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What the heck is happening to this globe/ country

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Little ***** , just need a good thumping but the best thing that can happen is name and shame them on Facebook , everyone will know them, family , friends neighbours .
They’ll be yoof’s and underage, so a stiff telling off only. Walk straight out of the station... giving it the middle finger

And that is the exact problem, they have no fear of getting caught because they know that even if they do, the will receive little to no punishment. That on top of parents no longer been allowed to properly discipline their child and we end up with the little shites we see walking the streets today.
I agree if they are underage then making the parents pay for the damage, even if it is taken out of benefit money each week.
They should be made to stand alone (not with their mates) in front of each and every person who contributed toward that exhibition.

They should be made to see the hurt and upset that their own behavior has caused and listen to what people think of them.

Following that they should be locked up until (not released until), they have produced models of the same type and to the same standard as the ones destroyed, just so they appreciate the work involved.

Oh......Hang on......sorry I was forgetting myself, this is 2019.
What will we do with them.......errr......Oh I know why don't we get the tax payers, including the people who's life's work has been destroyed to pay for a break somewhere nice so the villains, sorry little darlings can learn to appreciate the finer things in life.

Rant over.
We just had a long weekend away and the amount of people that we saw that just let their kids run riot is unbelievable. They just go flying around barging past people and the parents do nothing. As long as the parents can sit and get smashed they couldn't care less that their kids are trashing the arcade.

Too many expect somebody else like teachers to bring their pay cheques up for them but then kick off if their child gets told off.
Give em a "Time out" on the naughty step, that should sort em...... Oh wait, I meant thrash the skin off their arses, melt their phones down and make em walk to school in ferkin Crocs an socks!
As mentioned previously, these children get their morals, etics & ethos from their parents. If they didn't, then there would be zero good ones.

We have social media now where kids are sold this ludicrous perception of reality & life where doing s0d all except taking money for promoting things. Is it any wonder they don't want to behave when outlandish, loutish and scally behaviour gets you the proverbial 15 mins of fame?

I'm sorry, but I've reverted to being my Dad (GRHS), my answer is put the little sh1ts into a camp along with their parent sh1ts and humiliate them till they break. Then bring them back by showing them how it feels to be offered kindness when you've nothing. All done very slowly and deliberately with success NEVER guaranteed.

Demonstrate failure by having those who do hung drawn & quartered each tea time then BBQ the remains and make em eat em...

Should have seen what I originally wrote! :eek::eek::eek:
That comes under cruel and unusual punishement as laid out by UN Human Rights Charter. You are a cruel man.

Two old adages spring to mind, 'You have to be cruel to be kind, and killing people with kindness'.

The first is about teaching people of the law of 'consequences' & developing empathy. Not everything is as it seems and by developing some sense of consequence you learn to be a contributory member of society. The second is where instead of feeding the world with the 5 fishes you teach em to fish for themselves. If all people ever do is sit open mouthed ready for the fish to be dropped in then its our fault for not teaching them any other way. Govt in this instance has failed us by being too much of a nanny state and allowing us to blame everyone else for OUR faults.
The situation is crazy here in the U.K.
The benefit system is so easy to use and abuse.
To just keep giving money to people encourages them to never work.
It would make sense to offer every person seeking benefits a job earning something above the basic money.
Jobs (if the person has no skills) could include manual work, like cleaning litter from streets. If they say it is beneath them, they should be told they will not get any benefit.
The scrounger who is looking an easy life will look for better types of work.
The situation is crazy here in the U.K.
The benefit system is so easy to use and abuse.
To just keep giving money to people encourages them to never work.
It would make sense to offer every person seeking benefits a job earning something above the basic money.
Jobs (if the person has no skills) could include manual work, like cleaning litter from streets. If they say it is beneath them, they should be told they will not get any benefit.
The scrounger who is looking an easy life will look for better types of work.

I've said for years they should band it so for every full year you have been employed you earn 1 month of full benefits because everybody can fall on bad times then give them the same on half benefits then after that they get a card that buys essentials only like gas water electric food and basic clothes no booze, no ****, no sky tv. Watch them flock to the job centre to get a job then.
The situation is crazy here in the U.K.
The benefit system is so easy to use and abuse.
To just keep giving money to people encourages them to never work.
It would make sense to offer every person seeking benefits a job earning something above the basic money.
Jobs (if the person has no skills) could include manual work, like cleaning litter from streets. If they say it is beneath them, they should be told they will not get any benefit.
The scrounger who is looking an easy life will look for better types of work.

I still see huge swaths of poverty in the UK. Real poverty, affecting real hardworking families. IMHO, 99% of the people who require help in this country do not 'choose' benefits. We have a family friend who's a doctor who worked on disability claims. She was told to find ways to reject people, even people who needed help and guidance. She went home every night for the first months and cried herself to sleep over the injustice of it all. She had claimants who she was forced to reject commit suicide as a consequence. In the end she started helping and advising people instead and as a consequence was not asked to renew her contract - got fired.

The media have whipped up a storm of protest in normal folk by portraying a few idiots as 'typical' of people on benefits simply to drive sales of tomorrows chip paper . It is utter bullsh1t.

By taking the 'lazy scrounger, lazy b4stard' approach, it somehow makes us feel better but research by the Joseph Rountree Foundation some while ago found that something like 60% of the people in the UK were just three pay packets away from having to claim benefits. By that they mean if you lost your income for three months you'd be in those poor s0ds positions.

Poverty is different to behaving like a scal. Poverty can affect any one of us so, IMHO, we should be looking at it less like some self inflicted disease and more like simply **** luck which could happen to any of us at any time.

My apologies :rolleyes:
I still see huge swaths of poverty in the UK. Real poverty, affecting real hardworking families. IMHO, 99% of the people who require help in this country do not 'choose' benefits. We have a family friend who's a doctor who worked on disability claims. She was told to find ways to reject people, even people who needed help and guidance. She went home every night for the first months and cried herself to sleep over the injustice of it all. She had claimants who she was forced to reject commit suicide as a consequence. In the end she started helping and advising people instead and as a consequence was not asked to renew her contract - got fired.

The media have whipped up a storm of protest in normal folk by portraying a few idiots as 'typical' of people on benefits simply to drive sales of tomorrows chip paper . It is utter bullsh1t.

By taking the 'lazy scrounger, lazy b4stard' approach, it somehow makes us feel better but research by the Joseph Rountree Foundation some while ago found that something like 60% of the people in the UK were just three pay packets away from having to claim benefits. By that they mean if you lost your income for three months you'd be in those poor s0ds positions.

Poverty is different to behaving like a scal. Poverty can affect any one of us so, IMHO, we should be looking at it less like some self inflicted disease and more like simply **** luck which could happen to any of us at any time.

My apologies :rolleyes:

From my time carrying out council work I pretty much noticed that yes there were people in desperate need but they were in the minority. The majority of the people I worked for were the council trash you see on the telly. The kind that aspired to be off the TV show shameless.

You could guarantee that almost every house you worked in you worked in a haze of smoke from their 40 a day habit and you would have to move all the empty cans from in front of the boiler. The majority of houses had sky and most had half decent TV's.

You would then get one where they would beg and plead with you to come at a certain time because they were one of the stupid ones that worked full time couldn't get help and they were the ones that struggled.
I still see huge swaths of poverty in the UK. Real poverty, affecting real hardworking families. IMHO, 99% of the people who require help in this country do not 'choose' benefits. We have a family friend who's a doctor who worked on disability claims. She was told to find ways to reject people, even people who needed help and guidance. She went home every night for the first months and cried herself to sleep over the injustice of it all. She had claimants who she was forced to reject commit suicide as a consequence. In the end she started helping and advising people instead and as a consequence was not asked to renew her contract - got fired.

The media have whipped up a storm of protest in normal folk by portraying a few idiots as 'typical' of people on benefits simply to drive sales of tomorrows chip paper . It is utter bullsh1t.

By taking the 'lazy scrounger, lazy b4stard' approach, it somehow makes us feel better but research by the Joseph Rountree Foundation some while ago found that something like 60% of the people in the UK were just three pay packets away from having to claim benefits. By that they mean if you lost your income for three months you'd be in those poor s0ds positions.

Poverty is different to behaving like a scal. Poverty can affect any one of us so, IMHO, we should be looking at it less like some self inflicted disease and more like simply **** luck which could happen to any of us at any time.

My apologies :rolleyes:

The folk I see on full benefits are just chancers. They know every way to work the system.
Typically they also love to have some ‘disability’ or ‘illness’, temporary or otherwise, so to claim more benefits.
Also have a lot of children as that gets you more benefits and priority housing.
Doesn’t matter you are so ill that you are unable to work allegedly, you can still somehow have sex, take holidays, go to sports events, drive luxury cars, frankly everything other than employment.
Then at least some of the children often will have a ‘disability’ as that gets more money. That part is easy, - you just read up on a mental disability and take your child to your GP and list the ‘symptoms’ and the GP must put that in the file.
If the person you are living with has a ‘illness/disability’ then you can also claim a weekly care allowance.

Something I have mentioned before, -
I watch people walking with a crutch, but notice their weight is going fully onto each leg as they walk and the crutch seems to be non supporting.
Keeps the photos looking good. ;)
From my time carrying out council work I pretty much noticed that yes there were people in desperate need but they were in the minority. The majority of the people I worked for were the council trash you see on the telly. The kind that aspired to be off the TV show shameless.

You could guarantee that almost every house you worked in you worked in a haze of smoke from their 40 a day habit and you would have to move all the empty cans from in front of the boiler. The majority of houses had sky and most had half decent TV's.

You would then get one where they would beg and plead with you to come at a certain time because they were one of the stupid ones that worked full time couldn't get help and they were the ones that struggled.

Most of the social housing i went in were literally disgusting ebola dripping off the boiler cover.
Walk in first thing i would hear is my boiler is crap, i want a new one . Followed by kitchen and bathroom is rubbish and want a new one. Then how long will i be ?

Then when you are finished they would then phone the office to moan about something i done . I have little time for these sort of people feed of society offer nothing back. Thing is so many are like this now .

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