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NO One wants to be a plumber??

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Plumbers Arms member
Gas Engineer
been advertising for plumbing apprenticeship for 3weeks with only 3 calls and only one person turn up for trial. guess no one wants to be a plumber any more??

advertised with college, Facebook, street life
damn, I wish I was young again... I had forgotten what it was like to know everything..
For someone that believes all the adverts for jobs on Internet, but then states about misinformation on this forum, seems contradictory.
My advice would be take every bit of information that you can get in life and decide what you believe, but be polite to all those offering help.
Looks like somebody is leaving! :smile:
I gave you an example,y sister gave me the low down on how these people operate but you choose to ignore the post.
Enjoy the holiday :biggrin:
They all want experience and being able to work on your own which you can't as you have no experience

tbh short courses / collage only courses are only for people like timed served who need nvqs etc as they already know what there doing
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I see that GaMo has been Sam Allardyced! Mind you Sam trousered a million quid to keep his mouth shut.GaMo didn't even get his plumbers mate rate! I wrote 3 helpful ,detailed posts in the vain hope he had a brain cell.That's 30 minutes of my life I won't get back.I must get my pill*** identification instinct sharpened.

On a more serious note I am concerned about how we get quality entrants into the trade.Much of the training is frankly a racket in that it does not meet the needs of the trainee or trade.Apprenticeships do not seem to be working well in that few on here seem to have had positive experiences 'Gone through 4 already.'In a pure business sense,many of the trade are sole traders and it is not economically viable to take on an apprentice.If training organisers are paid to train perhaps we could have the apprentice's wages paid for the first year.By then it will be clear if it is working for both.I do however appreciate this could be exploited.Is it worth a new thread?
Yeah he gone..

Now he`s gone .................

When he started off I thought he was another I-know-better teenager but then he used the words "Kid" and "Son" towards APP leading me to think he was an immature adult having a mid life crisis and wanting to be a plumber.

EDIT. meant mature adult honest! Hehe.
Now he`s gone .................

When he started off I thought he was another I-know-better teenager but then he used the words "Kid" and "Son" towards APP leading me to think he was an immature adult having a mid life crisis and wanting to be a plumber.

EDIT. meant mature adult honest! Hehe.

Maybe he was one of those southern Man U fans trying to use northern words!
it was nice of him to highlight many of the difficulties of having an apprentice...
I'm toying with shifting this thread to the arms but it could prove a valuable lesson to future apprentices in the attitude NOT to have!
I'm toying with shifting this thread to the arms but it could prove a valuable lesson to future apprentices in the attitude NOT to have!

would leave an change title :D
I wish I could find a good apprentice. I have had 3. One thought he was due qualified plumbers money after 3 months of working, one thought he could get up whenever he wanted and it didn't matter if he was late and the other one quit.
I have had a full time subby working for me for the past 3 years, I want to train someone up to take over that role but finding someone with the right attitude proves extremely difficult.
You banned him! But we could have learned soo much from him!

He's probably off now, earning £50 an hour and laughing at us.
I was following that thread with some interest and wondered how long it would last with him.

I gave some cheek to an old fitter on a site once when I was a 2nd year apprentice, nothing happened, one talked to me for a week, they all sent me to Coventry, I was on the verge of tears every tea time in the site hut, all I was given to do was cut studding and drill holes in the slab ceiling with a redhead gun & I had to ask to go onto another site.........lesson learned, saw the fella about 6 months later, my training manager even knew by then then, "You'd better apologise to Gibbo" he said "he's still steaming"

poor Gamo lol
Back on the guys at Lidl...domt knock them they work damn hard many supermarkets do you know that run with only one till open!
It was like 16, 17, and maybe 18 year olds who behaving like they don't want to know.

Throwing bits of pipe, pens or anything else about the workshop; or sword fights with lengths of copper pipe 4 or 5 feet long.
Constantly on mobiles in class/workshop, no matter how many times told to put them away; going off topic, talking amongst themselves, making weird noises and no they did not have an involuntary response condition.
Going to class without course book, paper pad, pen or anything, then saying "I didn't know what we were doing I thought we were in workshop"; so why did they turn up in class at the same day and time as they have done for weeks.
Going to morning / lunch / afternoon break and not coming back for rest of the day because what they were doing was "boring".
All students were told how important maths are and a number of examples were given, including some of personal experience.
But they walk out of a class because they can't understand the tutor (neither could anyone), but she was writing everything down correctly, I followed it and learnt something (I have always had bad maths so took the opportunity offered), but it was to difficult for them.
Turning up for maths and there is no tutor, and instead of going to library and studying or finding a maths tutor and asking for some work they close blinds, turn off lights, use class PC and large screen and put a film on, after messing about and swearing; there were a number of students who were trying to study but ended up leaving that lesson.
There were teenage students on a health course who caused so much disruption in maths the tutor was regularly in tears and ended up leaving the college.

I made a complaint and the head of maths was telling me about the problems they are having.

From what I saw at college of those who were early twenties or younger (whose ages I could identify), there were some but not all who did not seem that interested, from my personal experience they were generally not interested.
Even the tutor stopped giving out homework because not many students were bothering to do it.

And I'm not saying where this college is.

D'you know that's almost the exact reason I gave up a teaching career and went back to plumbing. 14 years as a head of department and if they didn't do the homework (Because they were too tired after a day messing about disrupting lessons), it was me who got disciplined for not making it interesting enough.

Not all young people are the same though, and I teach kendo to quite a few in the age bracket. These people have what it takes to get on, and they will, but not all of us are the same.
I was a very late starter, leaving school with 6 CSE's and none of them above a grade 3.
I messed about doing unskilled jobs in factories, foundries, on farms, and in the the building industry before I conned my way onto a Government training programme for plumbers.
I did have to work damn hard though and we were always told by the course leader (Jim Foster if I remember correctly) that he would show us how to do something once and we got the chance to have a go. We could mess up once, but if we messed up twice we were off the course so we worked, and concentrated.
We also did nearly all our written work in our own time, after the workshop sessions. There were times when I was finishing at 10pm and then getting into the workshop for 8am but I knew that it was for a reason and, as I keep telling my actor son, I had something to fall back n when teaching failed for me, so in the end all the hard work was worth it.
BTW - I started in plumbing at the age of 24, and I was a complete idiot, running around with a very bad crowd and getting into trouble, but I changed. So can the others that 'Appear' to be a waste of space.
To paraphrase David Bowie, they're just "Going through changes"
Enjoy your time on the job, enjoy your time off the job, moan if it's making you feel like it, and try to be nice to everyone because it does make life a lot easier in the end :)

That's a lot of typing - I think I might write a book now 'coz I'm well experienced after this bit :D

Another BTW - I got on my course by using a graded scale I marked on the edge of the question paper to work out a cylinder circumference. Ingenuity, and an ability to solve a problem are far more important that qualifications IMHO
You banned him! But we could have learned soo much from him!

He's probably off now, earning £50 an hour and laughing at us.

Ha Ha - I charge £60 ph :D, but then I find that although I've told them the job will take two hours, it usually ends up taking 3 or 4 and I'm down to £30ph :(
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