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Evening all,

Not the best place to post but not built up enough credits to yet put on for sale and wanted, but hey how - will ask anyway!

Looking for any information as best to try and get my hand on a pampass green bathroom suite - well, a toilet and basin at least! Its actually for my Grandma, and despite best persuasive efforts to get her to change the colour scheme, she is adamant she loves the colour (!!!!) and wants to keep it. Has a full suite at present but damage to main bathroom sink and the toilet base, although the cistern itself is still in good condition.

Does anyone know of any source that is best to try and find this stuff or even better - does anyone want to get rid of some? Please let me know!

have you thought about architectural reclamation yards? when we changed our avacado suite for white years ago we sold the old one for a few pounds.
There are companies that still make this stuff in all the famous colours for situations like yours, however, I remember getting a quote for a customer for a new burgundy wash hand basin, it was around £300 just for the basin and this would have been back in 1999 ish. Google would be my first port of call for this one.
you could try H. James and son Romford rd manor park London e.12
good for this type of thing but can be expensive good luck :)turnpin
People still buy these coloured suites!! LOL.

I'm looking at a few bathrooms to quote this week, I'll PM you if any of them are green. Ripped out loads over the year. Bang em in the skip. Never knew people might want one.
Thanks everyone! Just found out it's avocado and not pampas! Doh!
Might have found cheapest on eBay for 50 quid toilet (delivery Inc.) and about £40 for the basin!!! But if you come across any going any cheaper then let me know!!
I think thats about as cheap as your going to get.

In 5 to ten years time these are all gging to comeback in to fashion and we will all be crying at the money we lost by taking a large hammer to this stuff
sorry just read post, threw a set in bin wednesday, you could have had for nowt.

cooper&berry nottingham sell them new and in stock.
Phone round your local plumbers and get them to save you one. You will struggle to find new. There is another company called but they cost more than modern units.

They do turn up on Ebay regularly and I have seen an avocado suite sell for 99p.

However your best bet is to tell your grandma they don't make them anymore and put her a nice white suite in.

Make sure you get the same make and suite as the colours can vary.
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Thanks all! The hunt is still on - might have the cistern via eBay but still after the pedestal basin but if anyone finds one let me know!! You never know, might be worth stockin up an selling them on eh!?!? Lol
Thanks all! The hunt is still on - might have the cistern via eBay but still after the pedestal basin but if anyone finds one let me know!! You never know, might be worth stockin up an selling them on eh!?!? Lol
did you miss my reply?.

cooper&berry nottingham sell them new all colours. give them a ring
did you miss my reply?.

cooper&berry nottingham sell them new all colours. give them a ring

Apologies Redsaw! Had looke into this company amongst others and had problem viewing the site, although have since beennon and lodged an enquiry with them. Thanks!
Hopefully can get it heap as chips but kist specialist sites seem to have a very high premium on these so called unwanted items! Here is hoping tho!
Thanks again
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