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My 2p worth

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secret squirrel

I haven't started a thread for such a long time and I have the urge to write something so here goes:

This thread is meant for the people just entering the industry or wanting to. I have done a couple of similar threads before but this one is different (I think).

Firstly, I completed a fast track course which was 10 weeks incl. Part p, unvented cylinders, water regs and a couple of other bits....

I have been a plumber now for 2 years working for the best part on my own. So, anyone whose starting or wants to start in this industry, here's want I've learnt:

Plumbing is far from easy! Obviously. Just because you have a length of copper and a spanner your not a plumber. This industry is hateful, you can toil all day and for no reason you have a drip, sometimes, this involves cutting the pipe and starting a proportion of the work again. I installed a toilet in a property, no leaks done in an hour, (easy work) had to dismantle it again a week later (customer not happy and needed to tile behind it, could've told me that b4!) putting it all back, I couldn't stop it leaking......... thats plumbing. If this job goes wrong it goes wrong fast. I've watched someone change a ball valve live, I begged them not to do it but it wasn't my job I was assisting, we, didn't have enough towels for the carnage.....

Plumbing is not glamourous: customers want a lovely bathroom suite, state of the art and don't mind paying for the suite but are (in general) not interested in changing the problematic lead pipe coming in to the house. They'll spend huge amounts of money on the tap but will only want to pay silly money to have it installed.

Customers don't want to spend any money on things they don't see. There will be an Aston Martin on the drive but pay £75 to stop a pipe dripping HOW MUCH! £4000 to service the car is a talking point, so, is the bathroom but having a new 3 port valve fitted to have heating and hot water. Well, just not interesting. Then there is the customer who you see and its Where would you run the pipe then? would you use plastic? how do you run the waste? would you drain the system? As soon as the first question is asked you know its a waste of time.

This may come across as a little bitter but this is not the case. This is how it is. You develop your own way of dealing with the customer. Whether its cagey or just a shrug of the shoulders.

Following a lot of posts on here about pricing turns into a nightmare and when you start it is very difficult. Now I find it relatively easy, if your daily rate is £100 and you have a ball valve to do that is £50 + parts. I think of it like this:
I start work at 9.00 and you can't turn the water off, theres no light or boarding in the loft, no loft ladder, no isolating valve, the pipe work is awful and you can't undo the ball valve. So, 2 hours your out by 11 ish. Thats half a day. If your next job is at 1pm what do you do between 11 and 1pm! Ok, then if the job is the opposite, water is easy to turn off boarding and lighting etc then you can drop the charge but then its a personal choice.

I never (now) start work at 11am because the customer has a day off and wants a lie in. The reason is simple, if the job goes a bit pear shape you'll find yourself there earning half a days money and using the whole day. When I'm quoting a slightly bigger job then I'll use my day rate cost of parts +10% (depending) and then add £10 for consumables. Gas, flux, screws the endless trip to the van for that 1 extra elbow, where and tear on tools....

Remember, when you start out, you have all the extra costs that you don't think about when pricing, accountant, fuel, tax, liability insurance etc the list is endless. So, that sharp intake the customer does, well, let them have your costs. I now never negotiate on price either pay or get someone else. A good point and my final point on this is: if you say to a customer it'll cost about £50 and your there an extra 2 hours because of work you couldn't possibly fore see at the end of the customer will hand you £50 before you even hand them a bill.

When you start out, you want to take on all jobs don't be afraid to walk away. I recently had to price a bathroom job and the customer had already bought the bath, well it didn't fit into the room. The shower fitted was a 7.5 kw the new shower was 9kw obviously had to increase the cable. Well, according to the man in the shop who sold it that wasn't the case. I respectfully declined the job. We were disagreeing straight from the beginning. Its only going to end badly.

If you have an opportunity, work with someone whose good, whether they're good or not you'll know within a couple of hours. I work with 2 others now and the things they've taught me are unbelievable, what you can or cannot get away with! No, I don't work for free but I don't get my day rate. Its much reduced but sometimes its good to be told what to do and not have the responsibility.

Finally, take your time don't rush, a job will always take longer than you think. If it doesn't your on a bonus. If you don't know something ask! the manufacturer, your supplier anyone. Take pictures and don't worry about sitting in your van for 5 minutes to get that sense of perspective back, sometime you won't be able to see the wood for the trees.

Well, I hope someone has found this useful.....................
great thread but its what all trades go through and always will its all about balance on charging for return repairs ect, but youve got to realize being a good plumber its just not plumbing,its being diplomatic and fair and thats when youre name gets around , but try and tell the customer the reason why youve got charge for this and that.youve got a buisness to run and they would do the same im on the 25% side
Do you give pensioners 20% discount on a wednesday?
I'm the same as the next man who wants to make a bit on materials, but i can honestly say i dont get 50% discount over what Joe Public could buy the same for from my local merchant!

joe public shouldnt really be using the trade counter (hence word trade) but they do - but the ones who go there prob do the the job themselves anyway.
Joe Public are entitled to shop wherever they please, but if you are a trader & hold an account with certain merchants, its your loyalty & frequent spending with them that entitles you to trade discounts, therefore Joe Public buys a certain item for X amount of pounds, you buy the same item for 25/30/35% arguement is that you cant charge them twice as much as what you buy it for because it will cost more than what the can buy it for anyway...but by all means add the 25/30/35% back on & charge them that!
If materials cost you £400 & you charge £800 it wont be long before the customer realises he could of bought them himself for less than you are charging! Sorry but its practices like this that get plumbers their 'rip off ' reputation & gives us plumbers a bad name. We all like to make a bit, but there is making a bit & 'making a bit'!

I think he's is fine to charge that as he did say it was still roughly retail price. If the customer buys the part and it fails and floods thier house who's insurance does it come out of, how can you guarantee a part you did'nt buy yourself? what if he bought it from india last week and it is total rubbish?
I think he's is fine to charge that as he did say it was still roughly retail price. If the customer buys the part and it fails and floods thier house who's insurance does it come out of, how can you guarantee a part you did'nt buy yourself? what if he bought it from india last week and it is total rubbish?

So to charge the customer double the price of what the customer could buy it for anyway, same part from the same place is ok because if the part fails its your insurance thats liable!!!!!!!!
i only offer a gaurantee on the stuff that i supply, i add around 20% usually. But anything customer supplied that was dodgy i would make sure not to be held liable but if they supply decent stuff then whats the problem
every one has different philosophies about charge rates . as long as you get jobs and then you get paid I don't see problem !
but I think we all have to be reasonable to be able to get more work from the same customers and get recommended by them to all there friends and family members . what I have experienced lately is that all customers are asking for a break dawn of the price and then they go on line to see how much this cost how much that cost ! Times are difficult and every one is trying to look after the 1p let alone the 2p !
the 20% for materials is for my troubles in getting them, then the labour rate for onsite work
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