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Manned speed cameras

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king of pipes

Gas Engineer
I am ashamed admit I haven't had a clean driving licence in 20 + years have attended 2 speed aware ness courses paid countless fines I have always had 6 points for sp30s this is not something I am proud of, and since dropping to only one sp30 on my licence made a conscious effort to drive to the limits, changed to a less powerful van reduced my daily work load , there is no excuse for excess speed I know this but this is where I find it a bit unfair we as engineers put alot of pressure on ourselves go above and beyond the call of duty be somewhere promptly and on time , constant vists to the merchants sometimes 2- 3 times a day the amount of time and traveling we do I have always put it down to a hazard of the job, recently I fitted a walk in shower for a gentleman who has a bad heart and needs major surgery to save his life the journey time through traffic say 25 mins so heres the scenario having got to the job did a few hours work and realised I need more expoxy crack repair resin so back in the van 25 min journey get what I needed then 25 mins back then the pita bit Mr speed cameras man sets his self up at the end of a 40 mph limit where it reduces to 30mph in wait for his next victim you guessed it I got a letter on the mat today 35 mph in a 30 FFS this one is a bit hard to swallow so needed to vent off a bit sorry chaps ! looking like 6 points again ? but I am beginning to think this is a money making exercise your opinion please if you want to hang me or hug me😂 kop
I got caught once, doing 65 in a 30, I am not proud I of it, received a NIP, went to court and received court costs, solicitors fee and 6 points. Like you say no excuse, but mine was, I was late for work and had a courtesy car which was obviously nippier than mine. Not really gone over since. Company I work for has tracker systems which can tell them my speed, so good really. The more recent one being my manager gets a text or email if I’m im speeding. I get your point about being somewhere fast, or going aboveboard and beyond, but would a judge see it the same way?
When working an area well known for mobile cameras I reached 9pts on the licence and my boss decided to come and drop off some stock items I needed and have a "chat" about the points.

Few weeks later I heard he had been caught twice that day!

I know we put pressure on ourselves but if you work out how much time you really save it just ain`t worth it.
All my points have been SP30 with the highest being 37mph but for some reason I am more aware of my speed in a 20mph zone.
I saw a police motor cyclist the other day using a speed camera on a tripod ........... he was dressed in black so you'd never see him until it was far too late.

IMHO speeding in a 30mph zone is far more dangerous than on a motorway
It is and always has been 1st a money making scheme and although it’s a safety thing since cameras being automatic and not manned and stopping you it has lost some of the safer side of just being a bit over and being stopped and just given a strong talking to which makes more of an impression than a ticket through the post. Luckily I have had a clean licence for about 10 years. I find cruse control a blessing just set it to whatever the limit is and drive that way
stopping you it has lost some of the safer side of just being a bit over and being stopped and just given a strong talking to which makes more of an impression than a ticket through the post.

I was a passenger with my son a few weeks back in his "hot hatch" and he was speeding, then suddenly slowed down - then a police car appeared next to him, pulled in front and used his "board" to say "watch your speed - slow down"

It was a real shame they didn't stop him and tick him off verbally or even give him a ticket but I suspect the dual carriageway wasn't long enough!

Actually, I'm with you (and unusually) on this one. Given that 30 limits often begin well before the actual built-up area, it feels wrong to me to brake when I've burned precious fuel in order to gather the speed and I would far rather ease off the the throttle and allow the vehicle to slow naturally, but then you're doing 35 inside the 30 limit area - but you're only JUST inside it.

Although I feel the above may be an excuse - my first car was a 27BHP 600cc petrol vehicle that had very effective engine braking, and perhaps I learned the ease-off technique for that reason. Engine braking doesn't work so well with a heavy diesel van.

I wonder whether your policeman can produce a valid speed gun calibration certificate for the day...?
Got me last week. Come into town and goes from 60 to 30, road rises slightly and then drops. Letter says I was doing 40, sent my form off.

First time caught in 30 years, last time was same spot but going in opposite direction. Didn't see copper step out in road with his hand up to stop me because of the low sun behind. I stopped in time, just.

I'm not doing the speed awareness I'll take the points and fine.

No excuse and no complaint, was trying to catch the local merchants before they shut so I could get a head start the next morning.

Only thing I will say is that a mate of mine waited 4 days for them to come and see him after he was assaulted. My son waited a week for them to come and see him after his van was broken into.

But I suppose you have to get wins when you can.

Certainly slowed me down a bit now.
I was on the M62, got done doing 68 in a 50.
It was literally 10 yards after the speed dropped from 70 to 50 I was busy reading the exit sign and missed the 50 sign.
Not had points for about 10 years, no speed awareness offered. Instant points and £100 fine.
It was about 2 miles before some roadworks that were unmanned.
That's 100% money making in my opinion, absolutely nothing to do with road safety....
When working an area well known for mobile cameras I reached 9pts on the licence and my boss decided to come and drop off some stock items I needed and have a "chat" about the points.

Few weeks later I heard he had been caught twice that day!

I know we put pressure on ourselves but if you work out how much time you really save it just ain`t worth it.
All my points have been SP30 with the highest being 37mph but for some reason I am more aware of my speed in a 20mph zone.
Same here mate all SP30s in the van during work hours 😤😤
It’s the same as parking tickets in London money making racket nothing about safety as there lying in wait for you
Get one them electric scooters, I was passed by one in 30mph zone and it was probably doing 50mph. You'll need a trailer to carry your gear obviously.

Seriously if you've been on those driver awareness courses then you know full well that survivability dramatically increases with impact speed below 35mph. It may feel like a racket to trap motorists at times but I suspect the mobile units are targeting particular road sections for reasons that aren't always apparent, at least I hope so.
I do not want to say anything as I’m normally a good boy.

Ps why can I no longer use emojis ?

press the cog bottom row Should be able to use / click on it
Changed van early last year much quicker than old one! 2 tickets in 10 days both at 35 grrrr
Tho this summer out with wife on bikes (we are regular cyclists) went through a mobile speed trap at 37mph deep joy!
Get one them electric scooters, I was passed by one in 30mph zone and it was probably doing 50mph. You'll need a trailer to carry your gear obviously.

Seriously if you've been on those driver awareness courses then you know full well that survivability dramatically increases with impact speed below 35mph. It may feel like a racket to trap motorists at times but I suspect the mobile units are targeting particular road sections for reasons that aren't always apparent, at least I hope so.

Where they got me it's not pedestrian oriented, there aren't ever any. But I know what you mean by survivability, knocked off me bike when I was 16, luckily it was about 20mph no damage except sqiffy wheel and bruised ego 😀
Not read the previous messages - motorists are easy money, at least £100 a pop.... drug dealers and murderers and worse! don't bring in much cash.

Having said that I'm not advocating motoring offences at all.
I used to moan like fec about rozzers and camera etc etc but I have actually changed my mind , we have laws for reasons and its very easy to understand , if you step out of line and speed , you pay the consequences .
We all know what I will be posting tomorrow night now .
Sorry Town I have to disagree I am sick and tired of being expected to pay up and shut up but there's very little I can do that's the trouble opt to go to court and plead your case the penalties can and probably will be alot worse. it's a zero tolerance in Norfolk mate it's just the way they go about catching people is which I disagree with all of my misdemeanours have been as the limit changes from one speed limit to another and never more than the previous higher speed its fur kin sneaky mostly as I am slowing down honestly mate this last one was a real p- as take 1.30 pm on a bright sunny day hardly a car on the road 40 into a 30 and I really was driving like Miss Daisy I really thought I was within the limit so didn't even give it a second thought till the Constabulary sent me a request for a donation 😂 . Keep well mate kop
Sorry Town I have to disagree I am sick and tired of being expected to pay up and shut up but there's very little I can do that's the trouble opt to go to court and plead your case the penalties can and probably will be alot worse. it's a zero tolerance in Norfolk mate it's just the way they go about catching people is which I disagree with all of my misdemeanours have been as the limit changes from one speed limit to another and never more than the previous higher speed its fur kin sneaky mostly as I am slowing down honestly mate this last one was a real p- as take 1.30 pm on a bright sunny day hardly a car on the road 40 into a 30 and I really was driving like Miss Daisy I really thought I was within the limit so didn't even give it a second thought till the Constabulary sent me a request for a donation 😂 . Keep well mate kop
I wrote that 20 years ago mate , believe me .
if I get caught tomorrow doing 31 in a 30 , who is breaking the law ? , me , I know the limit was 30 , I go over the legal limit its me who's broken the law . Theres loads of y’s and wherefores but you cant argue with the above .
It does sound like they target motorists down there , they leave us alone up here because they are too busy chasing all the drug dealers ,murderers , car thief's and burglars .
I wrote that 20 years ago mate , believe me .
if I get caught tomorrow doing 31 in a 30 , who is breaking the law ? , me , I know the limit was 30 , I go over the legal limit its me who's broken the law . Theres loads of y’s and wherefores but you cant argue with the above .
It does sound like they target motorists down there , they leave us alone up here because they are too busy chasing all the drug dealers ,murderers , car thief's and burglars .
We have our fair share of them down here mate especially during the covid lock down , I just spoken to my nephew he goes around servicing and repairing body scanners in the south east 200 mile radius he uses the Waze app to notify you of em and find alternative routes he tells me it's been a god send so will be trying it this week . Cheers kop
We have our fair share of them down here mate especially during the covid lock down , I just spoken to my nephew he goes around servicing and repairing body scanners in the south east 200 mile radius he uses the Waze app to notify you of em and find alternative routes he tells me it's been a god send so will be trying it this week . Cheers kop
Waze it is then lol .


  • Screenshot_20201018-212618.png
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  • Screenshot_20201018-212717.png
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Hold on am I missing something here. So a van sets up somewhere then after 4hrs moves to another location and an app knows where it has gone! How?
Hold on am I missing something here. So a van sets up somewhere then after 4hrs moves to another location and an app knows where it has gone! How?

Doesn't get a good write up.

I would imagine it feeds back through the app. Always chance you'll be the first through and unaware.

2nd best are the radar detectors.

Top prize is to stay at or under the speed limit 😉😉
I was on the M62, got done doing 68 in a 50.
It was literally 10 yards after the speed dropped from 70 to 50 I was busy reading the exit sign and missed the 50 sign.
Not had points for about 10 years, no speed awareness offered. Instant points and £100 fine.
It was about 2 miles before some roadworks that were unmanned.
That's 100% money making in my opinion, absolutely nothing to do with road safety..
I think the course limit is speed limit + 10% + 9mph.

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