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Digital manometer

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Hi all, I recently bought a digital manometer,the only problem is the readings
are all over the place,do they have to be calibrated from new.
No ,the calibration shoud be ok from new,you may have to reset every time you turn on,I know we do'nt like doing it,but read the instructions,if you have thrown away in the excitment of getting a digital tester,should be on manufactorers web site
Mine works Ok,just amazed how combi boilers I have tested this week operating on 584 m/b on high flame were as before around 10.6 m/b ;) :D
digital is like anything electronic they can go wrong and give dodgy readings..u cant go wrong with the tried and tested liquid manometer i am an old git and hate all the clamour for digital this and that;)i should have been a machine breaker
Hi Newbie, I was fed up of the water going dirty in the manometer so I added
a touch of red food colouring,works brill and you can always get the level spot on. Its better than the liquid you can buy for the manometer.
Try the food colouring trick,lasts ages and its about 80p a bottle.

Think I lost the instructions but will follow your advice.Thanks.
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The glass "U" tube manometer is a good buy. The plastic ones usually can't be read after a couple of weeks.
I don't know about using food colouring in plastic manometers though!

I imagine they might discolour. Lets know if they do.
Hi Bernie,the food colouring doesnt discolour,Ive had it in my manometer for about 3 mths,still perfectly readable and accurate.
abbirko glass tube,bakealite case,lasts forever,can calibrate it yourself.20 years with mine on original can still buy them for about half the price of a dodgital.nuff said
look at the regin or for about 45 look on ebay as i cant remember the model no but asaid glass tub e and tough case will last forever..on my acs the inst had a digital one lock up and still showed 20mb after he had dissconected from nipple
Thanks JPM, where would I get it from mate.
[DLMURL=""]Manometers - ABBIRKO[/DLMURL] don't think they sell direct but you can get one through bes I think but ring abbirko before to make sure quality kit
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Same here JPM.

Had my current set about 14-16 years. I don't really fancy the digital, because of all the calibration every year, to much mucking about.

BES sell them, a bit dear I think for what they are, but worth it. If your short of cash, buy the tube and make your own back board.
Also worth mentioning,Before CORGI lost their contract,they where selling the digital
manometers through CORGI direct but when you had your CORGI inspection they would
not allow you to use them as they said they were unreliable,how do u work that one out?
a touch of red food colouring,works brill and you can always get the level spot on.

I liked the idea of this and have been using it for a few weeks now, its so much easier to see the level in a dark cupboard.

I did blow the water out once all over the fawn coloured carpet :eek: Luckily it was under the stairs and didn't show too much.
I liked the idea of this and have been using it for a few weeks now, its so much easier to see the level in a dark cupboard.

I did blow the water out once all over the fawn coloured carpet :eek: Luckily it was under the stairs and didn't show too much.
with the regin one you cant blow the fluid out is got a resivor and even upside down it doesnt empty one of the best new tools ive bought
you need to remember to empty a glass u tube in winter or it can burst, every now and then clean the u tube by putting in some baking soda and hot water overnight, rinse out and it is as clean as new.
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