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Scum Of The Earth

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Plumbers Arms member
Gas Engineer
So I turned a corner after leaving a job, with my rucksack on my back, hover and hose in my hands an what do I see???

Some low life scumbag with his head in the back of my van.

Soon as I saw him I shouted and ran towards my van, he got into his with his mate already in the driving seat and drove off before I could get there.

They stole all my gas equipment - brand new Kane 455 CPA1 kit, regin u-gauge and other bits n bobs... Didn't get the ref plate and cops said CCTV wasn't clear enough to get the ref plate or a look at who done it.

Just confirms my hatred for most people in this world!!!
It was just my analyser kit (I say just loosely) and a regin 45 u-gauge. I pay £15 a month, you think it'll go up by much?

Honestly can't say mate. But when I told my liability insurance that there was going to be *possibly* be a claim for water damage, the renewal quote went up to £780. After it was proved to not be my fault, my premium was £136.40...

Plus you normally have to report claims for the next 5 years, so possibly in the long-term the cost will be several hundred quid.
Honestly can't say mate. But when I told my liability insurance that there was going to be *possibly* be a claim for water damage, the renewal quote went up to £780. After it was proved to not be my fault, my premium was £136.40...

Plus you normally have to report claims for the next 5 years, so possibly in the long-term the cost will be several hundred quid.

That's blooming rediculous!!! Makes me wonder why I bother with insurance at all, when all they do is claim the money back by upping your premiums, so in the long run all it really is is a loan!!
That's blooming rediculous!!! Makes me wonder why I bother with insurance at all, when all they do is claim the money back by upping your premiums, so in the long run all it really is is a loan!!

if it was me i would take the money your paying for tool insurance and put that amount in a separate bank account, some of them wont cover handtools or powertools over x years old anyway
if it was me i would take the money your paying for tool insurance and put that amount in a separate bank account, some of them wont cover handtools or powertools over x years old anyway

or bloody drill bits there classed as wear and tear items bloody dear wear and tare items
I'm not sure if toxic ted is still on this forum but when my van was robbed he sent me a personal PM & offered to post me a free Kane analyser he had spare! Luckily my analyser was not in the van that night, but a kind offer indeed :)
My mate had his van done last night; took random tools and holesaw kits etc. Didn't see all his powertools in stacking boxes sat right there! Lucky.

Worried now that mine is going to get done although I live a couple of miles away. Guess it's a matter of time.
I read your message this morning but haven't had 5 minutes to scratch my ar*e hole to be able to reply with a reply I wanted to say.

Jules, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much. I'll try not to get too soppy after all, we're all men here (huh hum) lol. Seriously, I actually got a lump in me throat when I read it driving in my van this morning, it's such a kind thing for you to do. You restored a little faith in me that I am losing very fast for human kind.

But without sounding like the most ungrateful w@@@er in the universe I will gratefully decline your kind offer as the boss gave me his anton yesterday when he replaced my van. Worst thing is, the back door was already f'd up from a previous engineer who crashed it and I had been telling my boss for ages that I didn't feel safe leaving all my tools in the van, even if the door locked, with a messed up back door. And the day before I was swapping it for my new van it got robbed..

Anyway, Jules, thank you mate I really appreciate what you did and if we ever cross paths I'll buy you a few beers!! ;)

no worries mate maybe someone in secret santa mightget it,
so if you've entered that you may well still get it LOL
Fit dead locks, wont stop the pro`s but will put off the average have a go tea leaf. Downside is they could attract attention to the van.
I'm not sure if toxic ted is still on this forum but when my van was robbed he sent me a personal PM & offered to post me a free Kane analyser he had spare! Luckily my analyser was not in the van that night, but a kind offer indeed :)

Bet APP has sent PM to Toxic already asking for it! lol
Fit dead locks, wont stop the pro`s but will put off the average have a go tea leaf. Downside is they could attract attention to the van.

Yep, just gotta make it as difficult as possible... I got deadlocks, van alarm & van vault... The longer it takes them the less they will hang around. Espically with an alarm going off!

I also reverse up to a security post at night blocking the rear doors...
dear julesverne,

my wife ran off with the milkman yesterday...................

all i want for xmas is ... my own cow back or W>H>Y!
Yep, just gotta make it as difficult as possible... I got deadlocks, van alarm & van vault... The longer it takes them the less they will hang around. Espically with an alarm going off!

Add those super bright LED lights inside and that should make them pee in their pants.
I've got an 09 Transit which i'm pretty sure is alarmed and it has the double lock which means you can't open it from the inside (if someone smashes the window).

How easy is it to fit something like this?? Garrison Deadlock - Ford Transit (2006>>2014) : Van Locks & Van Security Store UK | Van Deadlocks | Van Slamlocks | ArmaPlate | ArmaCat, Buy Online |

Any recommendations for extra locks?

I'd defs get deadlocks on a transit... Way too many skeleton keys for the transits!

I used locks4vans thatcham approved ones... I paid about 230 I think that included some guy to come out & fit them, very good service!
I had extra locks fitted to my connect (after I had my tools stolen) I tell anyone I see with a transit etc to get the locks added, they are specifically targeting these vans as they are do easy to get into.
I'd defs get deadlocks on a transit... Way too many skeleton keys for the transits!

I used locks4vans thatcham approved ones... I paid about 230 I think that included some guy to come out & fit them, very good service!

Nice one. Have sent them an email about deadlocks all round for my Transit. Probably wouldn't use them in the day but would make me feel better to lock them all up at night. There's been a massive surge in burglaries and van break-ins lately near me.
Nice one. Have sent them an email about deadlocks all round for my Transit. Probably wouldn't use them in the day but would make me feel better to lock them all up at night. There's been a massive surge in burglaries and van break-ins lately near me.

Nice one, I just had the rear & side door done as I have a full metal bulkhead etc.. But I guess fitted to th from would also protect the van itself from theft?

I just lock mine at night, too muck of a fiddle to use during the day! The locks 4 vans one are good tho as they always look locked as the barrel is always in horizontal position!
I guess the deadlocks won't stop them wrenching the doors open with a massive bar though. I've got a vanvault on it's side in there with shelves in that is bolted to the floor and bolted to the construct behind it so I don't think anyones getting the good stuff anyway!! (not without making enough noise for me to go out and break their legs anyway)
Nice one. Have sent them an email about deadlocks all round for my Transit. Probably wouldn't use them in the day but would make me feel better to lock them all up at night. There's been a massive surge in burglaries and van break-ins lately near me.

Mate, night time or day time, thieves don't seem to care anymore. Long gone are the days of thieves wearing balaclavas and black outfits at night to rob stuff.. Mine got done in broad daylight in front of witnesses!
Someone's bitter about a missed Black Friday deal I reckon ;p

:D naa ifs hes around looking could do with a new set of 36 stils bent one today ooops for chrimbo
if you havent already got dead locks on your van fit them spend between 200-350 for two decent locks and make sure you've got a metal bulk head and any windows in the back caged over, fitting the locks is not difficult, you only need basic tools and a dremil or multi tool

there discreet and the average thief isnt getting past them, they wont waste there time
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