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Is it true the Government trains up Polish plumbers to fill our skills shortage.

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student plumber

I heard under European Union rules that not only are Polish plumbers allowed to come here looking for work, but the Government are paying to train them up to fill our skills shortage.

I understand that the Government have to pay this so that any foreign workers are treated fairly under European law.

Is this genuine or is someone yanking my chain, there's a joke in there but it wasn't deliberate, honest.
So what you saying. If the plumbers over here worked harder there would not be a shortage?
I dont know . But you know what I would not be at all surprised !!! And it would not matter a jot which party was in power. They are all so out of touch with what really happens on the shop floor !!! As long as they have a piece of paper that dilutes their responsibilties they are home and dry
I don't know about British workers working harder and then that sorts out our shortage or not. I can't see it being as simple as that.

It's just that I heard that because plumbing standards in Poland are a little bit different than here, I imagine there's a fair bit of make do and mend as a substantial number of the population has been quite poor, though things are getting better for them.

It could be the same for other foreign workers as well, Czech Republic, former Yugoslavia. I'm not singling anyone out for abuse it's just there's more talk about plumbers from Poland than from anywhere else in the EU.

As a result someone coming over here (whichever country) might not be conversant with British regulations, and the Government is obliged to help them.

Foreign doctors and nurses were being trained up accordingly but it has since been considered that was prejudiced or something and I believe stopped, even though there was a relief doctor from Germany who gave a man here too much morphine and killed him.

I've heard loads of stories not just on here but at the Job Centre and people I've met in town that can't get the training required, can't get a plumber to take them or let alone just get a job.

We joined up to the Common Market which is now the European Union, more freedom to travel between countries stuff like that. But we also pay benefits to mothers in some of those countries, we don't send criminals back to there countries who may face a harsher punishment for their crimes there than what they would here or because they have a family now, even if they break British law.

If foreign workers are being trained (I don't know if they are) when they can't find the money to help even a handful of Brits, that is biased even prejudiced.

It wouldn't solve our skills shortage or I wouldn't have thought in the short term anyway.
If it is happening it is wrong but it is not this Government's fault or at least not directly.

The EU passes new laws very quickly if they get pushed through it may not leave enough time to contest them or ensure a balance, what were our MEP's doing instead?.
If it is why didn't the Conservatives bring it up in the Commons as it was most likely the Labour Government who saw it in when Poland joined the EU.
You can not stop the tide. I am sure there are many people on this forum who have worked in Europe when times were tight. I have for one and also had the nightmare of employing plumbers in the UK. Self employment has had a massive effect on our trade as a large proportion of plumbers are self employed with no spokes person to lobby Ministers. Coupled with the fact that the black economy is alive and well as a result of private training providers turning out people with little skill and even less experience. Being made to work as sole traders as there not to a standard plumbing companies would employ. I happen to know a polish plumber that works for a local company, he is by far the best man they have. Never been late, works to instructions at more than a standard pace and it happy with his lot. Not wishing to become a foreman or management, just happy. If people can travel to a foreign land with very little of the language and find employment perhaps we should look at ourselves in terms of advancement. If it was going to be easy every body would be a plumber.
no specific funding avialable for polish people wanting to be plumbers.

they are entitled to any benefits any foreign worker is allowed regardless of trade, not sure if this extends to funded training schemes but i doubt it. If its funded for them then for sure its funded for us aswell
I'm not saying it's wrong foreign workers coming here.

I work with some foreigners and there are some very hard workers and if they come here or go somewhere else and pull their weight or more fair play to them, it's no different with British workers going abroad. Auf weidersen pet, for example was based on some facts at least.

I knew an engineer who worked in Saudi Arabia for several years in the oil business £££:D:D:D. Whats the difference with someone coming here and doing it, none as I can see.

Like I said I don't know if it's true, that's why I'm asking if it is, and this is a fairly good place to find out, aside from asking an MP and getting not quite a straight answer in a few weeks time or more.

The basic question I'm asking are foreign workers being trained up to a degree to allow them to work here when that funding may not be allocated to British plumbers.
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as i said before NO, they do not get preferential treatment as you are asking. they would not get funding over a british worker, that doesnt mean they dont get funding
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