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hi guys its hurdy,:punk: well its been frustrating,could not talk to you because,i could not get through the security,a bit simmilar to when you first join the site,anyways hope you are all well,yes you are in for a eppic tale,work going well,home life well,i think the last time i was in touch i was on the lash with guys from work,fully recoverd from that night out,one to remember,it hurt,any ways i took myself off to RAF DUXFORD,two weeks ago,what a good day out,weather was scortching but had the luck that ther were not a lot of people around,so i could spend plenty of time reading and marvelling at the exibits.could not get over,how big the concord actually is,as well as the,blackbird spy plane,well worth the seventeen pounds and fifty pence,some how i lost seven hours there,the high light for me though was watching a spitfire constantly taxing in then taking off ,a few laps of the field then back to earth superb day out,i would highly recomend this day out,espesially for you second world war buffs. on a ilghter note mother still continues to do well,she had another round of chemo last week,wished i could have been there,but i will go to see her soon,.last friday went out with friends to town,with partner,bumped in to work collegues,and we proceded in a large group,bar crawlling,good thing about doncaster, it is easy to get around.any way,while doing this we bumped in to ian snodding , and who was with him? yes yourv guessed it ,niel razor ruddock,i did not recognise him but my partner did,so we had our picturs taken with him,the daughter has put them on face book,ruddock is abear of aman ,i thought i was tall at 6ft2ins.he towers me.we know snodding,because his daughter is my daughters friend,so it was a exellent night out,very intoxacated,hurt next day.why i do this to my self i dont know? .so we have now rolled in to another week thank god its quite,got my father coming to stay friday so it will be nice to see him,he also is bringing my new trailer,cant wait.any ways guys,hope this gets to you,look after your selfs,be safe out there, hurdy
Ay up, glad too hear your mams still doing alright. wondered where you'd gone.
Hi Hurdy that was over a week u left us hanging waiting for that big torpedo u just dropped, good to hear all is well, least your gettin plenty of nights out ,,,,,,, all the best Kris
Hi Hurdy good to hear from you glad your Mums doing well send her all the best from your pals here at ukpf.....regards Turnpin:punk:
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