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Election poll...who will win vote now!

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make your honest selection lets see if we represent the %, one vote each and be honest.!.




my votes buggered anyway, the one i want to vote for wont get in, my second choice wont get a majority. this leaves vote one which will go with the party i dont want in who has already shafted the party thats left.
all that remains is a aprty that will make me a vegan or one that changes my accent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well your stuffed then bud! lol
U obviously believe what they tell you...if Scotland stays within the UK ...we want a strong but fair economy...(wont happen with TORY) as it helps us too.
Stop believing the paper they sell down south and research m8 ;)
Do you never wonder why the powers that be want to keep us???
OIL...there is a load more than they paid for the tories n labour powers in 80's 90's ...can we get a fn refund ;)
U obviously believe what they tell you...if Scotland stays within the UK ...we want a strong but fair economy...(wont happen with TORY) as it helps us too.
Stop believing the paper they sell down south and research m8 ;)

Remember having a good long conversation with my aunt and her friends in Stirling when she was alive and none of her friends wanted it. The papers are all aligned to political partys always have been.
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Before things get heated I`d like to say that there MUST be a better way to equalise all parts of the UK & the money pot.
C`mon guys put your vote into the poll above, it doesn`t show who voted what and I really wanna see how we compare to the outcome, I reckon we are a fair reflection as a collection of employers, employees and self employed.
Nothing could persuade me to vote labour. They are economically illiterate, and any pretense that they have to represent or understand working people disappeared years ago. Neither Milliband nor Balls are fit to run a whelk stall. And I am sick of paying so much tax, and I believe that they would waste most of it. The problem with public services is not lack of money. Its how they are run.

The Greens are even more economically illiterate than Labour. Nicer people possibly, but still a couple of sandwiches short of a picnic.

I have been a UKIP member since 2011, mostly because I think we should leave the European Union. I had a row with Mastodon on this very board about it a year or so ago, when he claimed it was just a cover for racist cr@p. Whilst I still agree with much UKIP policy (out of EU, grammar schools, simpler tax system) I have to accept that Mas was right, and it contains too many racist nutters for me to feel comfortable there.

In this constituency, voting Lib-dem is pretty much a vote in favour of sleaze and treachery - or at least for people who covered up and connived at it. And nationally, they are a joke. Vince Cable? If he's a trained economist, I am the king of Siam.

Which leaves me with shiny Dave, the polished tu rd. The least rubbish of a set of poor options. Ye Gods.

Where have the :nono: Statesmen gone? When I was growing up, we had towering intellects in politics. You might not agree with them, but these were people of real brain power. I doesn't matter whether you preferred Enoch Powell or Tony Benn, they both had brains that could heat soup at 100 paces. The current lot are just lightweights - they wouldnt have run a TV gameshow in the past.

I'm sorry that you remember it as a row, Ray; I recollect a very civilised, good-tempered and mutually respectful debate. As a result of which I have paid more attention to Nigel's core ideas, looking past the buffoonery. I get the impression he never anticipated UKIP becoming as popular as they have, so they have not had the time to weed out the nutters, the simply embarrassing and the outright racist. If they could get rid of that faction and stop the automatic mantra of "blame immigration" they could be quite credible. Although I still think that on a certain level Farage is just pulling the biggest prank ever - blaming a traffic jam on the M4 on immigrants was genius...

I agree with you totally that the era is long gone when politicians were the best and brightest of our society, intellectual collosi driven by a genuine desire to improve society. The career politicians we have today are not worthy of the same name as Powell, Benn, or latterly John Smith - possibly the last honourable true Labour politician we've had. The recent litter of moral runts and opportunist lightweights are all so self-interested that it makes very little difference whether Labour or Conservative win - we're all screwed for a good long while yet whilst the politicians spew soundbites about bringing popstars' tax avoidance schemes to an end whilst allowing their cronies and colleagues to do exactly the same without censure...
I dont get why anyone would vote conservative????
They are going to sell of the NHS next ....get rid of any benifits left to people .
I just dont get it . Can someone explain why???
New labour were a joke...but will get better now that they seem to be losing the Tory wets mantra .

as for Ukip......they blame immigrants . But they are the ones who pay them ???
They use immigrants as an excuse to keep wages down that they make more profits.
Definetly dont get them either???
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They are going to sell of the NHS next

This is one that I really don't understand.

All my life I have heard this claim at every election - "The ruthless Tories want to sell off the NHS".

Since the NHS was formed back in the 40s, the Tories have had 34 years in sole power and 5 years in government as senior partners in coalition.

If they are so determined to sell off the NHS, how come they haven't done so by now?

Of the relatively small amount of outsourcing of NHS services that has occurred, most of it has happened under the Labour governments of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown.
They haven't been able to as have been scared of the outcry, they ARE doing it via the back door :(

Lol I guess you was a yes man and are bitter you was defeated
I don't vote but I might start again I'm a big Maggie fan so it would have to be her party
Just wish there was someone as strong as her to lead again
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