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Brexit And Your Business

Discuss Brexit And Your Business in the Plumbing Jobs | The Job-board area at


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We don't want to discuss what you voted for and who likes who the best - but for discussing how your think your business could be affected by Brexit then use this thread.


How do you think your business will be affected by Brexit? Would it be better to leave or stay? Has your business already been affected?
TBH it’s effecting us as there’s a lot of undecided / no plan of action are we in are we out need to just follow what the people voted for as it’s hurting us in the long run just no deal and leave, we will survive we always do
I think at the moment as nobody knows what's going on its affecting us already.

I voted to leave but now I'm bored and either way we need to do something be that stay or go none of this in limbo and nobody knowing what's going on. We can then take it from there.
I have noticed people are watching the pennies more over last 18 months .IMO that is because the uncertainty that brexit is causing and the doom mongers are not helping. The financial markets struggle which also has a knock on effect.

Needs to be put to bed now Oct 31 st and move on , unfortunately we have muppets in parliament who all should be sacked for incompetence.
It's not affected my business at all, no sign of work drying up. But it has affected my mood. Absolutely fed up to back teeth of nobody in parliament just doing what the nation asked for, just because they don't like the result! Just get on with it now we've all had enough... 'This is England' we will survive and prosper no matter what, we always have & always will.
The Brexit fiasco is going to have far more reaching repercussions than the UK state leaving the European Union, current polls are showing that it could lead to the break up of the United Kingdom, with Scotland and perhaps Northern Ireland leaving the UK.
The UK government needs to remember that there are four nations in this United Kingdom and they should respect the wishes of each, instead of railroading their views and policies on them without any consultation.
Brexit has been and still is a complete and uttter shambles. The Tory government spent more time fighting amongst themselves in the last three years than negotiating with the EU. We are heading for a general election and there is no end in sight to Brexit.
We, the ordinary people will be the ones to suffer, as big business use Brexit as an excuse to put prices up, whether it's justified or not. Our suppliers will then most likely increase their prices, which are increased costs to us tradesmen who can't pass on these price increases to their all ready cash strapped customers.
Our prices will rise, and our profit margins will come down even more.
In terms of my business there is no effect. In fact two large manufacturing companies I work with are happy about a protected home market and are not in the least worried about their exports.
The world market for quality uk engineered products is very keen.
There will be no hard border between the free state and the province ever...who will build and admin it ? never the British and certainly not Eire...they have already stated as much. The EU might well worry about loosing some of their competitivness in Uk. Money speaks after all money creates demand so if we do want stuff from EU then it will arrive. I am in fact in Eire right now and looking to invest here very soon. centralheatking
I have tidied this thread up a bit.

Please keep on topic which is how do you think Brexit will affect your business?
If we do not leave the EU in October and the Government over turn the people’s vote. I can see it not ending well. As what is the point of having a government if it doesn’t do what the people want.
There are loads of issues, just returned from West Cork Eire they are concerned about tariffs especially as their goods both ways generally have to pass through England to Europe. I would be buying warehouse space in Cork if I was younger as there is a direct ferry Cork to France.
centralheatking There will never be a hard border between the province and the free state but maybe at Liverpool, Hollyhead Cairnyan and Fishguard
The OP did ask to keep it about the business side boys. I’m sure Lou or Dan wouldn’t mind a more in depth thread in the arms and not in a public forum. Just my thoughts on the thread as my posts got removed also.
Look all of you the Brexit thing is a very dividing issue, because at the start there was an in or out vote. This has morphed into so many permutations I cannot keep up. It makes little difference in my opinion
all the engineers on UKPF will still be needed and we will carry on posting and sorting out others problems in our own unique way.
All we need to do is keep on Plumbing etc and swap info.
I am self employed and not political whom ever runs Uk I will always seek to make a decent profit and pay my tax ...centralheatking
If you combine Brexit with the plans for Freeports then the Chinese can flood our markets with duty free pumps and fittings. As a Company that has given exclusive manufacturing rights to a UK Manufacturer with no option or inclination to manufacture abroad I see little benefit to me.

Alan you have missed the salient point ..refer to Flowflex Uk
British engineering is top quality and in demand in many areas of the world outside of Europe inc your and my products
regards Rob Foster
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Listen up people.

This brexit discussion thread is about brexit AND YOUR BUSINESS. Not pig about a politician in a thread on a plumbing forum where they wont read it. Go make a petition, join a demonstration, moan about it on your own social media account page, whatever. But there's no way on earth I'm deleting this discussion because plebs can't follow the forum rules.

If you want to delete your account you can here:

Don't post a thread about you doing it before you actually do it. Just do it. It costs more moderation time clearing up your threads when you do that. Their time is better spent helping people who need help with things like uploading images and things where people appreciate their time.

This thread will do some good for those wondering how brexit will affect their plumbing business, if at all.

Not a single comment about an individual politician is going to do any good at all.

Get this thread back on topic.

We will be thread-banning people (stopping you from replying to this thread) and sticking your whole account in a baby-monitor group where all your posts will need manual approval before going live. If you carry on using this thread to flame people - whether members or not.

Grow the Damn up. This isn't facebook. It's a plumbing forum. Help each other out or sod off.
Listen up people.

This brexit discussion thread is about brexit AND YOUR BUSINESS. Not pig about a politician in a thread on a plumbing forum where they wont read it. Go make a petition, join a demonstration, moan about it on your own social media account page, whatever. But there's no way on earth I'm deleting this discussion because plebs can't follow the forum rules.

If you want to delete your account you can here:

Don't post a thread about you doing it before you actually do it. Just do it. It costs more moderation time clearing up your threads when you do that. Their time is better spent helping people who need help with things like uploading images and things where people appreciate their time.

This thread will do some good for those wondering how brexit will affect their plumbing business, if at all.

Not a single comment about an individual politician is going to do any good at all.

Get this thread back on topic.

We will be thread-banning people (stopping you from replying to this thread) and sticking your whole account in a baby-monitor group where all your posts will need manual approval before going live. If you carry on using this thread to flame people - whether members or not.

Grow the **** up. This isn't facebook. It's a plumbing forum. Help each other out or sod off.
I hope I am not in the naughty corner Dan My approach is as always to be inclusive and listen ...Rob Foster ..centralheatking
It’s a shame this didn’t come before we got ourselves tangled up in millions of pages of legislation.

It’s a big wide world out there and I can see a lot more pros than cons.

I’ve not seen much change in work, some projects have been getting deferred but the patch it up type jobs keep coming. Lots of stuff has been sanctioned and will be kicking off in the next year or so.
Look all of you the Brexit thing is a very dividing issue, because at the start there was an in or out vote. This has morphed into so many permutations I cannot keep up. It makes little difference in my opinion
all the engineers on UKPF will still be needed and we will carry on posting and sorting out others problems in our own unique way.
All we need to do is keep on Plumbing etc and swap info.
I am self employed and not political whom ever runs Uk I will always seek to make a decent profit and pay my tax ...centralheatking

Alan you have missed the salient point ..refer to Flowflex Uk
British engineering is top quality and in demand in many areas of the world outside of Europe inc your and my products
regards Rob Foster
I am specifically referring to the impact on my pump sales only. There are lots of cheap pumps imported into the UK without WRAS approval and which if fitted would also breach water bylaws. The UK market is now 95% UK of my sales so its the impact of even cheaper pumps with zero tariff and easier distribution via FreePorts which are not positives for me.
I visited Australia & New Zealand and found that I could not sell without 'WaterMark' approval (they do not accept WRAS). The cost of WaterMark Approval was prohibitive - I lapsed my Patent which had been granted in Australia.

I suppose this has less to do with Brexit and more to do with the fact that we in the UK creates standards for UK manufacturers but allow the sale of imports that do not follow the same standards.

I am now 100% focussed on my home market so trading with the rest of the world is no longer on my wish list but travelling the world visiting 4 continents was fun when I did travel away on official Trade Visits.
Brexit affect on business, very little affect with regard to volume of work. As for mood and general well being of me as a sole trader its knocking the life out of me.

Can we just get on and get it done one way or another.

Onwards and upwards.
It's not affected my business at all, no sign of work drying up. But it has affected my mood. Absolutely fed up to back teeth of nobody in parliament just doing what the nation asked for, just because they don't like the result! Just get on with it now we've all had enough... 'This is England' we will survive and prosper no matter what, we always have & always will.
I agree entirely. I voted remain, but I accepted the result. If there were another referendum I'd be a leaver. Ever since the referendum loads of MPs and civil servants have been trying to scupper Brexit. If they had put their effort into pushing it through instead it could have been sorted in 6 months.
The talk is of the "catastrophe" of "crashing out" with no deal, when for most of them it's a smokescreen for trying to stop Brexit altogether. Then there's the statements of the likes of Major and Blair, showing contempt for the will of the people.
We’re due a recession, another financial crash, I’ve seen at least two in the time I’ve been in construction. First to be hit will be new builds when the banks stop loaning money. But people always need plumbers, just look around, taps and toilets and boilers in every house! Don’t put all your eggs in one basket, be flexible and be optimistic.
now how can we negotiate with that, also bet it doesnt get picked up on any major news outlets

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