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Work - generated through your website.

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Plumbers Arms member
Gas Engineer
I'm just trying to find out whether a nice, but basic website is worth the money. I'm taking for granted that a lot of you will have them. However do you get much work from them?

Do they show on first page results on a search engine? If not how else do people find them? Would you say you generate a lot of work through your website?

Cheers guys

Seems rather pointless to me unless your right up there in the ******* google rankings which costs a fair bit of money each month. Good mate of mine is a web designer and did us a brilliant one free of charge. Had sod all through it. Only plus point i can see so far is it looks a bit more professional having a business email addy of info@ rather then pedro1562@hotmail etc.
My brother is currently building one for me, I dont know about gettin work as a direct result of the website but its nice for custards to be able to check you out and feel more confident about using you rather than a competiter (sp).
a lot of work is generated by contacts and satisfied customer referrals ( had a couple at once this week - cant believe it"") l o l - i agree with blackcatgas - i think in these untrusting times, a prospective customer should be able to view your servicss and qualifications etc - and it seems the best way to do this is on line, again, -shop around for a webb designer - ps - cards in shop windows are the way forward to gain work, keep going and g o o d l u c k moore
Are you well up on the rankings? how do you generate work through it?

hello yes, i am on page 1 my only business comes from my website and refferals, never advertised to date, so unless somebody says they where given my number by another customer i know they are from the web, dont get me wrong, im number 1 on page 1 and still only get a few calls a week from it
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You would be better of getting a couple of sign written boards and leaving them outside your jobs, i have had a lot of work that way, until the stupid apprentice took them out at the tip to offload some rubbish and left them there!!!

£60 each
strange world.
mine comes at no/ 4,
combi boilers nottingham.
got nowt apart from one quote?????????????/.
Thank you for your responces. I will undoublty get a website established. However I just wasnt to sure whether paying to get to the top rankings of google was worth it. How many of us can compete against the repetation of Plimlico as anything written it google this seems to be the first company up everytime.

I agree that the sign idea seems to work well. Since moving to Essex I have seen a lot of signs on the end of peoples drives advertising- Block paving, land scaping, building and so on. So maybe this is worth the investment.

Does anyone else seem to find one way of advertising proves more effective than this? Apart from of course word of mouth.

Thank you,

Most of my work is from recommendation and most of the rest is from my website.

I have decent sign writing on my van (vehicle wrap) where I get the odd customer. If you search Redlake Plumbing you'll find a photograph of my van for an idea. Graphics cost about £500 but it's easily paid for itself.

I came from an IT background and it was quite easy for me to set up a website. It costs me about £6 a month and I don't pay for rankings or anything as I'm at or near the top.

There are loads of websites to help with design. You don't need any software nor to be online to create a website but if you have some it makes life much easier. The keyword/phrase to search is HTML tutorial - around 76 million websites from Google.

You need a plain text word processor (Wordpad) and a browser (Internet Explorer).

Five minutes with a tutorial will see you with your first website and a good day's work should see you finished with some sort of basic website with links, photographs and coloured text. One tip: before you tackle the website write down on a piece of paper the wording you want. It's surprising how writer's block siezes when you're fiddling with design.

To make your website "live" so others can see it you need a webhost. I use Fasthosts who are cheap and cheerful and that's where my £6 goes.

When you've done your website you need to "optimise" it to heave it up the search rankings in the search engines. Google SEO tutorial or Search Engine Optimization - again, a few million sites.

The trick with optimisation is to get the important words to the top of your website. The HTML file you create (in Wordpad) has some code and other bits and pieces. Computers read files from top to bottom. One of the first lines alters the name of the Internet Explorer page you open.

So with this website the home page is Plumbing Forum | Plumbing Advice | Plumbers Forums etc, etc.

Note how when someone searches for "Plumbing forum" the designers have geared the wording and that file to have Plumbing Forum very near the top of the source file. You can see the source file of any internet page by clicking on the View menu then clicking on Source.

If you have a look on my website (, note how in my links that home is on the right. Bathroom installations and boiler servicing come before that. Also look how many times plumbing is mentioned. And how I put the areas first. How do you Google for a plumber when you have a leaking tap? "Fix leaky tap"? "How do I get my tap fixed"? "Plumbing"? You're more likely to enter "Plumbers in SY7" or whatever. While my website is not No.1 on every search when you look down the listings it's usually first actual plumbing business after and websites like that, depending of course what you type in.

And there's another trick ... if you click on my website you help my rankings and send me further up the Google tree!!

Website design isn't difficult - just time consuming. Hope this helps.
I have 3 websites all ranking very highly in google first page also do sponsored links I now get most of my work from it.
Professional has only one F in it !!!

Ahem .... and in another place only two Ss in it !!!


Unless of course that you're trying to trap those who cannot spell - another trick of search engine optimisation!!


Nice punchy website though!
Shucks ... was hoping to delete my post when you'd spotted it. Anyone know how to do this?
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