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Warmflow 70/90 hot water problems

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I have a Warmflow 70/90 combi boiler that is about 5 years old, it has never really worked very well due to the cowboys who installed it, I think most of the replaceable parts have been replaced already at least once! The heating works fine (at the moment) but the hot water is pathetic. I can get about half a washing up bowl of warm water before it goes tepid. The Warmflow service line suggested replacing the mixer valve, which we have done but it has made no difference. When our Oftec engineer rang the helpline again and said I couldn't run a bath for my toddler they said " we wouldn't expect you get a bath full of water from this boiler" but I don't need a full bath, just a few inches for my little boy!!! (Though a full bath would be nice too). I've seen a similar post started by Devil in August 2010 but wondered if anyone else had any other ideas? Thanks.
Thanks, will mention that the the engineer. If anyone else has any ideas I'd be glad to hear them too :)
Thanks again.
There are lots of threads on these boilers unless you get an engineer who understands these boilers you will be struggling. One regular problem with these is the flexy hoses block and the plastic check valves in the pumps pack up , it will be very difficult to diagnose without being there and checking it through thoroughly.what part of the country are you in.
Basically the warmflow combi is a poor unit. Don't mind warmflow for heat only, but not combi. imho
Our plumber is currently as I type working on the same boiler for the same problem. Our problem has been on going since November you can check out my previous threads.
Our plumber is currently as I type working on the same boiler for the same problem. Our problem has been on going since November you can check out my previous threads.

Instead of typing here, shouldn't you be busy making him cups of coffee/tea, a homemade cake, etc, etc in the hopes of reducing the bill?

Ha ha ha I just asked him to check the flexi hoses and he found them full of rust :winkiss: I have made him tea and offered him a sandwich but he only wanted tea bless him.
Yay result after months and 3 plumbers we have hot water and central heating (fingers crossed) it was the flexible hoses, our plumber rang Warmflow who told him it would be the hoses but he was sceptical until I told him my friends:17: on the plumbing forum said the same thing so he took them off and poked some pipe down them and big lumps of rust came out he then flushed them out with water and all gunge came out, he then re fitted them and everything is working, I am not sure if it will stay working as some of you have said the inside of the hose breaks down so I do wonder if we will have to have them replaced but at the moment it is working. I will copy and paste this to the original thread I started and also onto the thread I joined in on so apologies to anyone who reads this twice, also many many thanks for those of you lovely plumbers who took the time to reply and advise.
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Thanks guys, I'm in Hartlepool if anyone knows anyone round here who knows about these boilers. Our guy is great, but hasn't come across many warmflow boilers (lucky chap). We're contemplating replacing it in the summer, can't face another winter without baths! Any suggestions, it'll probably have to be another combi I'm afraid as we don't have space for a tank any more. I'm considering trying to get gas installed, some people in our street already have it apparently, didn't realise that last time otherwise I'd have gone for gas then! Never mind, lesson learned...
$0 minutes from me, too far.
Get a price from Northern Gas Networks for your gas line to be installed, won't be cheap though. Costs you nowt for em to look and quote though.
Has he looked at the flexible hoses librarycat ? Our water is perfect now and we can have baths. Although still prefer showers.:yes:
I remember from a past job that Hartlepool has extremely hard water. Is the heat exchanger in need of descaling?

Is the flow switch working?

If it is the sort with a diverter valve, is the diverter valve working properly?
Ours checked all that Whpes and it was just the flexible hoses blocked with lumps of rust !!!!! Apparently as I was told on my post about this they break down inside and block up causing ho****er problems etc.
We do have extremely hard water but we did have a water softener put it when it was installed. Our heating guy says he can't do the hoses or de-gunk the heat exchanger so I'm trying to find someone who can. Luckily we have an electric shower so we're not completely stuck!
Thanks Rozie, will try that. Have realised now that the reason we're not getting hot water is possibly because it's all going into the radiator in my son's bedroom! Went in to check on him the other night before I went to bed and it was roasting in there, couldn't touch the radiator it was so hot, and the heating had been off for well over an hour but the water was still on, so it must be going the wrong way! Aaaggghhhhh....
These boilers dont have diverter valves they use a twin pump system. If the water is as you say going the wrong way it would need to be checked and if that is the case there are check valves in the pump outlets, these break down as well as the flexible hoses.They only allow the water to run one way.
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