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Partnership or go it alone?

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Hi guys, I was wondering if any of you are in or have had a business partnership in plumbing and was wondering about the pro's and cons of this. I am just about to qualify as a plumber level 2 6129 and am going to get my gas on its own or do level 3 part time (evenings). One of the guys on the course with me has asked if we could go into business together, the advantage of this is we could pool our knowledge together, being newly qualified and also could take on bigger jobs in the future. Obvious downside is sharing the profits! Can a partnership work in plumbing or is this a one man in a van business, thanks guys.
im not in a partnership although i wouldnt mind having someone to help out, dont know how you find a good one though
it can work ,but ask urself a few questions 1,you`re on the same course so whats he bringing to the table 2,how well do you know/trust him and 3 do you need a partner?
just think, you have a tap change for say £50 will you split it straight down the middle? even though it will only need one of you to do it. you will need to do a hell of a lot of work split 50/50 to make a living.
my partner ship with my wife didnt work so i really would think hard before going into one with anyone else
One of the things that are concerning me is that in the first year for instance it will be really tough and will we be earning enough for 2 wages and to keep us both working etc. I only know him through the course but he does seem to have his head screwed on.
Ha ha very true Smiley :)
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its like steb says how will u work out a split(money wise) and to be honest i would say no you wont earn enough to support two in ur first year ,i have a m8 who i pass work on to (1 he`s gas safe im not) we`re not partners but bounce off each other,works for me.
Yeah that sounds a better idea tbh Gavin. At least if I needed an extra pair of hands we could then support each other on an adhoc basis. better than splitting everything!
allways good to have mates in the trade to bounce off but its better to be self sufficient at work if poss .
i tend to pass work onto a coluege when im away or indisposed becuase you can bloomin well guarantee the phone will ring just as you get to the airport or something
Thanks for your advice guys am going to get 40 winks now as have got a 2 week placement starting tomorrow, so got to be bushy tailed lol
I'm in a partnership. Its very nice to share the burden, the ups and more importantly the downs.

However its a tricky balancing act as you can feel resentful if you feel you are bringing more to the table and still have to share half the pot. So choose a partner carefully.

Good luck to you whatever you decide to do.
I'm not in a partnership, I used have a mate that was self employed too, it worked out great, when I needed a hand on heating install's I'd get him in for couple of days. It's having your cake and eating it as they say, his work dried up and jumped ship, I now employ, but its not easy. I can relate it to the partnership thing, only I don't have to split it down the middle. I'd prob go it alone, if you review it down the line, then maybe consider it. Good luck
Thanks for your comments guys, you have pushed me towards going it alone, and then getting in an extra pair of hands when I need it. Although as you said Danny nice to share the burden.
I'd keep in touch with the guys you meet on the course (and any other trades you come across). You'll probably have little trouble getting a hand for a day or so on a big install if you need it, without the potential problems of a formal partnership. You can do the same for your mates if need be.
a partnership will work if my partner is as good as me, as committed as me, as keen as me, brings as much in as me, spends as little as me etc etc, only when you start it will you find out what he is really like ( and him you) so can it work? YES will it work? prob not
my option would be to network with the whole class and others, if you wanted to be my partner what are you giving me that i dont have now? io have more experience and knowledge, you have more enthusiasm and a customer base we can tap into so it could work, but 2 from the same group have the same strengths and weaknesses,
if i was going to get a partner. it would be someone who knows about business, advertising, marketing, customer service etc...someone who could be in the office all day while im out doing the work, plus don't think I'd do 50/50 more like 60/40.
if i was going to get a partner. it would be someone who knows about business, advertising, marketing, customer service etc...someone who could be in the office all day while im out doing the work, plus don't think I'd do 50/50 more like 60/40.

and then the animosity would start as there was a 60/40 split, im in the office all day looking after all the technical back office admin stuff that you cant do while you drive about in the van fitting pipes etc, so obviously i "deserve" a 50-50 split, "we're doomed captain, doomed i tell you"
A legal business partnership only really works for the one who is less knowledgeable, less committed, and more lazy.
A few friends who help each other out and share information and perhaps cover for each other if very busy however can be a very good thing.
no no no imho , you need one more dominatnt person in any partnership.

maybe in a few years you could but i doubt it to start off with but i wish you all the best
its my business so if i did get a partner it would be 60/40, im fine on my own at the moment though not busy enough
Thanks again guys my work placement went well today, so well chuffed. I think I will be going it alone, but keeping a good network with the guys on the course. Looking forward to running my own business, but am a little nervous. I'm sure I can make a success of it if I put the hard graft in.
Thanks again guys my work placement went well today, so well chuffed. I think I will be going it alone, but keeping a good network with the guys on the course. Looking forward to running my own business, but am a little nervous. I'm sure I can make a success of it if I put the hard graft in.

if your happy at work its easier ,or i think it is dont fogrget you have all your family of ukplumbersforum too. get to know guys loaclly to you swap numbers etc , network your self
Good idea, Cheers bod, think I will be on here a lot going forward, it's great on here as you get such a variety of experiences.
thats where your putting your from ? really ? serious , hehe kidding fella welcome to the forums
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