting someone else out of a paid job), making them more profit.

By calling a regular shelf stacking/call centre job a 'Apprenticeship' they get to pay lower wages (£2p/h) and get extra funding from the government for starting an 'Apprenticeship'.

I agree with some of the comments above that they should get stamps, do community work...etc.
Started my apprenticeship on £50 a week after a year it went up to £75 a week, third year £4.05 an hour! Some people don't know they are born and think everything is handed out on a silver platter.

Food coupons is a good idea, i've said it for ages (alcohol and ciggy's not included) people will get around it but at least it's sending a message out that the money is to survive, not to live of on a permenent basis
Community work is fine in my book. There's plenty to be done, I don't see why we're providing free labour to employers of low paid workers. If they need extra staff they should hire. As it stands they don't need to because they are being fed a steady stream of desperate people.
This girl though had apparently found something more befitting her talents and qualifications but because the company wasn't part of this back to work scheme she was told she'd have her benefits stopped.
That placement could have led to a high earning position which would mean a higher income tax revenue and someone off the dole queue.

Also, The Sun.
They should and can, set up a system where by, rather than working for free, they enforce the position on you, otherwise you lose benefits and the company you work for pay you say minimum wage. At the end of the trial, the company can offer you a full time and you can leave if your not happy. If you don;t turn in to work, you don't get paid as you have to sign off n that period, and leaving by your own accord means you don;t get paid for however long it is. if people don't like it tough. That's the real world for you so you better get used to it.

I think a lot of people would probably realise they end up with more money in their pockets at the end of the week.
my mates been on the dole now for quite some time and has turned into a right scrounger, always asking not giving. It actually costs me money to hang about with him, ended up losing it at the weekend and telling him what i thought, i'm not a tight person or anything i dont mind giving but only if it goes both ways
my best mate and i kid you not gets a fiver a day pocket money , but when we go fol a pint hell always buy the first then i get 2,3 i dont mind cos hes a fully qualified spark and comes to any job i ask him to if i need him
my mates been on the dole now for quite some time and has turned into a right scrounger, always asking not giving. It actually costs me money to hang about with him, ended up losing it at the weekend and telling him what i thought, i'm not a tight person or anything i dont mind giving but only if it goes both ways

maybe thats were the phone calls are coming from !!
Myself i think folk on welfare should be paid in ration stamps not money! :)

wouldn't make much difference, the smack 'eds round here are often in the local corner shops exchanging kiddies milk vouchers for **** and booze. if the shops didn't swap them they would stand outside and trade with the punters
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