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I need some therapy guys, or a large glass of JD .

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Gas Engineer
Rant ... approx 15 years ago 2 council guys rocked up out of the blue and told us we have a public footpath running through our garden , oh great , cost then around 2K to shift it , after several letters etc they said that because they knew we didnt built the house and garden over the footpath there was nothing they could do , even my solicitor said forget it .
Fast forward 15 years, our house goes up for sale , we tell the solicitor and estate agent , house sells, just about through all the usual stuff until buyers solicitor desides they cant buy the house without moving the footpath , phone call at 5 pm , buyers pulled out !!!!!! SAKE .
Feel your pain my friend, I had people pull out over the smallest reason when I was selling my place this year. I reached the point of assuming nothing until the ink was dry. If you have letters or can obtain copies of them then don`t see why there is a problem but these solicitors are a PITA! :mad:
Feel your pain my friend, I had people pull out over the smallest reason when I was selling my place this year. I reached the point of assuming nothing until the ink was dry. If you have letters or can obtain copies of them then don`t see why there is a problem but these solicitors are a PITA! :mad:

The more I think about this , the more I blame my solicitor, I am seeing him tomorrow, mmmm he might be supprised at what I am going to say.
The more I think about this , the more I blame my solicitor, I am seeing him tomorrow, mmmm he might be supprised at what I am going to say.

Just a suggestion Jon, if it's not one of the solicitors practices partners you're dealing with already, ask to speak to a partner - we did that 10 yrs ago when we last moved because we felt we were being messed around, it certainly made them sharpen up!
Don't want to be lighthearted about your predicament Jon, saw this in a bar window today!

from the outside I hastily add....
Rant . approx 15 years ago 2 council guys rocked up out of the blue and told us we have a public footpath running through our garden

Ask your solicitor whether they can obtain an indemnity insurance to cover the cost of moving the path if it ever becomes a problem. Another possibility that I vaguely recall is along the lines that If the ROW wasn't on the land-registry when you bought the house affects your position because you are entitled to rely on the LR.

Of course, buyers often get cold feet and will cite any trivial reason for pulling out of a purchase. Quite often its not them but their mortgage provider who makes a mountain out of a molehill.

Best to sell to someone who doesn't need a mortage and isn't worried about a 1% chance about having to spend a couple of grand to move the path decades from now. :)

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