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leaks elsewhere?

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just put a shower mixer taps on a bath today,
the bathroom is currently being ha-erm; 're-modelled'

the first thing that baffled me was testing the cold supply for leaks, look under for the 15mm pipe and turn on? thats hot.
the cold was 15 to 22mm pipe at union?. the whole run comprised of copper p-ex push-fits compressions then silicone, well within 1' anyhow?.
the entire bath, basin loo & tiling was, well to be kind done by a 16 year old the landlord had found (wish i took some pics now).

any way, point is done my job, no leaks at tap connections but small weap at compression joints a foot away.
question is, would any of you have sorted this out as a matter of pride (i know we should, but) as the work done by others is so shoddy ie p-ex to compression weap (whats the chances of there not being an insert in there?) knowing my luck come to tighten distorts pipe and causes a load more work down the line,

any of you think i did the right thing by leaving well alone and concentrate on the job i'm there for?.:eek:
I know what you are saying,especially with all the diy and push fit about,it is annoying,when you do all your work,check it all,all sound,pack up your tools and see a small leak on some cr#py bit of work further down the line,it is tempting to put bath panel on and walk out...but lifes not that simple,I would have repaired the leak,would have moaned and winged alot,kicked a few cats,but would have done it

However this brings up another matter, now,you can not just look at a job think that will take me so long,plus materials,I will charge 'x',you have to look around at,check every thing you can,see how good or bad plumbing is and adjust price accordenly,no longer can you think its a numbers game,most existing stuff will be ok,with maybe 5% that is not,now about 70% exsisting will be ok and 30% sub standard in domestic properties,with the sub standard stuff on the increase !!
forgot to add, when i got there i asked for the airing cupboard to shut cold valve and check tank, was told its their sons room hes gone away for a couple of days, locked and took key/?.
so a good start then, just hope the ball-cock works ok.
I would have repaired the leaks, I wouldn't have wanted to because I didn't create the problem and you probably couldn't charge for it. The worry for me would've been if it goes wrong I would have been the last person to touch it and they'd have blamed me.

Every job I go to price now seems to be taking longer and longer, checking gate valves, iso valves, whether screws are rusty, whether the appliance is secure properly etc.
I would suggest that the best course of action would be to advise the client preferably
in writing that some of the associated pipe work is sub standard and leaking and that you can bear no responsibility for it.

It is always good to take photographs which can also be used in later advertising,
For the last 5 or 6 years we have taken photos of every job we go on,
The cameras we use ( I curently have 4 and a stack of batteries ) are Kyocera SL 300 or 400s, the way they are constructed allows one to take pictures at any angle,
you could for example photograph pipe work in ducting or under units or behind a bath all to be studied later on your PC,

It never fails to amaze me the things you can pick up in a photo that do not register whilst you are looking.

By the way you can forget about using phone cameras I have yet to find one that takes decent pics.
I would have checked/repaired for three reasons:

1. As said above it saves the hassle of returning if/when they complain.
2. I was told with any job if you're asking should it be done the answer is yes as it shows a more professional approach and indicates you're a good plumber as opposed to a handyman who can do plumbing.
3. I like to leave a job knowing everything is functioning as it should and might lead to a recommendation.

I know it's hassle doing this type of thing and you're correcting someone else's work, but I look on it as a loss leader.

Okay, I might "lose" some time here but if I said something along the lines of, "I looked at that joint because it was leaking and have now repaired it. Hope that was okay", then hopefully it show me as a good consciencious plumber.

If I'd left that joint and their neighbour knocked on the door and asked "Was that plumber any good?" would I have got the recommendation?

And a fourth reason - leaving a leak breaks the Water regs!
Therefore I have a little job you can do providing of course you will fix the leaks
left by others.........for nothing
i think i did say to the punter 'i cant gurantee down the line of this pipe work as it is crap, but i will for the work/taps that i am doing'.
conciensus you bet, i chack at least 5 times after im done everything (apart from typing)/.
its a tricky situation if you do do it it takes more time and if you dont they complain well it wasnt leaking before sometimes no win situation.

i seen a trap under a kitchen sink once held in place by a upside down yougrt cup:eek: i kept well away from it all i had to do was knock it slightly then maybe it would leak and make more work for me.

customer was probably hoping i would knock it then he would get a new trap out of it
I would have advised the customer with the intention of sorting out the leak, but at additional cost if its going to be a pain. If however customer wasnt prepared to pay additional costs involved I would put a advisory note on the invoice/reciept to cover me in the event that the leak causes a problem.

I do this quite often, you go to a job that should be easy but find you are happened by all the other connecting pipework and valves, its really the customer descision. If its money offer them the facility of doing the job but offer half payment now and a post dated cheque for the other half. Times are hard for all including our customers, I feel better that way at least the potential problem has been rectified.:D
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