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what finds have you found in your works

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flat pack

Hi i was working in east london some 13/14 years ago sticking in some new replacement rads, for a nice old lady and a mad old boy.
When lifting the carpet ,underlay,newpaper,two layers of lino flooring
then the floor board ,and looking at me was a old birthday card with my name on it.

what have you discover in your working days
gold kurb bracelet value £125.

had it for 3 years then nailed it under someones bathroom floor after fitting power shower pump piping and tiled floor then realised 2 days later.

life sucks.......
Hi i was working in east london some 13/14 years ago sticking in some new replacement rads, for a nice old lady and a mad old boy.
When lifting the carpet ,underlay,newpaper,two layers of lino flooring
then the floor board ,and looking at me was a old birthday card with my name on it.

what have you discover in your working days

strangest one ever was working in a empty house 10 miles away across london and finding a stack of letterhead for a small company my wife had started several years before that never took of to this day ive never managed to find the connection spooky

Took a bath panel off and found TWO black vibrators in house of very nice middle class middle aged coouple.

best story ive heard like this was two electrians were working in a house and had to move the large head board which had the drawers built in
as the did so the drawer slid out and deposited a stack of photos of the lady of the house in a very compromising position with a cucumber
later that day the woman offerd them a sandwidge and asked what they wanted
"ham or chese"she asked
"oh anything "replied the boy
"but no cucumber"
sparks said he didnt know where to look
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Some years ago i was replacing an old high level cistern for an old lady council tenant and on removing the cistern a brown leather wallet fell out from the back.
In the wallet there was about £100 in really old £10 notes (you know the really old big brown notes).
I took it down to the old girl who said that her late husband had possibly stashed it there. It was probably his money for the pub or bookies i recon.
I do love finding old newspapers under flooring and carpet and always look at the sports pages to see how Argyle had done.
when doing doing a job in my apprenticeship in a rough part of manchester, we rolled back the carpet to find 3 live bullets stashed in the corner of the room. we alereted the 50 odd year old woman to this who just said "oh,they must be my sons". the kid was 17!!!
Found a fake gold chain behind a toilet cistern once, the best so far was a pristine condition 1960's (ish) Dandy (may have been a beano) hardback comic book stuck behind a rad and forgotten for all these years, wish i had kept it now, my mate found a bag of weed under the floorboards once.

Heard a story of a couple of guys in manchester who were in the customers loft and the apprentice found some sawn off shotguns in a bin bag lol, needless to say they did the job and got out quick.
once when renewing some basin taps a bag of suspect pills fell from up behind the basin, i did the honourable thing and left them on the floor just next to the pedastall so the mother or father would find them lol:D
also working in a house i needed to get up in the loft the man of the house was quite insistant that i didnt need to go up there when i did there were a load of **** mags placed just around then loft hatch found it very amusing, didnt see him for the rest of the job:D
found a tin of money with about 3k in it... i handed it to the lady who had recently lost her husband. I got a reward for that. Also found a stash of ****o mags behind a cylinder. And some old coins
as part of a small gang we were on a notorious peabody estate in north london that was having every flat in the estates rads flushed and valves changed etc. two properties stood out.
poo house and **** house.
poo house had bare floorboards with cat and dog poo all over the place and on every step of the stair. i was first in but very quickly out again, we all refused entry to that one.
**** house had a real knuckle scraper with his shall we say larger lady girlfriend in a glittery boob tube. they were both sitting on the sofa watching ****. there were a few s & m barbies about and on the drawer unit opposite the bed was a tripod and video camera pointing at the bed.
we were very frightened
Working in my own loft, I found a very mucky old purse.
I almost threw it in the bin.
I opened it to find several articles of gold jewellery, rings, brooches, charms, etc.
I showed it my wife, who immediately said:
"Where did you find that ?
I never expected to see it again."

She had obviously concealed it in the loft (God knows why !!) and forgotten where she had put it.
Wierd !!!
Working in my own loft, I found a very mucky old purse.
I almost threw it in the bin.
I opened it to find several articles of gold jewellery, rings, brooches, charms, etc.
I showed it my wife, who immediately said:
"Where did you find that ?
I never expected to see it again."

She had obviously concealed it in the loft (God knows why !!) and forgotten where she had put it.
Wierd !!!

you missed it there didnt yu.
shes been out spending your dosh over the years and youve just found out:D
Firtting a heat pump and upgrading heating for a stuck up, snooty doctor in grantham. One of them where you work there for 2 weeks and never get a cup of tea and the snotty daughter keeps SCREAMING at her parents about the awful smell and the awful noise and the awful men.

Moved writing desk in the sons bedroom and found his printed out gay ****. So as they had all been hateful, we left the desk to one side and the **** on the carpet.

Then daddy went upstairs to inspect the work. It all went a bit quiet.

Snotty gits, that'll teach them

Oh yes and there's the seedy bloke in sheltered housing in Market Rasen in lincolnshire with a shop window dummy (a woman) in his bedroom all tarted up to the nines.

That cannot be healthy.

Then we sent our tiler to a bed and breakfast in market rasen. He didnt like it there, said they were bloody strange. The lady of the house took him his tea tray on about day three. He had his tea, picked the tray up off the stack of tiles where she had put it and under it had 'appeared' a magazine about bottom spanking caled 'Kane'

He refused to go back. We couldnt stop laughing.
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Firtting a heat pump and upgrading heating for a stuck up, snooty doctor in grantham. One of them where you work there for 2 weeks and never get a cup of tea and the snotty daughter keeps SCREAMING at her parents about the awful smell and the awful noise and the awful men.

Moved writing desk in the sons bedroom and found his printed out gay ****. So as they had all been hateful, we left the desk to one side and the **** on the carpet.

Then daddy went upstairs to inspect the work. It all went a bit quiet.

Snotty gits, that'll teach them

Oh yes and there's the seedy bloke in sheltered housing in Market Rasen in lincolnshire with a shop window dummy (a woman) in his bedroom all tarted up to the nines.

That cannot be healthy.

Then we sent our tiler to a bed and breakfast in market rasen. He didnt like it there, said they were bloody strange. The lady of the house took him his tea tray on about day three. He had his tea, picked the tray up off the stack of tiles where she had put it and under it had 'appeared' a magazine about bottom spanking caled 'Kane'

He refused to go back. We couldnt stop laughing.
i worked for a very well known football agent whose son verbally abused his mother all the time we were on there he was that bad I wanted to kill him which proves money dont mean jack
she actually asked me if my children spoke to my wife like he did i said if they ever did they would be in a childrens home
working in a house installing combi had to empty a cupboard full of bits and bobs for relife ect wel at bottom was a big bag of ****** i dont mean 1 or 2 i recon there was about 20. well not only that the bag was then tiped up side down all over ther floor (b4 i descoved it was ******)with carpets up flood boards up bits all over the room. managed to get what i fort was all of them back in the bag well when i rolled the carpet back down was a big purple one wires stickign out of it balls all over it was about 12" it was quiet a site roll carpet back up lifted flood board up kicking in down was no way i was emptying the cupboard again to place her missed place ***** back in back at bottom of the cupboard just hope it wasnt her fav n noticed had gone
i was helping a mate of mine out he was a removal company. anyway the young lads bedroom, 3 of us noticed a 1 litre bottle of coke the fat end cut off looks like a home made bong my mate said before picking it up puts his fingers up it throws it on the floor - the kid had only made a home made .......... machine, with a condom over the end of it padded out with bloody cotton wool - it was moist inside where hed put god knows what in it. well we couldnt keep a straight face the mum come upastairs and found it - cue the young lad being called all the dirty little bugger names under the sun.
Found a dried up dead cat in a loft. Mentioned it to the lady of the house and she said - oh that's what happened to him, and I remember that awful smell.

It had been about 15 years ago.
Found a dried up dead cat in a loft. Mentioned it to the lady of the house and she said - oh that's what happened to him, and I remember that awful smell.

It had been about 15 years ago.
years ago the builders found a cat skeleton and six kittens in a sealed loft space
i found a red thong one day when i pulled a cylinder out

my apprentice at the time thought it would be a good idea stick it on over his bright blue overalls and started danceing about

then the woman off the house who was an middle aged /elderly lady came home and started to walk up the stairs

panicin he tryed to get the now rolled up thong off his overalls

and quickly threw it out on the middle off the bathroom floor

just then she came in to the bathroom and said "well guys how are you getting on AHH there is my good thing i have been looking for that everywere "
We found a first world war service revolver which turned out was not deactivated in a house bought by a young couple at auction after an elderly lady who lived there died. After playing with it we we realised we should let the police know and were swamped with armed police and detectives.....
About 15 years ago we found 3 old 35mm Gaumont Graphic cinema newsreels from 1915. We cointacted the Imperial War Museum and they sent someone to collect them (it was old Nitrate film which is dangerous). They were very keen to get hold of them as they didn't have any. I was sent a video of them. Had a number of obviously staged scenes from the First World War plus a few other bits such as the 1915 Indianapolis races.

A friend found a clip of live WW2 rounds, which he handed in to a police station.
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