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Is it safe to run on "only DHW" mode on summer

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Hi All,

We live a house heated with "viessmann vitodens 200" running on gas.
Hope you will excuse my question, but we have a doubt if it's safe to run the heating only on summer mode so called "DHW".
We are recently move to a house with a mentioned gas boiler, and previous owners told us to not modify any settings on the heating mode. Only to reduce the thermostats in each rooms to minimum.
Temperatures now are more than 15 C. And I do not see points to warm water for the heater + warm the water as well.
Is it anything wrong with running the system only on "DHW" (Summer mode)?

Thank you beforehand!

I'm guessing the original owners might have been referring to the complexity of the controller and that it was just easier to turn down the roomstats to stop the heating coming on - doing this will mean the heating won't fire so you won't be wasting any gas anyway.

And having had experience with the Viessman controllers I would probably tend to agree with them!
Thank you very much for the responds! I very much agree with comment on controllers. Even reading the documentation it's still not really clear all the usage of the small nobs.

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