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AUS work in australia

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Plumbers Arms member
Hi, Can anyone give me any info on the work situation in oz at present. I read the post recently saying work was limited at the moment. The wife is looking into her job situation but wants to know whats on offer for me. I heard level 3 is minimum and that nvq is not recognised over there is this the case? Any help on this please
i don't know if it's true or not but i have heard that you have to retrain to their standards and work under someone for several years before you can go out on your own. others will be along sooner or later who probably know more.
You have to submit all your papers and forms with ££££ (£600 when I looked), then if that's accepted you apply for a skills assesment through VETASSES with £££££ (£1600), then you fill in your visa. Except I don't think that plumbing is now on the occupations in demand list. If that's all approved you move to oz with a provisional plumbing license which allows you to work supervised. That's when you find your quals aren't worth the paper that they are printed on and have to go to TAFE (college) to upgrade before you can get your full plumbing license. Also if you want to go self employed you have to go to TAFE and take contracting qualifications. Then treat yourself to a new shovel because you'll use it a lot and work on your silver solder technique.
a few trs ago a gaffer of mine left for australia,he had plenty of cash to back him and was well organised, he opened a chippy to finace them while he went to college to get upgraded, and he was a twchnician plumber from old school, he knew what he was going to and was well organised with a sponsor etc, he loves it
Mate of mine went to Canada, he says it took him about 2 years to adjust. He totally loves it over there. Earns well and lives well.

Good luck to him. I'm too entrenched in this country to up sticks now.
That looks seriously nice benny.

My mate (Al) is really into this cayaking (think I spelt it right). On rapids.

He's nuts if I'm honest. He broke his back paddling off a water fall....fully recovered now.

He says there are fantastic rivers where he now lives and basically he'll never come back. I've seen the photos on Facebook and it looks beautiful.
Just grabbed these from face book. You can see why he broke his back (wasn't this photo, but his mate did capture the whole thing on film) and why he loves it so much.

Bit jealous but wish him well. Looks amazing.
You have to submit all your papers and forms with ££££ (£600 when I looked), then if that's accepted you apply for a skills assesment through VETASSES with £££££ (£1600), then you fill in your visa. Except I don't think that plumbing is now on the occupations in demand list. If that's all approved you move to oz with a provisional plumbing license which allows you to work supervised. That's when you find your quals aren't worth the paper that they are printed on and have to go to TAFE (college) to upgrade before you can get your full plumbing license. Also if you want to go self employed you have to go to TAFE and take contracting qualifications. Then treat yourself to a new shovel because you'll use it a lot and work on your silver solder technique.

Silver solder?

I am here:
just took a closer look at the waterfall pic - wtf!? what a 'eadbanger!!!

All sounds nice when your young. But you do get old you know, and these places are not as comfortable to live in having to pay for everything when your old.

Okay if you like sport, sun and the outdoors. Ask yourself why the likes of Germane Greer, Clive James, Rolf Harris, Jason Donavon, Kylie Minogue all live here?
Simple there is nothing much to do in Oz it seems if you do not like sun and the outdoors.

I think Canada is a bit better, but it is so cold, big and expensive. The UK is not perfect by any means but at least you can usually get the basics over here. And for Plumbers its all licences and expense. In other words you have to pay out a fortune just to go to work. I thought the idea of work was to go and earn money if you had little not have to find it to pay out so you can go to work?

The world demand for minerals usually China and Japan is basically what is keeping Oz going at the moment. Lets be honest when did you last buy anything made in Oz?

If that demand drops so will the Oz economy probably and you will be out of work. Will sun and the outdoors be enough then? So if you do go, do not give up UK citizenship so you can come back as you get older.
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my mrs fancies oz. I never have fancied it - just the thought of crawling about under floors fittiing pipes with spiders the size of dustbin lids. not my cup of tea. probably misinformed, but it makes me feel better about barbequeing in the rain.
I fancy New Zealand myself - but cant guarantee getting plumbing work at the mo.
i know of a few geezers who've gone out to nz only to come back. don't think it's all it's cracked up to be over there. hard to get a start, and from what i gather, the trades weren't too keen on immigrants
I have a custard who sold up and emigrated to oz with the family then came back to uk cos they didn't like the television programs.
Go figure as the yanks say!
A Plumber mate of mine emigrated and came back. He told us he eventually got a a house and on the first day or so, his wife came screaming about a huge spider in one of the rooms. So he ran in and chased it out.

His neighbours said "You should not have done that, its harmless and it eats all the other spiders!"

Its the likes of the tunnel web spiders I don't like the sound of. They wait in the bog and bite your bum injecting all kinds of poison into you.

Also if you go for a swim off Blackpool or Brighton you are hardly likely to get eaten by a great white are you? Poisoned maybe? But not eaten.
my mates are over there and love it, thinking of going start of 2013 for a year or 2 work visa, just for the experience after all i'm young and don't want to regret it when i'm older. I heard they are not keen on immigrants either :p
My mate broke his back years ago, before he emmigrated. Yeah he is a nutter. He's fully recovered now, and is back doing exactly the same thing that broke it in the first place. So yeah, he's a nut case. He is in Alberta I think. You know your geography!
i know of a few geezers who've gone out to nz only to come back. don't think it's all it's cracked up to be over there. hard to get a start, and from what i gather, the trades weren't too keen on immigrants

I know a sparks in NZ. He's doing really well but I do know that it's not all that easy to start off, especially plumbing. However the way of life there suits me perfectly so hopefully one day I'll make it.
i know a spark who is retraining over there, i dont think to retrain takes that long, some people have told me only a couple of months, I don't know if its plumbing i would like to get into though thinking HVAC work
i have done the visa assessment and qualify for 3 different visas with my SVQ3
I also have a mate (best mate actually) who moved to NZ. He's not a plumber, he's civil servant!! He loves it. When I chat to him on Skype I can here the ferries coming into the port behind him, and he can go up into the mountains to snow board ect. Loves it. Though says he will come back to the UK in a year or two as there's not enough going on.

Another mate (before it gets mentioned) moved to the US. He married an american girl. The wedding was in New York, it was brilliant. Anyway, he loves the states....and has been home once in three years. He aint a plumber either! Just my mate in Canada.

So it is possible to make a living abroad, three of my close mates have done it! Also got mates who've moved to Dubai and France.

I loved America. Very cool place, but that's on holiday.
Thanks guys for your input, The wifes brothers out in brisbane and lovin it took him 2yrs to find permanent work though
not in trades just general work but they look after there own citizens first. He say theres lots of work for plumbers but its a very big step at 44 with a family to think off, I wont get a better job than the one i have now but the lifestyle looks to be more relaxed mind you i finish at 3.30 every day now!!
I also have a mate (best mate actually) who moved to NZ. He's not a plumber, he's civil servant!! He loves it. When I chat to him on Skype I can here the ferries coming into the port behind him, and he can go up into the mountains to snow board ect. Loves it. Though says he will come back to the UK in a year or two as there's not enough going on.

Another mate (before it gets mentioned) moved to the US. He married an american girl. The wedding was in New York, it was brilliant. Anyway, he loves the states....and has been home once in three years. He aint a plumber either! Just my mate in Canada.

So it is possible to make a living abroad, three of my close mates have done it! Also got mates who've moved to Dubai and France.

I loved America. Very cool place, but that's on holiday.

Danny i think you should have a serious think about the way you treat your mates, i mean most of us know some ONE who has moved away but you..................................
Our son went to Sydney on a one year work visa.he arrived on a wed.Got a job on Thurs. with a Plumbing company in Sydney he starts at 5 am but likes it so far, he is there 4 weeks.
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