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Toilets sometimes need multiple flushes

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We moved into a new build a few months back now, one thing we noticed is that we sometimes we need to flush the toilets multiple times to clear, this doesn't seem to relate to the contents of the toilet (could be just a bit of tissue), also it's not isolated to one toilet.

We approached the developer who said this was due to the having to use smaller cisterns as there are new regulations of only 110L per person of water usage, hence reduced flush power.

Does anyone know if that is true? In theory I agree but sometimes we only need to flush once and it's fine, surely if it was a power issue it would always need multiple flushes?

I would have a look at the water level inside the cisterns, lift lid, maybe you can make the water level a bit higher by tweaking the float level. If not get back to builder all toilets must perform properly, by power they mean weight/volume of water used to evacuate the toilet pan. centralheatking....its 6 litres per flush ! not 110 thats over 1/10 tonne of water per flush
I would have a look at the water level inside the cisterns, lift lid, maybe you can make the water level a bit higher by tweaking the float level. If not get back to builder all toilets must perform properly, by power they mean weight/volume of water used to evacuate the toilet pan. centralheatking....its 6 litres per flush ! not 110 thats over 1/10 tonne of water per flush
Thanks, I will check the water levels first, the developers just don't seem to want to take responsibility for anything unless they have no choice
The 110 litre figure refers to 'per person per day'. Building Regs G2, IIRC.
Yeah that's what he developer is quoting at me and the reason for the poor flush power - i just don't trust developers :)
The 110 litre figure refers to 'per person per day'. Building Regs Section G2, specifies a minimum of 125 litres/person/day but includes an option for planning permission restrictions to reduce this to 110 litres/person/day.
I see now, anyway the reality is that UK use 224 litre per person per day ..last figures I saw...and water regs do not cover showers or power showers which can use more than a bath at full tilt.
The joke about reduced WC flush volume over the years is that people tend to flush more than once to clear.
It probably would have been better to leave the volume as it was.

Aye the old 2 gallon flush, 9 litres, versus 2 flushes on the new 6 litre flushes.
Aye the old 2 gallon flush, 9 litres, versus 2 flushes on the new 6 litre flushes.
Yes 2 gallons from a high level cistern will take tennis balls away and more chking
Yeah I did read the 110 limit was true, I just wasn't convinced that was the issue behind having to double flush - why bring out limits that require people to flush twice, doesn't make much sense
silly people making unworkable rules ...mind you its supposed to be short flush for boys wee
and long flush for girls and browns ...centralheatking
And what is it for all the "Persons with a modern Gender definition" , like Non Binary, Gender Neutral, Third Gender or Gender Fluid???

Is there now a need for Non binary W.C flushing?
being practical, whatever your outlook if you stand up to wee, short flush, if you sit down and use bog paper long flush...this is in a Wras document which has been with held and redacted.
The joke about reduced WC flush volume over the years is that people tend to flush more than once to clear.
It probably would have been better to leave the volume as it was.

I have a terrible toilet in my house. It always requires two or even three flushes to clear the pan properly. I even keep an old washing up bowl down the side of the vanity unit to perform a manual flush where necessary. Absolutely ridiculous. I would have changed it ages ago but it's a flippin' 45 degree corner unit and it's all tiled in. No amount of adjustment has improved it. I hate that toilet.

That's my excuse but really it's that age old thing of "The cobbler's children have no shoes". I think most plumbers here will understand!
I have a terrible toilet in my house. It always requires two or even three flushes to clear the pan properly. I even keep an old washing up bowl down the side of the vanity unit to perform a manual flush where necessary. Absolutely ridiculous. I would have changed it ages ago but it's a flippin' 45 degree corner unit and it's all tiled in. No amount of adjustment has improved it. I hate that toilet.

That's my excuse but really it's that age old thing of "The cobbler's children have no shoes". I think most plumbers here will understand!
Haha builders house or mechanics car
Haha builders house or mechanics car

I think it's at least partly because people don't want to fix their own stuff when that's what they do all day anyway. Also probably due to knowing your field and what you can get away with. A person with no mechanical experience hears a whining or screeching noise coming from their car and immediately worries about it and gets it fixed. The mechanic however knows what's up and that the important stuff still works so it can wait for another day. A day that never comes!

It's the same with me except instead of a car it's toilet and instead of replacing the poorly flushing toilet, I know a bucket of water makes for an effective flush. The only weird thing is, my Mrs seems to find the flush fine. Must be the size difference...

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