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Why bother working for family.

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Do you guys get family members expecting work for next to nothing or is it just me?
I haven't seen my auntie in years but I've been asked to spruce up their bathroom. She's gonna supply the suite but I'd supply pipe, tap connectors, traps etc.
Job involves
Remove shower, tray, enclusore and shower boards
First fix new shower on opposite wall to existing shower
Fit new larger tray down flat to floor
Fit new shower boards
Fit new shower and enclusore
Remove basin
Fit vanity unit and worktop with semi recessed basin
Remove free standing bath
Change bath taps and pop up waste
Refit bath after new flooring has beem laid
She also wants a new twin channel timer with wireless thermostat (me to supply) and the soil stack tidying up. (Remove redundant pipes and change the dirty ones)
All in I told her £1400, that includes a joiner for the shower boards, vanity unit, and a spare pair of hands to build up the shower screen. I'd be doing it on weekends and said it will take 5 days. She says it's more expensive than she thought and would have to sleep on it. I don't piece jobs often but I thought that price was more than reasonable, I feel like telling her where to stick the work.
Yep not worth even quoting as find it normally offends them why so much thought I was doing you a favour :D etc
To be honest, you've done most of the right thing. The only thing you did wrong was not doubling it ;)

You know who your real 'family' are, and clearly this person, auntie or not, is not on your list of real family.

She may well not have a lot of money, however, anyone worth their salt would be having a conversation with you and not loading you up as this woman is doing and then effectively bleating about it.

I think Jon is right, just give her a call and say you've so much work now that you can't do it till Jan by which time things will have gone up because of Brexit. If she still wants it doing just add to the price to make it a proper paying job...

What do your Mum & Dad say? They must have an opinion!? Mine would have told her not to take the 9iss :rolleyes:
Family I either work completely free or charge normal. I dont do mates/family rates but i do have a very select few that I would help out as much as they like.

normally barter system applies i find esp with sparkies :D
Everyone that vaguely knows you or you Mrs thinks they are a friend. I either igbore the hints or tell them I am too busy. When I do give a price it is close to full price as they normally live nearby and I can pop home for lunch, worth a small discount. Only my mum gets free work. List was a bit bigger but lost a few over the years.
Atleast it's not just me then, I was just having a rant while my blood was still boiling :p, it's not the first time I've fell out with family over work, my brother was one and my mum the other, and she did get the work for free, (@YorkshireDave that might answer your question as to what my parents thoughts are :rolleyes:) I'll let her sleep on it and if she wants it done I'll still do it, I'm too soft. Maybe one day I'll learn to just say no, more hassle than it's worth.
I do not do 'friends and family' discount.
I insist on estimating the job first if they ask. Most think I'm 'a bit expensive' and leave it.

Would they come round to weed your garden and paint the house as a favour to help you out? that's how I think of it. The answer is a no!

The other type of favour that gets up my nose is the you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours! You know the type. They nick a can of paint for you from work and you go and install an outside tap at their house. Theirs cost them nowt and yours involves a few hours of bent double frustration at the weekend but somehow that's a fair swap!!!!

Your skill is what it is and it costs time, money and effort to be able to do it. It also costs financially to run a business as you may know. They either pay full whack, or get someone cheaper. End of chat.
All of my immediate family are long gone, parents & grandparents etc. I have brothers and sisters who work full time so they either pay my full price or someone else's price
Craig you need to toughen up thats less than half price she should be biteing your arm off let her sleep on it and hope she don't wake up mate . I fell out with my brother over a heating a upgrade I did for him upgraded the gas, stripped everything fitted a Worcester Combi in the kitchen, put a Worcester pressurised hot water cylinder up in the loft moved all the plumbing and heating pipework to accommodate this all under chipboard floors , added extra rad pipework work for a future rad in the new extension, replaced the shower as it wouldn't take the pressure, got him £250 cash back from Worcester my price was £1200 that was with £500 discount he paid me £600 with the cash back £450 and I burnt me sds drill out so all that for £300 we still are not on great terms, he then spent £15,000 on a kitchen, :mad::mad: , stick to your price or don't do it . Kop
Couple of years ago, one of ar lasses mates asked me to fit them a second hand gas cooker. Was just a straight swap, hose etc from old cooker, all tested and working ok and cert issued. Told him "Just give me £25 mate".
"Can I pay you Friday?"
"Yeh, no probs mate, just drop it onto ar lasses"
Last week he got a new cooker from Currys and asked ar lass if I could come and fit it!
"No mate, you pay Currys £85 you chiselling owd tw@t!"
Shot himself in foot for £25
Couple of years ago, one of ar lasses mates asked me to fit them a second hand gas cooker. Was just a straight swap, hose etc from old cooker, all tested and working ok and cert issued. Told him "Just give me £25 mate".
"Can I pay you Friday?"
"Yeh, no probs mate, just drop it onto ar lasses"
Last week he got a new cooker from Currys and asked ar lass if I could come and fit it!
"No mate, you pay Currys £85 you chiselling owd tw@t!"
Shot himself in foot for £25

Should of said £170 upfront would of paid for last time as well.
Couple of years ago, one of ar lasses mates asked me to fit them a second hand gas cooker. Was just a straight swap, hose etc from old cooker, all tested and working ok and cert issued. Told him "Just give me £25 mate".
"Can I pay you Friday?"
"Yeh, no probs mate, just drop it onto ar lasses"
Last week he got a new cooker from Currys and asked ar lass if I could come and fit it!
"No mate, you pay Currys £85 you chiselling owd tw@t!"
Shot himself in foot for £25
Given how he had the cheek to ask again, I'm thinking he did pay and your lass denied all knowledge of any money :D
Well ive had no message or phone call, perhaps she needs another night or some more quotes to realise It wasn't a bad price after all :rolleyes:
You could always try telling the truth. This need only be feared if you have reason to feel guilty for your thoughts and actions. If not then the challenge is just one of explanation.

But failing that the too busy excuse is a good one because to fit them in you would need to turn down fully paying, regular customers. So you would need to lose money unless you charge your normal rate.
I do what I can to help out and store up good karma/favours for later.

Yes it seems a bit one way sometimes, however an old neighbour I did three days free work for about 9 years ago has just given us her piano (a pretty good Danemann, at least a thousand I’d say).

Coincidence- I think not.

I think you have to wait a while but it comes back one day, no good for food or mortgage though so I limit it to slack periods and worthy causes - definitely not a Sod taking sibling who them spends 15k on a kitchen ! Cheeky tw*t.

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