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Support the fair fuel campaign..they need YOUR! Help...

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We imagine that, like us, you are angry and disappointed by the failure to act on petrol & diesel prices in thisafternoon’s Budget.
The Government has not listened to ourevidence that it could have reduced petrol & diesel tax AND been no worseoff in overall revenue. This is a ‘slap in the face’ to every family andbusiness in Britain.
Our view is that the failure to scrap thefuel duty rise is the ‘Bombshell in the Budget’. It willdo immense damage to families and businesses.
Yes, we are angry and disappointed – but weare not giving up. If today’s failure to act shows anything is shows this– we need more support than ever.
If you share how we are feeling, pleasespread the message by every means you can that FairFuelUK needs every familyand business behind it. We HAVE to fight back. Weneed everyone in Britain that cares about the crippling damage being inflictedby high petrol & diesel taxes to actually sign up at [DLMURL][/DLMURL].
Every signature makes our voice morepowerful. We currently have 220,000 supporters but need thousands more.
Please cut and paste the email below to allyour family, friends and contacts or use our ‘tell a friend’ facility here byclicking [DLMURL=""]"Tella friend"[/DLMURL] .

Come on the UK's tradesmen and women.. this campaign needs your help.. the more that sign up the better.
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done. diesel is only so much because the powers that be realised that diesel vehicles used less fuel so needed fewer fillups, so hammered more in fuel duty!
Something like 68% of what we spend on petrol/diesel is tax. It's a total scam and I for one am happy to sign up.
For years the oil revenues have been squandered by succesive UK governments to prop up their ailing policies. Other oil producing nations such as Norway have accrued an oil fund that stands at billions of pounds and they can draw off this fund to improve their economy as and when they need to. Where is our oil fund? We have wasted the oil money on unemployment and a failed benefits system.

As one of the biggest oil producing nations we have the most expensive fuel.

This government needs to do something to promote confidence in this country. Instead of constant cuts and people in the public sector losing their jobs, this country needs investment to promote growth and it needs it now!. Lots of ordinary families are living in near poverty and have no money to spend on every day living expenses and home improvements are a luxury to them. This hardly helps our industry! Constant cuts, people with no money, record fuel and food prices hardly promotes confidence in the economy.

Yet again small businesses are being squeezed dry by yet another hike in fuel costs. As our customers have little to spend, we are not in the position to put our prices up to cover the increased costs we are incurring EVERY day. Sadly I can see lots more small businesses going to the wall.
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I'm afraid I'm a spoil sport and think it's more important that we pay off the country's debts sooner. None of us likes paying for expensive things but the fuel duty is a pretty fair tax after all. We can always save by driving slower.

Am I the only person who passes my fuel costs on to my customers?

I do realise I'm in an extremely small minority with this view!
signed it ages ago and had a crap excuse off my mp why he could not attend the debate

i have had 2 letters from my mp so far with updates.
i also bumped into him one eavining asking for directions.
i told him that its the big house at the side of the river, you cant miss
See your point on this. My view is that all of the taxes in the country should be replaced with two simple taxes. One that comes from people's wages and another that comes from company's profits. It would make tax so much more transparent, easy to administer for business and fair to be honest. The highest earners should pay the highest percentages of tax.

Getting back on subject, I think everyone does (or should) pass on fuel costs to consumers but there is a limit to how much people are willing to pay per day, so this has the effect of reducing how far you can travel for work whilst remaining competitive.

It also punts up the cost of absolutely everything in the country and keeps contributing to inflation. I can accept that the country is in debt to it's eyeballs thanks to years of Labour 'government' aka incompetence, but the recovery needs to be sustainable, there is no point taxing the country to it's knees. The recovery will come from a growing economy which will create increased tax income for the government, not pillaging the country with a huge tax burden.

I'd go for an even simpler tax system. Not sure of my calculations but here's the theory:

Essentially, no income tax while VAT is charged at varying rates from 10% for essentials to around 75% for luxury end products but mostly the rate to be around 40%. Small cars taxed at around 30% but large cars (eg BMW 7 series) will attract 75% tax rate. Money exported is taxed at 75% (yes, even your holiday money you take to Malaga!)

A state payment/allowance of £15,000 per household to be lowered by £1 for every £1.50 in income above this. No allowance/benefit over £22,500. If you have 10 children in the same household, it's still £15k - none of this stupid lark of child benefit, housing benefit, winter fuel allowance, etc. If the household earns more than £22,500 no allowance or benefit. This £15k is to protect the poor, unemployed, etc. Once you're earning more than £22,500 this £15k allowance drops to zero.

A personal national insurance pot to be built up to £100,000 (effectively an income tax). This pays you for when you're in hospital, unemployed, pension, etc. When your pot reaches £100k you don't have to pay into it anymore.

No income tax, no savings tax at all, no council tax!! This means that what you earn you keep. One rule though: any money exported is taxed at 75%.

Foreign "diplomats", off shore account holders (like Mr. Blair), clever bankers, Russian property developers etc can earn as much as they want tax free. They just get nobbled when it comes to spending (through this high VAT rate). Earn in this country and spend abroard? Fine, but your exported money will be taxed at 75%.

Rather extreme!

Our tax rules have become FAR too complicated and it's not difficult to find loopholes here and there. After all if us plumbers can find the odd wheeze (and we do) it is an indication of how much is slipping through the state's fingers.
Running an engineering manufacturing buisness believe me, forget the politics, the economic situation is out of control and I am not saying the government are not between a rock and hard place but panic and knee jerk reaction seem to spring to mind. Originally I thought the cuts were good but things are going to far and fuel increase etc will result in pro-longing the recession we are in. Unfortunatly we need statesman or women to get us out of this mess and bite the bullet, but I think none of the ones we have now are capable of this. Visiting large engineering companies and going on about how wonderful engineering is and how we need manufacturing is really interesting but perhaps they would like to spend a few hours seeing what small companies face daily, fuel rise, rates, national ins, liablity insurance (or not avaiable if you export to the USA unless +15% on exported equipment) and all..... rant over
I know she wasn't everyone's cup of tea but another Maggie Thatcher is what we need. Cameron said all the right things before being elected but I'm afraid he's just not bitten the bullet hard enough.

Gove has done a fair amount on education but Duncan Smith and Frank Field have not managed to get very far, nor has the defence secretary, blah dee blah. Unions are too powerful in my opinion and need to be knocked down a few pegs (not demolished, just made to see some common sense and made to realise this country's not made of money any more.)
No thanks, Thatcher destroyed Scotland during her "reign" by experimenting with her policies here first, i.e the Poll Tax was one.
Agree with the rest of what you say, Cameron and Clegg are not doing a good job in the UK government. Too much doom and gloom and not enough confidence to promote growth, jobs and the economy and rightly or wrongly they can only blame the last government for so long. They are in chargenow and their policies are not working to fix the economy.

In Scotland, we did not elect the UK Tory government, in fact their are more pandas in Scotland than Westminster Tory Mp's. Our education, legal system and NHS is devolved to the Scottish government and it's doing better than in England even with limited resources.

I feel that the UK is no longer a "United"KIngdom and it's time for each constituent nation to stand on their own two feet and assume responsibility for their own economy and own peoples. In fact this would be a more United Kingdom than at present, as we would form a partnership of equals, not a society of unfairness where the wealth and the power base of the economy is based in the Southern most part of this island, i.e London and is NOT spreading outwards.
mates just come back from a cruise brought me a bottle of whisky back brewed in scotland etc and yet it was £9 abroad so its cheaper by about a tenner abroad then local , hmm wonder if thats due to tax lol
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