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Spirotrap or Magnaclean??

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Plumbers Arms member
Gas Engineer
Which is better in your experience Magnaclean or Spirotrap??
Are there any advantages of one over the other?
Spirotrap.......I work for a well known reputable company who are in the middle of a court case with magnaclean as after installing thousands of them do not believe they work very well.
Is spirotrap the same as spirotech?

If so then.....

Magnas do a go job with the filtration but are very prone to leaking canisters and isolation valves due to the moving parts having crappy o-rings. However having the iso valves gives a certain amount of flexility when fitting.

Spirotech have no o-rings(as fas as I'm aware) therefore less prone to leaking but they don't have isolation valves at all which obviously come in handy if said filter had to be replaced for some reason especially on an open vented system. Also having no iso valves gives it no flexibility when retro fitting to a system, it's all well and good fitting one to a new install but the problem arises as I say when retro fitting and there may be no play on the pipes to get the filter into place.

These are my pros and cons for the 2 anyway for what it's worth bud
And me, fitted loads, never had a problem... does exactly what it says on the tin..

Even got a little demo jar to show the customers…. as for the Spirogyrothingymabobs not got a scooby.....
magnacleans for me, no probs apart from a minor leak a spanner cured easily, only issue was a customer removing the lid without turning off the valves, lol, rang me to have a rant, until i pointed out that i had shown him where the instructions were and that i had demonstrated how to clean the magnet because he insisted on cleaning it himself every 3 months???, still now its being cleaned annually when i service his boiler as his wife doesnt want wet carpets again.
Magnacleans so far. Fitted loads of them and no problems yet.
Iv'e used loads of Magnacleans & never had a problem, apart from the thin flimsy olives in the compression fittings that I now wrap up in PTFE.
I've read a lot about the Spirotechs however & have got one in the van to try on a particularly grotty system :D Its a real solid lump of a unit

My merchant however says they get lots of Magnaclean complaints (don't know why :confused: ) & that magnacleans are only guaranteed to 2 bar, which would render the guarantee pretty much useless on a sealed system :eek:
My custard's snapped the red isolator valve top off, have emailed magnacleans dudes but wondered what the forum thinks of making a new connection up with service valves and 22mil comp fittings? never dealt with these before.

Any ideas?

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