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Found something great today!!

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Plumbers Arms member
Gas Engineer
Unearthed a live wasp's nest inside a wall on a bathroom installation today. The wasps didn't seem very happy about me ripping the wall (and thus the side of their nest) down. I've never left a bathroom so fast in my life. Luckily for me I was just ahead of my staff member, not so lucky for him who got stung twice.

There are times in life when it pays not to be last.
get a stick, cover it in sticks like and poke it through the door and wave it about. 6 wasps or less it could be safe to send the apprentice back in ;)
This nest had hundreds of the buggers. Literally as soon as I pulled the wall down I realised it was crawling with them. The homeowner was on about sucking them up with a vacuum cleaner. I just told him to crack on and that he was a braver man than I was if he was going to try that! Soon changed his mind when he saw how many there were!
get a stick, cover it in sticks like and poke it through the door and wave it about. 6 wasps or less it could be safe to send the apprentice back in ;)

6 or less and they would have been marching back in with a hoover.
your local council should remove them. they spray some stuff and you have to stay out of the room overnight. not sure if its to give the buggers time to die as they get grumpy and stingy or whether its safety because of the stuff they spray.
council came out to a job of mine last week with wasps in loft. i had to wait to get in loft and syphon tanks for gravity fed bathroom with seized gate valves in airing cupboard
The pest controller had come earlier in the day as it looked like the nest was in the loft. How wrong they were!! Householder phoned last night, they have all died and he has hoovered up the bathroom for us as well. No mean feat as we were half way through demolishing all the walls and tiles!

Little blighters ended up costing me £70 in lost earnings yesterday but such is life!
I remember as a kid I used to go round with my grandad who used to do pest control, the one job we got up into a loft to find a wasp nest he poked his head around a wall then said "boy poke your head around there" when I looked it was the biggest nest I have ever seen it was a good 2-3ft and wasps everywhere. As I'm running out of the loft my grandad started spraying the nest and the loft absolutely filled with the little buggers. He never wore any protective clothing on any job and very rarely got stung. He said it was down to his soap that they didn't like.

The stuff they spray slowly paralyses them and they do get very very grumpy as they are protecting the nest. But it works by them taking the poison back to the nest which will then kill all of them. Usually it takes about an hour but it depends on the size of the nest. If they can spray directly into the nest it will take less time. (This was about 20 years ago so they will probably have something better now)
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