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THE Quit Smoking Thread

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Right lads and ladies?

We've had a guy quit smoking on tilersforums and he made it look easy. He's done 9 days now and has his sense of humour back already (he'll chuckle if he reads that).

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So we've made a thread on tilersforums. We're quitting! (well, some of us are!!) and we're not waiting for new years either! (not many resolutions get stuck to apparently).

I was originally waiting for Mike (mikethetile) on TF to quit and if he did it I had in the back of my mind I'll give it a go myself.

So if I quit for 9 days, I want somebody else to quit then. If they don't, no pressure, soon enough there will be somebody else who's quit for 9 days and you can give it another go then perhaps.

So far I've got 2 other tilersforums members, and one is bringing his wife into it and she's well up for it.

We're all quitting on Monday 22nd November when we wake. And the aim is to help each other out a bit. If, sorry, I mean WHEN we manage it and have quit for 9 days, hopefully the 1st December will be the next chance for somebody to A) see that others can do it and B) give it a go themselves.

Hopefully in a few years time we're professionals in support with this haha - and maybe we're all quitting a few at a time.

I wanted to give you the chance to either do this with us, or at least follow us to see how we're doing.

You can join in on TF if you want to (feel free to create an account if you haven't got one already) though I'll pop by here too if you guys want to do it between you.

So stick your name down if you want to give it a go, and wish us luck if you don't smoke or don't want to quit yet.

Still chance to get some free NHS stuff through the post from Smoking? | Advice to help you stop smoking | NHS SmokeFree

And I've requested a call back from my local place, which is what I think Mike (the original 9 day quitter!) did and it helped him he's said.

Free patches and stuff from your doctor too apparently so I'm giving them a bell. But nowt's better than a bit of will power, a reason to do it, and doing it with somebody.

So good luck if you join in. :D

edit: here's the sparkys thread THE Quit Smoking Thread
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My mate stopped over 6 months ago using Xyban. Takes away the want to kill someone feelings when you get stressed:D but still not easy.

Let us know how you get on. Mind over matter mate;)
Good luck.
problem is, when i try i start again and smoke more than i used too in a day.
they are my stress relievers before, during and after a job.

bought myself some chewing gum (extra's) last time to help take my mind of lighting up.
now i have a box of 36 packs in the van all times and i am on 2 packs a day and a pack of **** and and now an electronic one.

i am half with you though and will be pondering as i cant afford it any more especially the
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Watch how we go then mate. There are four of us now.

And what I'm hoping is if people don't want to yet they keep seeing people quitting in the "9 day quitter" 'game?' lol Everytime somebody has quit for 9 days we'll try to get others to start planning and quitting.

If those who want to try see it happening a lot, it'll show how possible it is and we'll end up with loads of different tactics to keep trying if we keep failing.

So fingers crossed and watch how we go mate. :D

They are also my stress relievers but i also get stressed about having to take the time to go to the van and have a *** and i throw more away than i smoke:confused: I have not got the time to smoke...STRESS STRESS STRESS...........I NEED A ***..........STRESS STRESS STRESS.............and so on

Years ago when smoking was kind of acceptable i would smoke as i worked. No problem.

Nowadays i feel like a leper. I am now the only one who smokes among all the guys. Every time i walk to the van i have a half *** followed with a bit gum on the way back just incase Mrs cust smells it over the boss white and flux! I am so conscious of it.
I need and want to stop. I just need the jag in the head to do it:D
Well follow us on tilersforums mate and see how we're doing. :) If you like the sound of it, give it another try. If you fail, no worries, loads more chances for it as more of us suit for 9 days and encourage others to give it a go.

Wish me luck. I'm 30 a day and have been for many years. Started when I was about 13, and I'm now 28 and have serious breathing issues and a tight chest always hurting. I cough daily. My old man recently had heart attack and has pretty much 50% of his heart badly damaged. And my fitness level and taste has all gone well out the window.

I'm not lucky enough to have the issue you have going to the van, I work for myself from home so can (and do) smoke the second I want a ciggy. And I drink stella nightly which is usually when I almost (not quite like dotty off eastenders) chain smoke.

If I do this, you're a plonker for not trying mate.

Did the NHS smoking test thing and apparently i'm highly addicted. I laughed as I saw the result as it hit me, I think I was hoping it was I wasn't but clearly I know I am without the test lol

Get some free stuff to mull over from here mate:

And apparently all the products you want to use to quit are free, not even prescription charges! And you can have as many goes as you like.

Government are realising now that they should help NHS issues with weight and smoking, two big issues that lead to problems later in life. And so they effin should too after making so much cash out of smokers!
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Used to smoke 60 a day and maybe 80 if out on a fri or sat

Gave up twice,once when my youngest was born,lasted five years but every day, wanted a cigarette ,started again xmas time,offered and smoked a cigar,ended up on 40 hamlet a day!,before going back to ****,when I got to fourty,thought ,had a good run,been smoking since 15 and could only see really bad ill health following, so gave up and after a while,never wanted a cigarette and now would not dream of it,years later
But when I gave up,although not ment to,had about three patches on 24 hrs a day,they burned into my skin!! but ends justify the means

Now times have changed,smoking is very anti social and a lot more encouragement around,not least,the money you save,even towards the end of the time I smoked,I used to hate the amount of tax I was paying through smoking
anyway ,a few pointers

never give up new year,or a birthday or even a week on thursday,first of all get into the frame of mind to give up,when I gave up ,it was about 4 weeks after I decided to,everyday and every cigarette I would say to myself,I am going to give up,then one the day I just was ready,well ,as ready as could be

It is not easy,I used patches,did not like gum,find you are replacing one habit for another,smokers are usually habitual people,try not to move straight into habit,ie eating,drinking,chewing gum

If you weaken and have a cigarette,try not to smoke it all,if you do, not to worry,it does not mean you have failed giving up and have to rush to the shop and but a 200 carton

Do get yourself to the dentist,smoking kills good and bad bacteria in your mouth and becomes your protection,when you stop smoking bad bacteria or infection can take hold before any natural protection takes hold,so get cleaned and over clean teeth

Some people put the money they save away and treat them selves when it builds up,however often it gets used on other thing,especially if you have a family,however do write down and keep a record of how much you have not spend on **** and look around and see what you have been able to buy instead

Last but not least ,remember you will never be a non smoker,you will just be a smoker who has not had a cigarette for a long time,be it 1 week,6 months or 10 years,once the cold sweats have finished,complacency will become the big danger
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Sorry the thread had been closed accidentally there. Oops.
Some brilliant advice there and well done mate!

I'll let the lads know about it on the other forums. :)
Good advice from Puddle here.

I know (as do most smokers) i need to stop (again). I can't even have one in the house these days without a major moan from the Mrs.:eek:
Same here tamz. lol

Check in on us mid next week and keep it in the back of your mind that you might be giving it a go soon. Try to notice lots of reasons during the next few days. Even if it's "i got wet when I went the the van then and now I'm damp all day" or 'that queue in the shop was mental just for some ****' or whatever it may be.

Most days I make a trip 2 miles to the shop to get only ****. And lately it's dark earlier, the roads are country roads with no lighting, the car is freezing and isn't used long enough to properly see through the screen as the heaters are cold, and it just doesn't make bloody sense.

If I could throttle the kids (now blokes) that encouraged me I would. But then if that's fair I'd have some blokes after me now too.

There's not a single reason to smoke really. And although it's a bit of a stress releiver, would it be if you didn't ever smoke? I'm sure they have other ways to stop getting stressed.

Fitness (or lack of) is my big reason. I realise how unhealthy I am (at 28!!!) when just walking up stairs (not running or even with a spring in my step!).

I'm 6' 13 stone and BMI is only just over bang on perfect. I should be sprinting up those stairs whilst singing and dancing lol
Quit Smoking????? you say????

Put your self in my shoes! I have been trying to start smoking and its even harder!

It smells,
It tastes horrible
It's expensive
It cant be done in public places
You have to trek to the shops every day for them
No one will kiss me if I have one :(
They stain your fingers
They stain your teeth
They stain paint work
They require me to remember a lighter or matches
They give you cancer
They Shorten your breathe

The list goes on

Try this link for some help quitting though

Quit Kit | Get help to Stop Smoking | NHS Smokefree
Sound advice mate. Already ordered everything I can get off that website haha
I used to smoke 30-40 a day, I gave up after reading Allan Carrs The Easy Way To Give Up Smoking, I havent touched one for 12 years.
Giving up is for Quitters. I aint no quitter.
(disclaimer.....Kids, smoking is not clever)
In the old days my Grannie got a playing card token with a packet of cigs. After 52 playing card tokens she could send off for a pack of cards.

She got loads of packs of cards. Then if she collected 52 x 52 sets of tokens she could buy a bridge table.

She bought two bridge tables.

She died aged 93 and from a non cancerous/smoking related cause.

My other Grannie smoked a bit when she was younger and drank like a fish for much of her life. Her cause of death was "Old age".

She died 3 years ago at 108¾ years old.
i really want to give up,my mum whos just had a stroke is insisting i do before she leaves hospital shes smoked for 38 years has not had a *** since her stroke(10 weeks ago) and is fully blaming the **** for it
In the old days my Grannie got a playing card token with a packet of cigs. After 52 playing card tokens she could send off for a pack of cards.

She got loads of packs of cards. Then if she collected 52 x 52 sets of tokens she could buy a bridge table.

She bought two bridge tables.

She died aged 93 and from a non cancerous/smoking related cause.

My other Grannie smoked a bit when she was younger and drank like a fish for much of her life. Her cause of death was "Old age".

She died 3 years ago at 108¾ years old.

Yeh, that’s right, my dad smoked fourty to sixty **** a day and drank whisky every night and lived till the rip old age of 56,until the big 'c' got him ,didn’t play cards though !
Quite a few of my family elders went like that, when the family got together could not get in the front room for smoke, booze and laughter
Think if there was not smoke and a less booze there would still have been laughter,just would of lasted a lot longer

Good luck to those who give,giving up a go !!!:)

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Filth habit. I really do need to stop before i turn into this
I want to stop,but i enjoy a ciggie,
but i find driving to first job ciggie,cup of tea off customer next ciggie,then onto next job ciggie then a another cup of tea
i think i,ll have to give up tea as well.and they are stress reliever and when you need 5 mins to think about a ball ache of boiler breakdown
i really want to give up,my mum whos just had a stroke is insisting i do before she leaves hospital shes smoked for 38 years has not had a *** since her stroke(10 weeks ago) and is fully blaming the **** for it

Do it fella. The doctors have loads of advice, pills, patches and whatnot to give you FOC!!!!

I've had one ciggy in two halves today and will probably do it again before I get to bed. It's annoying but I'm thankful for having a bit of man flu over the weekend which has left me with a really chesty cough and even not having a ciggy aches.
hey all good luck on quitting the cigs i gave up 6 years ago and its the best thing i have ever done saved myself loads of cash (well actually i was unemployed so had no money to buy them so had no choice) i have had the odd one since when on the beer but i hate the taste of it and throw nearly a full cig away its awful especially when you wake up with a mouth that tastes like you ate the contents of an ashtray your wallet will thank you for it! good luck all that are doing it

Formally a regular smoker, I've now restricted myself to only having a tab while I drink which incidently is maybe once a week.

A new baby helped solidify my resolve but also running helped. You are nearly a 3rd more likely to quit if you take up running.
Fortunately I don't like running - I much prefer cycling as you get there faster ...
I used to have the perfect plan for not smoking, I only smoke after sex, for 40 years I didnt smoke, then I met my current missus, I am now on 40 a day!!!!!!!!
I used to have the perfect plan for not smoking, I only smoke after sex, for 40 years I didnt smoke, then I met my current missus, I am now on 40 a day!!!!!!!!

Just change the rule to only smoking after sex lasts longer than 2 or 3 minutes,according to your miss's you would be back down to one a every month or so
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