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Polybutylene plastic pipes

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Dear all,

I need some advice regarding an extensive renovation im going through at the moment. the house is being totally replumbed and my builders have removed all the copper pipes and have started replacing them with polybutylene barrier pipe. I was not aware of this until i saw it, ive done some research on it and it seems to have alot of bad press especially in the US.

Ive read that the problem lies with internal corroison of pipes due to reaction with chloride and also connector problems and degredation. I get on very well with my builders and the plumber and he seemed very suprised at my questions and has duly gone on to investigate. He said he had been fitting this stuff for over 7 years with no problem, but ive read the problems begin appprox after 10-15 years. Im fitting a water softener which may actually make things worse.

If any one can reassure me in any way I would very much appreciate it. This is our final family home and id hate to have to rip bits up in a few years if there was a substantial problem.

There is alot of controversy over the use of the poly pipe and I am sure you will encounter many different veiws here on this site. I, for one, will not use or recommend poly on my jobs unless the pipe fittings are visable or easy to get to. I have had several issues with the push fit fittings and don't trust their longevity. My father-in-law on the other hand was a contractor and used them on jobs 15 years ago and never had issues. My oppinion is that if you want inexpensive and easy to run then go with poly, if you want longevity then you go with copper, that is if the installer knows how to preppare the joint and solder properly. Most installers don't clean the fittings or the pipe properly. There is an old addage in the trades. "If you ask 20 carpenters how to build a saw horse, you will get twenty different saw horses."
Thankyou for your reply, money isn't a problem to me sheen it comes to plumbing or electricity. The builders themselves decided to put the plastic pipes in. They have reassured me that in all there time they personally have had no problems, however if I'm unhappy they will remove and replace with copper. They are using the joints with the aluminium seal and agree some of hhe push pull type may not be up to it. If I'm right in thinking mist new builds have plastic pipes! Thx umeer
Copper, you can't beat it. I have seen poly pipe eaten by rodents in roof spaces.
I much prefer copper too but just occasionally plastic has it's uses.
Just chatting to my builder, yes on a Sunday, he asked me whether I would be happy to stick with the plastic but use compression fittings for the joints, he'd have to reinforce the ends with a metal rim, but would save time dragging all the pipes back out etc, any thoughts?
if its grey poly pipe with compression fitting you wont have any issues i have used this make in this way and have no issues but copper is my first choice but plastic can go where copper cant,and i have some installs in at 14 years + WITH PLASTIC
If the pipes are installed properly (with inserts) and the system is pressure tested it should be just fine. Plastic plumbing has been about for around 50 years. The only realistic "danger" has been mentioned above (rodents). Some of us prefer copper, some plumbers like plastic, most couldn't care which they use as long as the job's done properly.

To be honest, if most of the plumbing is now in and working as it should and not leaking, I wouldn't worry. If you like your builder, I'd trust him - it makes his job much easier and he's more likely to make alterations without grumbling or charging too much extra.

I assume you're working to a limited budget (otherwise the builder might well have employed a plumber), so I'd go along with your builder.

Good luck with the works!
Thankyou all for your comments, ill stick with the plastic and let you know in 10 years or so.

Lets be honest, he's going to have no problems with the plastic. I've come across one case of a rodent chewing through a plastic pipe. One case is many years. Plus the house in mention was gross, and no suprise that a rat had moved in under the shower tray.

Plastic pipe will be fine, and now its in, ripping it all out to replace with copper seems like a total waste of time and money.
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