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Advice On Plumbing As A Career

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Hey Gents.

Let me start off this post by saying any advice and comments will be greatly appreciated, an opportunity has presented itself to me and I'm currently in the process of weighing up my options, professionals like yourselves will really help me make up my mind.

I'm a 23 year old from Leeds who for the last year has been in and out of temporary employment, I attended University and studied Information Technology but due to personal circumstances I didn't complete my studies. I did leave with an Aegrotat degree which was awarded by my University since under normal circumstances I would have graduated as normal. It was quite the blow for me, I've always been a high achiever and had high expectations of myself, this situation however was unavoidable.

Before I attended University I'd always been interested in pursuing a trade but because of my grades I was very much encouraged to go to University and when I was at school the possibility was honestly never really presented to me. A poor excuse I'm sure, if something interests you especially with regards to your future then you have to be the one to ultimately find information about it.

It's always been in my mind and since I left University the feeling has resurfaced. I feel at the point now where retraining and starting my life afresh in a new area is probably best for me from a personal and professional standpoint.

The dilemma of course is that my life up to this point has closed quite a number of doors with regards to undertaking an apprenticeship in a trade. I applied for and contacted a number of companies who had vacancies on the national apprenticeships site but this seemed to prove fruitless. I saw my only option really as getting in with the larger companies (national), I applied for an NG Bailey Electrotechnical Apprenticeship but didn't make it to the assessment centre days (which really was quite the blow).

Electrician was the trade I primarily looked at but by no means did I rule out others, it's simply the path I knew most about, the path that there's seemingly most readily available information for. I'll get to the point though and tell you why I'm here looking for advice to potentially take plumbing as a trade.

I've been presented with an opportunity through my dad, he works with contractors and speaks to them regularly. He was discussing my situation with the man whose company is responsible for his building plumbing work. Coincidentally it turned out he's currently looking for a couple of younger Apprentices to join his company. Costs for my training and development would be covered by him and I'd be working alongside him and his team whilst getting my qualifications and training, an apprenticeship!
His company does domestic, commercial, retail and industrial work and he's had his own business for the last 25 years.

The opportunity is there and now it's up to me to make a decision, as you can imagine having it presented to me was quite a shock and I need to make a decision ASAP. This is where I could use the advice of professionals like yourselves. I feel it's a great opportunity and I should take it, it's a long term commitment and like anything life nothing is certain but the way my life currently is it's probably exactly what I need, to retrain in something and to be given purpose and drive once again.

So here I am asking you gents, would you recommend taking on the opportunity and the trade of plumbing? Any advice you could give me would be very much appreciated with regards to this opportunity and the trade in general. Thanks ever so much and apologies for the huge post.
I would say grab it with both hands but like said before only if you really want it
Plumbing can be a tough job and there are some nasty jobs at times. The tales of earning mega money are way off the mark. But if you feel you want to do it grab the opportunity with both hands! Good luck!
Rip his arm off there loads that would kill for a opportunity like this . But only if you thinking plumbing for you
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