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Quote terms and caveats etc

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Hi All,
Just looking for a little advice regarding what sort of standard terms I should be putting on my quotations. I know everyone runs their business differently but this is all new to me and any pointers would be appreciated :)
These are a few of mine, I add and delete dependant upon the job.

Payment is due immediately upon completion, late payments will incur 5% late payment fee immediately and after 28 days.
Any works not specifically detailed above are excluded from this estimate.
No guarantee can be given on the water tightness/soundness of any existing pipework.
The above price is an estimate only and not a final invoice.
Price excludes any plastering or electrical work or removal of waste.
These rates are inclusive of travel expenses and also include trips to and from local plumbing supplies and building merchants. VAT is included in above estimates.

dkia has public liability insurance. I work as safely as I am able to and reserve the right to cease work if I feel conditions are not safe enough to carry out the works properly. I need to be careful especially when using blow torches and ask for the client’s co-operation in this matter.

While I take every precaution to prevent spillage of water, unfortunately plumbing can occasionally be a messy business. Any water spillages will be cleaned and dried up as quickly as possible.

Unfortunately dkia is not able to remove waste from clients’ sites due to the refusal of the local council to accept such waste and the above figures do not include such a cost. The hiring of a mini skip is suggested unless the client has an alternative. dkia can arrange a mini skip if this is more convenient.
When I quote I add at the end that "I reserve the right to cease work, until further consultation, if any unforeseen issues arrive that have not been covered by the above quotation!!"
I always put to remove and clear away on my quoted which gives me free reign to take away old cylinders etc. If there's a lot of rubbish I've got a guy that collects it for me otherwise I store it until there's enough for him to collect it from me. Alternatively you could use Hippo bags.

You need a waste licence to carry scrap copper anyway so you might as well do the job properly and clear all the rubbish as well. If a customer queries me taking the scrap I tell them that the money from the scrap covers the cost of the waste clearance.
Retention of Title is quite an important one, especially when you are doing supply and fit jobs for a business (e.g.builder) and they go under, title is usually transferred upon delivery unless you have it in your terms so, if someone goes bust, any goods you have supplied but have yet to be paid for could theoretically be sold to pay off other creditors.
[DLMURL=""]Lincoln Plumber & Electrician - Dripbusters Ltd - Terms Of Business[/DLMURL]

Here are mine.
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Estimate valid for 30 days from above date.

and if there's a lot of copper on the job you want something about charging for materials at the time works are done.

Don't want to be pricing stuff and your profit being eaten up with price increases, especially at year end when a lot of suppliers increase costs.
[DLMURL=""]Lincoln Plumber & Electrician - Dripbusters Ltd - Terms Of Business[/DLMURL]

Here are mine.

Hi mate are you a one man band or large comapny as i think that looks very good
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I always put to remove and clear away on my quoted which gives me free reign to take away old cylinders etc. If there's a lot of rubbish I've got a guy that collects it for me otherwise I store it until there's enough for him to collect it from me. Alternatively you could use Hippo bags.

You need a waste licence to carry scrap copper anyway so you might as well do the job properly and clear all the rubbish as well. If a customer queries me taking the scrap I tell them that the money from the scrap covers the cost of the waste clearance.
Just be careful carrying waste of any type as i like many a couple of years ago had the letters warning that you had to be a licensed waste carrier to remove it from any job which i informed them i didn't carry. About a month later, i and loads of other vans were stopped by enough high viz jacketed guys and police to look after a football match and checked for waste carrying - big fine if caught. I *ees me off as customers like to see a cleared job on completion and also there are enough scrap men / tatters riding round that should be getting checked on but as usual its the bonafida contractors that are targeted.
Only just starting out, I'm not too clued up about the 'waste' thing. What is defined as 'waste' that you're prohibited from carrying?
Any debris left over from a job, including scrap is classed as construction debris and you need a waste license to carry it in your van.

I've got a waste licence, costs 170 quid for 3 years. VOSA are targeting vehicles down this way as well. They're even sitting outside some of the scrappies and checking if people have got licences.

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Any debris left over from a job, including scrap is classed as construction debris and you need a waste license to carry it in your van.

I've got a waste licence, costs 170 quid for 3 years. VOSA are targeting vehicles down this way as well. They're even sitting outside some of the scrappies and checking if people have got licences.

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Thanks Mike.
Looks like another thing to add to the list I need to pay out for.
mikejackson might tell me different but i was also told that you had to also keep records of the different types of waste from every address which as a one man band is an administrive nightmare which is why i didn't register and just now add on to all quotes that disposal of waste is down to the customer or the cost of a skip will be charged as an extra.
Different types of waste from every address?

Bloomin' Nora!

Mrs Jones at 78 Arcacia Avenue
78g of plaster
1 tear of wallpaper measuring 128mm by 240mm at it's widest point.
13mm of 15mm pipe cut off
28mm of 22mm piipe cut off
One small plastic bag
One small box measuring ...
One banana skin

36g of plaster from Mr Philips at Philpot End
One old ball float
One plastic nut
One empty sandwich wrap
One empty bottle

Who on earth is going to check this stuff off?
Who is going to search to see if I've missed that other plastic bag I should have mentioned.

Different types of waste from every address?

Bloomin' Nora!

Mrs Jones at 78 Arcacia Avenue
78g of plaster
1 tear of wallpaper measuring 128mm by 240mm at it's widest point.
13mm of 15mm pipe cut off
28mm of 22mm piipe cut off
One small plastic bag
One small box measuring ...
One banana skin

36g of plaster from Mr Philips at Philpot End
One old ball float
One plastic nut
One empty sandwich wrap
One empty bottle

Who on earth is going to check this stuff off?
Who is going to search to see if I've missed that other plastic bag I should have mentioned.

I know just what you mean its a joke , i couldn't believe it until i spoke to them. Round here you can't take any waste to the tip in a van which is why all the hedgerows have rubbish dumped in them
You're supposed to complete a transfer note each time you move waste but most people don't bother and no one I know has been asked for one. If you needed to complete one you would just state construction debris as waste type.

The big issue with this is scrap because, as far as the authorities are concerned, this is classed as construction debris so you need to be a licensed waste carrier to take your old cylinders to the scrap yard. If you get caught the fines start at £150 and seem to average about £200.

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I got my carriers licence after a discussion on here last year. Incidently, the police started making roadside checks at certain parts of Edinburgh and Livingston.
I have been asked for my licence once since I got it, never for a transfer note. I know people who have been hit heavy for carrying waste unlicenced but they were also overladen which is why they were hit harder.
I hate paying for licences to work but since its either comply or be fined then I understand what side I need to be on, I'm not lucky when it comes to leaving things to chance!.
It was £158 for 3 years from SEPA for me and took about 1 month to process.
Hi, just a one man band. Interestingly I spotted another plumbing company stealing my entire Terms & Conditions when I searched for my company on Google. They had even kept my company name on their T&C's page!
i put after signing this contrat of works this gives my company full permission to order and pay for materails for works if you decide to cancel then you could be chargrd up to 25% of total contract
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