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Cost of cp12

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Plumbers Arms member
Gas Engineer
This question really bugs me, how much should we charge the cust for a cp12 boiler and cooker only in the london area?

I received a call today and i told them my price, to my disbelief i was told by the custard that he was quoted £35!!!!

Now is that undercutting, desperation or just the recession?

Any thoughts
would you do it in that price if you have to travel 15 miles up down?

I'd think twice if it was next door!

Unless it's a very good customer who spends well and pays quickly, the price is the price. £35 in London sounds a terrible price.
its quite expensive when all their doing is filling a sheet in, prob do most of it before they enter the property
thats the min i would charge here in notts.

ask who quoted that and tell him you want to employ him!.
I don't get any CP12s I price for, maybe because some nugget is doing half of it for cheap as chips, i.e just condemned an ex-rented propertys boiler because it is awful(pics in gas safe registered plumbers forum) I don't know how it has passed CP12s, told customer to get onto phone to the lawyer and whoever she bought the house from to see if we can track down who fitted it(doubt it)
the average price for a GLSC in london is £65 for two appliances ,i know other who charge alot more ,Does it not occur to you that the guy might be telling porkies to get a cheaper price, personally I tell the customer the price and i dont listen to that rubbish can you do it £10 pounds cheaper or i have been quoted cheaper and if so get them to do it , I use to do loads of estate agents in london and have lost the work due to people doing it £15 cheaper , one of the agents even had a bloke who was an illegal doing a cert for them

I live South London and generally charge a minimum of £65 - £80 depending on number of appliances for A cp12. Ive also had it with blokes doing them for 30 quid and although business is business I generally mutter a few choice words under my breath and walk away. If it would lead to a few bigger jobs that pay the right sort of money I may be tempted though
Thanks for your input guys.

damn times are getting hard!!!
Its distgusting whats happening to our trade. I stumbled across an article on ebay today on how to fit your own gas cooker. It also stated that corgi registered engineers were inadequate these days so better to do it yourself and save £100. Gas safe need to get there act in gear and sort something out
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Its distgusting whats happening to our trade. I stumbled across an article on ebay today on how to fit your own gas cooker. It also stated that corgi registered engineers were inadequate these days so better to do it yourself and save £100. Gas safe need to get there act in gear and sort something out
Can you give us a link to this?
price cp12.
I don'r see how they can make a living doing it so cheap.
We hardly do any because we charge £80+ and £120 for it with a boiler service.
Landlords rarely want to pay proper prices for anything.

We do regularly work for just a few landlords though - and work in their own houses too.
Its distgusting whats happening to our trade. I stumbled across an article on ebay today on how to fit your own gas cooker. It also stated that corgi registered engineers were inadequate these days so better to do it yourself and save £100. Gas safe need to get there act in gear and sort something out
a detailed guide on how to break the law and endanger lives and property.

hmm, is this actually legal or are the authorities too idle to pull it?.

or bomb making for students, the easy way.....
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Link Guides - How to Connect a Bayonet Hose to your Cooker or Hob

It isn't illegal what he has posted because anyone that is 'competent' can do their own gas fitting, however his own explanation doesn't come across as someone that is 'competent. There is no mention of purging the cooker, circumstances with which you cannot fit a flueless appliance (room without openable window to outside), use PTFE in the correct way (in the direction of the thread), commisioning the appliance (as it may be a bought used cooker), soundness testing the whole supply.
This, i think is immoral. Would you want to be living next to a DIYer connecting his own gas appliances by following an ebay guide like this. NOT ME.
I sent him a message and this is the reply i recieved.
The law states that work described can be carried out by" any competent person". You are judging people you dont even know. It is tradespeople like you that are a disgrace, over charging and doing shoddy jobs, I argue that the best way to ensure a safely done job is to do it oneself competently. It is almost impossible to get a tradesperson doing a job to do something 100% because they are typically ill educated dumbed down pawns of a capitalist consumer-driven culture.
Link Guides - How to Connect a Bayonet Hose to your Cooker or Hob It is tradespeople like you that are a disgrace, over charging and doing shoddy jobs, I argue that the best way to ensure a safely done job is to do it oneself competently. It is almost impossible to get a tradesperson doing a job to do something 100% because they are typically ill educated dumbed down pawns of a capitalist consumer-driven culture.

So says a "hell angel" and seller of tat on ebay.. who, quiet clearly has a plethora of issues and general angst towards GSR engineers in general.
He would be well advised to keep his opinions to himself otherwise he may at some point leave himself liable to redress within the civil arena.

Ill educated dumbed down time served pawn.
i will try and get this removed by the end of next week,
rses, cheesed of now.........dipstick

everyone read it then vote no, on was this post usefull....
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sometimes i wish i wasnt sittin behind a pc so i could lunge forward and punch that guy in the face(the ebay muppet)
dear sirs,
i refer to this guide, (Buying Guide ID 10000000004238386)
The 'unquallified' member giving incorrect & dangerous instructions & how to connect such a gas appliance, promotes an illegal activity to the installation such a gas appliance by a non qualified, registered gas operative via public media, as outlined in the competant persons scheme in the u.k. This law, ordered by 'the health & safety executive' (hse) provides guidelines to the use of such information and your own (ebay) rules state prohibitions of supply under:

Encouraging Illegal Activity

eBay prohibits the sale of items or links to items that encourage, promote, facilitate or instruct others to engage in illegal activities. In addition, eBay may remove listings as requested by law enforcement agencies to cooperate with any investigation or to prevent harm to eBay and its members.

d.i.y. gas fitting and its promotion is very dangerous and is liable for obvious reasons.

a copy of this complaint has been forwarded to,
the hse,
the gas safe register.

you are advised to contact them directly to assertain the rules of promoting & supplying directions to installing diy. gas fittings and its liability contained for such purposes.


that will make em
Good on ya redsaw. This guys rhetoric is truly immoral and highly dangerous.
Link Guides - How to Connect a Bayonet Hose to your Cooker or Hob

The law states that work described can be carried out by" any competent person". You are judging people you dont even know. It is tradespeople like you that are a disgrace, over charging and doing shoddy jobs, I argue that the best way to ensure a safely done job is to do it oneself competently. It is almost impossible to get a tradesperson doing a job to do something 100% because they are typically ill educated dumbed down pawns of a capitalist consumer-driven culture.
Another way of looking at it is:
Those qualified gas wo/men have cleverly manipulated capitalist society to carve out a niche area of work protected for themselves exclusively - really clever
when over the past 30 years the traditional professions have lost their own exclusive rights to work - eg Lawers Solicitors (who prior to 1990's had big areas of work protected for themselves).

And at the same time Doctors, teachers, journals have all lost respect and given up perts of their work to others - especially medical doctors - a lot of their work now done by others.
Those ill educated dumb pawns have used capitalism to benefit themselves!
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