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Legionnaires' disease

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My Australian mother-in-law has asked me if she should be concerned about Legionnaires' disease in her system after the recent floods. My understanding would be that if it's a sealed system, then no. if it's an indirect system, then is there any reason to be concerned? thanks
Shouldn't be a problem .. but if she is concerned then tell her to turn up the thermostat to 80+ (if possible)for half a day then run all the HW taps & Shower .. They have temperature limiters on more modern homes but that procedure should at least sanitise the majorty of the system .. tell her to be sure to turn it back down to 60!!
Legionella is water borne in almost all natural sources I.e ponds, lakes, rivers etc so it is a big possibility on an indirect system if the flood water has reached the cold water tanks etc. A hot water system can be pasteurised for 1 hour at 70 degrees, and run taps and showers, be careful when running showers to ensure no water is inhaled as this is how legionella can be caught,however this will not kill any bacteria within the cold water system, this should be drained, refilled and disinfected/chlorinated. Of course they may also be other bacteria besides legionella.
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Most systems in Oz are mains water and unvented water heater outside. Water heaters are set at 70deg Australian standard. If she has this system and the heater is in working order, then she'll be right.
if its set at 70 degrees then should be fine, remember that its the water vapour thats dangerous, more so than the water itself
If in doubt tell her to get some silver catalysed biocide, usually used in swimming pool maintenance as well as main stream commercial system cleaning for all water borne psudonomads etc.

Unless the CWST has not got a cover on or was flooded then there should be no reason to clean or disinfect this call the water undertaker and confirm with them if they have had any burt pipes it is there responsibility to provide pottable water to your property. If your pipes have not burst then you CWST will be class 1 water ie pottable. IF your cold taps are direct fed then it will make no difference as all taps are fed from the main, only if they are indirect then you will have a larger tank in the loft again it makes no difference as the water undertaker will take care of any issues prior to it reaching your main stopcock. As mentioned just turn all the hot taps on the CWST will run through the cylinder and as long as the water temp is 60 degrees or over then the bateria cannot mulitply they do so at there best at 55 degrees.

Hope that helps
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