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Link exchange for plumbing website owners??

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Hello, I have recently set up my own plumbing website in the Lincoln area, I have been tinkering with it to slowly get further up the google search pages. I now know your page rank depends alot on how many other websites link to your page and what rank them websites are. I am fully aware non of our websites will be very high ranked, but we can help each other if we have links for each other on our webpages, on our links pages ( or similar if you dont have one) I know it isnt very valid me having a link for a glaswegian plumber as im based in Lincoln, but I would simply put on my links page.

If you ever need a plumber in glasgow - (then the link) or similar.

Im sure this would help everyone involved as Im sure your aware more and more people seem to be hitting the interent for tradesmen, especially in the bigger citites. If anyone would be interested in swapping some links please get in touch. Thanks. Chris
You lads can swap links on your websites no probs....The members on the tilers forum do it as well.....

So go for it...maybe even put a plumbersforum link as well....:)
If I only knew how!!!!!!!!!!!

what aspect dont u know how mate? how to do a link on your website??? did u design ur own???

what aspect dont u know how mate? how to do a link on your website??? did u design ur own???

if anyone has a website leave their web address, then people can exchange with theirs, mine is plz people dont be shy
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Hi, I'm in the process now of trying to exchange links with other plumbing sites, contact me at [email protected] if your interested in exchanging links...Thanks
is this like search engine optimisation ? I thought the more keywords you had in your webpage and page titles etc the more you'd go up the pecking order I'm in the process of building mine with some info
I have been looking into it, the keywords do help but the more links you have the better, especially if your linking to someone who is quite high up the search ladder..
well what about links to manufacturers websites then ? surely alot of people google the likes of worcester baxi etc
In my humble opinion ... of course ...

I don't want to smack this idea but the search engines are becoming more and more "intelligent" these days. There was a time when if you put "plumbing" about 2,500 times on your site you could more or less guarantee to be number one. Then the search engines started blacklisting sites like this.

Then the designers started hiding words (white text on white background or black/black, etc). The search engines discovered this. So then the designers went for colours. Search engines found this.

Then there were the meta tags. Nowdays most search engines ignore these too!

About 5 years ago links came into vogue. So web designers put heaps of pages on to one website and linked all sorts of things from one page to another. Search engines marked these down in the pecking order.

Then web designers used several websites linked to each other. Search engines found they were all belonging to the same registered person/company.

So then new 'false' companies were set up ...

And links ...

The list goes on.

I think the only thing that really works is the length of time a website is registered*. Mine is coming up for renewal and it wouldn't surprise me if I get a few more hits from it because of this. (But for my locality mine is in the number one slot. Frustrating for those SEO people cold calling and asking how high up I'd like to be in Google!)

* Obviously the site has to be relevant and I'm not denying links work (I'm sure they do) but as search engines become more intelligent they'll be looking at these links and realising that many aren't valuable for users looking for information the internet.

In my humble opinion ... of course ... !!!

Please don't read this and think it's not worth doing links. At the moment there is definitely mileage in it but I'm sure it will only be a matter of time before the search engines start marking multi linked websites downwards.
so what is the moral of the story then do we need to pay google or something to get high up in the order is that what its coming to ?
The problem is that a bunch of low-ranking sites linking to each other won't really help any of them because their links to each other won't be rated highly.
Good idea is to post ads on sites like gumtree and include a link to your site on things like this forum like the chap above me has. The higher up the search results list that the site is where your link appears the more it benefits your ranking.
And even though search engines are getting cleverer all the time it does, at this most in time, still definetly work.
I would agree with dontknowitall. I noticed a massive jump in my ranking when my website hit the 1 year old mark. I did my own website and used a liberal scattering of keywords. One thing that does work is creating an 'areas covered page' for each area you want to rank for. I'm number 1 for my immediate locality plus 2 others now so I enjoy the SEO calls too! I don't do links with other companies and my page rank is a big fat 0. Not sure how important either of these are any more really.
well this forum is at the top of google searches mostly for plumbing stuff, so i dont know if that helps having your link on here im not sure how it works going to meet my web developer today see what he has to say hes trained in this sort of stuff
As far as I'm aware Links are important as is the age of site. They both contribute to the perceived authority. If you have lots of people linking to you then search engines see you as an authority on your specified keyword. And having an older site adds further weight. I've just started with a new site and would be happy to link exchange with anyone who wants one. My email address is [email protected]. Best of luck to everyone.
your better off with a wordpress site with plenty of content, google loves content.
just to point a few things out,
1. links are not ranked from where they come from but how many times someone clicks on it. for instance if you put a link on here, 20 people will instantly click on it, giving it a good ranking. if you put a link on your website what is the chance of your customers looking on your links page and then clicking on another plumbers website? very slim.
2. links are also based on relevance so if you are getting links from your local council website/ plumbers then these are more relevant then clicks from links from american shoe shine companies etc.
3. the content of your page is much more important then links, for instance if you have plumber 1000 times on your page then you will be higher ranked, problem is that your site will look rubbish if it says I am a plumber who likes doing plumber things and plumbers are what we have doing plumber things all day.
4. yell and thompson has listings of plumbers and each listing says "plumber" on it, so you are never going to be higher then them.
5. there are loads of different things you can do but as soon as Google thinks you are a robot you will go down in the listing and to stay at the top constantly you must change your content monthly.
Links are not the be all and end all that they used to be. Google have recently changed how they rank pages and changed what they like and don't like.they are now not too keen on links since the advent of companies in India and the Philippines who will supply you with a thousand links for a fee.

Links now only have any credibility when they are used only as a part of a comprehensive on and off site seo strategy. Too much concentration on any one area flags up with Google as a cheat or loophole exploitation and your site will be penalized as a result.

If any forum member has an existing website and wishes to have a free of charge seo evaluation on it to highlight any faults or devices from what Google now looks for please pm me your details.
Jase158 You are 100% wrong with a lot of what you just shared.
1. Complete rubbish. Google promotes authority. A link from an authority site is more valuable than a link from a crappy article directory. Look up page rank, and link juice.

hmm, I have to beg to differ, especially as i have 2 brothers who both do computers, been to uni and college and who are both doing pretty well on computers/ servers and website business!!
maybe I havent explained it right but I know I am wrong from research and experience, take a look at google analytics and this will show you the referal sources, this is the same information google will look at.
He still did not say what enagement meant, or did he mean enragement?
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