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How heavy is yours?

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Have been lugging my tool case about and finding it very tiring. Today was just too much as I was going up several flights of stairs to a flat with it. It is my "small tools" tool case, but has every spanner, grips, screwdrivers, pipeslices, large pipe cutters, snips, pliers, etc that I usually ever need, plus loads of other things.
Decided to weigh it tonight, - 18 kilos! ...that is near 3 stone.
Carrying that in one hand, plus sometimes carrying other things is taking its toll. Going to have to weed any unnecessary tools out and split the stuff into 2 cases.
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got a separate bag for soldering stuff, and my general toolbag does get heavy till i clear it out. do end up more trips to the van though.
I don't carry my soldering stuff in that (normally it is not in a box) except sometimes my Surefire torch body. My heavy tools, like claw and club hammers, big adjustables and large footprints, chisels, bolsters, etc, are kept in another tool box, which must weigh about 30 kilo, but I don't carry it.
I like the idea of one box holds all and to avoid thieves I want to lift the one box out that has the expensive small tools. But this is actually wearing my body out carrying it far.
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We've got the worst job for needing tools, I've found I'm either carrying every tool box and bag into the house or going back and forth to the van, I've taken to the bucket and select tools needed
got a separate bag for soldering stuff, and my general toolbag does get heavy till i clear it out. do end up more trips to the van though.

That's just it, - I am lazy and hate the trips to the van! So I try to carry too much in one or two trips if I can and knacker myself. :smile:
The irony is, when I have to carry very heavy objects, particularly any distance, I try to make them as light as possible.
Have been lugging my tool case about and finding it very tiring. Today was just too much as I was going up several flights of stairs to a flat with it. It is my "small tools" tool case, but has every spanner, grips, screwdrivers, pipeslices, large pipe cutters, snips, pliers, etc that I usually ever need, plus loads of other things.
Decided to weigh it tonight, - 18 kilos! ...that is near 3 stone.
Carrying that in one hand, plus sometimes carrying other things is taking its toll. Going to have to weed any unnecessary tools out and split the stuff into 2 cases.

I did that a while ago. I bought the dewalt stackable boxes, and split tools into installation box, service box and soldering box. Much lighter and easier to manage. Obviously sometimes you need 2 boxes but still easier to carry.
Like Mas I do the same, open tote bag for servicing, installation box and a separate solder box (with a variety of everyday fittings in)
I find I'm using the service bag more now, easier to carry but no hammer or larger tools
I'm getting pretty good with the back of my grips for knocking stuff
Jesus! is anyone that much of a tool tart to actually own one of these
I couldn't justify that expense

Got one and an xl :D lasted well tbh
Utterly, ridiculosuly heavy. Half of it not necessary to be in there. I saw a photo of me the other day and I'm convinced it's left me permanentyl lopsided.

I've not weighed it but comparing to the dumbells in the gym I'd say 22-26kg easy. Moronic. I want shooting.
Good thread, it's reminded me to clear mine out... All those fittings soon weigh up!
Good thread, it's reminded me to clear mine out... All those fittings soon weigh up!

Don't forget the little bits of tube
Oh I don't like to stop at tube, mine is also full of rubbish. Might as well break your back carrying round stuff that just wanted to be put in the bin.

Right that's it I'm clearng it out tomorrow. I'll do a pre and post weigh in for laffs.
Oh I don't like to stop at tube, mine is also full of rubbish. Might as well break your back carrying round stuff that just wanted to be put in the bin.

Right that's it I'm clearng it out tomorrow. I'll do a pre and post weigh in for laffs.

And pics :D
never weighed my bag but its heavy enough for me to have broken 2 shoulder straps when the d rings have opened up under the weight of it! (Stanley fatmax open tote)

I bought a veto OT XXL last year but I sent it back, although the quality is amazing, the weight of it empty was too much (obviously this is oweing to the quality of it), by the time I had everything in it I wanted it was unmanageable. Shame as I seem to wreck the Stanley ones in 6 months.
Mine is a large Stanley tool case and holding together okay so far, apart from some of the catches broke off. Mine at 18 kilo feels much heavier than that, but carrying that weight on one hand and walking upstairs really tests your strength. It is like carrying a large child around using just one hand. Lifting a heavy weight compared with carrying a heavy weight is much different. I bet most people's tool cases do not weigh as much as they think.
This was my mates tool caddy paul tool_Moment(2).jpg

More than 2 and half stone. I weigh 9 stone 12 for christ sake (I weighed 11stone 9 in Jan, have been laying off the cheeseburgers.)

Haven't cleared it out yet but will post it's lipo results when I do
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After a years worth of pain from both wrists thanks to carrying heavy tool boxes i have invested in the Festool trolly, a couple of Systainers and the open tote as a burn bucket, it might of been expensive but for pain free wrists which was affecting my work its been worth every penny.
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