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Manned speed cameras

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Seriously if you've been on those driver awareness courses then you know full well that survivability dramatically increases with impact speed below 35mph.

I tried that argument with my dad in Italy. And then I looked up the statisctic about surviveablity and speed and, for, once, I think he was right: 30 or 40 mph makes little difference.

It seems it might be that only UK government-approved statistics show a huge difference below 30mph. This website, for instance, Is 30 km/h a ‘safe’ speed? Injury severity of pedestrians struck by a vehicle and the relation to travel speed and age - might suggest that we should all be travelling at 25mph.

Perhaps my lack of exposure to UK speed awareness adverts is showing. I probably need to come home and be cured :)
I tried that argument with my dad in Italy. And then I looked up the statisctic about surviveablity and speed and, for, once, I think he was right: 30 or 40 mph makes little difference.

It seems it might be that only UK government-approved statistics show a huge difference below 30mph. This website, for instance, Is 30 km/h a ‘safe’ speed? Injury severity of pedestrians struck by a vehicle and the relation to travel speed and age - might suggest that we should all be travelling at 25mph.

Perhaps my lack of exposure to UK speed awareness adverts is showing. I probably need to come home and be cured :)

Interesting, I've been to two driver awareness courses albeit the last one was about five years ago after I'd been caught going between 35 and 40mph in a 30mph zone and they drummed in the same thing about fatality rates when going over 30mph. Saying that there has been a general move to lower the speed limit in urban areas to 20mph in the UK for sometime now...

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I think he was right: 30 or 40 mph makes little difference.

2010 DfT literature review of impact speed and pedestrian safety:

“the risk of fatality increases slowly until impact speeds of around 30 mph. Above this speed, risk increases rapidly -- the increase is between 3.5 and 5.5 times from 30 mph to 40 mph.”

Not what I would describe as 'little difference'.
Hi KOP, not had a clean license for decades. Done all the courses etc. Guess i am a lost cause. I just pay up like with tax on cigs and booze. Best one was on a smart motorway, gantry says 60 mph, road was empty, i thought "crappy thing is stuck" - turned out to be on 60mph for emission purposes, well you never stop learning... lol

BTW, if you do get to 12 points, its not the end. I managed 21 before a ban was the best way of clearing them.

If you go to Bradford off the M606, a mobile unit there parks up on the ring road and gets loads as its a dual carriageway but 30mph, that spot has had me 3 times !!!
Hi KOP, not had a clean license for decades. Done all the courses etc. Guess i am a lost cause. I just pay up like with tax on cigs and booze. Best one was on a smart motorway, gantry says 60 mph, road was empty, i thought "crappy thing is stuck" - turned out to be on 60mph for emission purposes, well you never stop learning... lol

BTW, if you do get to 12 points, its not the end. I managed 21 before a ban was the best way of clearing them.

If you go to Bradford off the M606, a mobile unit there parks up on the ring road and gets loads as its a dual carriageway but 30mph, that spot has had me 3 times !!!
Wow you really did get yourself in a muddle mate, my argument is if your traveling along safely driving to the the road conditions it's dry leaving plenty of space between yourself and the next car no pedestrians to step out into the road then it's a bit harsh to hand out tickets for supposibly just creeping over why can't we use our own judgement we do that all the time we are driving anyway , but like you say its a argument you will never win, I would like to swop places with the chap who dishes out the tickets let him do my job for a week the pressures we put ourselves or our employers put us under is immense often theres a hundred and one things going on in your head and we are driving on auto pilot , all we are doing is helping people trying to earn a living and provide for our families I often don't eat or drink all day and don't have time to even answer the phone. 😵
I tried the Waze app yesterday I can see the benefit on long journeys as it does flash up the speed limit on the road you are traveling on so if you do creep over then you can adjust it accordingly. All the best Kop
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2010 DfT literature review of impact speed and pedestrian safety:

“the risk of fatality increases slowly until impact speeds of around 30 mph. Above this speed, risk increases rapidly -- the increase is between 3.5 and 5.5 times from 30 mph to 40 mph.”

Not what I would describe as 'little difference'.
Based on the DfT document you quote I would agree with you, but if you look at the article I quote, you might forgive me for suggesting it may not be as simple as the DfT study suggests. Particularly this chart in the Swedish data study which I think you will agree suggests (at least at a glace) little difference above 50kmph:

In fairness, I suspect neither of us has read either study in detail. I personally cannot assimilate all the information without printing out a copy and I've too much to deal with at present to give this that much attention, which probably is the case for most of us. This isn't anything to be ashamed of though, because we don't need to write the laws, only follow them.

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