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harrowing day!!

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sad day today, quite affected really.

6pm last night i drove down the usual road home, 10 mins later the wife and daughter followed behind.
when they arrived home they told me someone had been run over and the boy was there laying in the road with blood coming from his mouth. she told me two friends were hitting the driver in distress screaming as they did so.

turns out that the boy (16) was in a fight with 3 of his friends against 5 others with a car. 2 of them was beating this poor lad in the middle of the road when they had finished the driver drove his car straight into him, then ran him over again. on his third attempt after backing up for another run, a woman in a car who saw what was happening (with her 3 children) positioned her car 6 feet the motionless victim to protect him. other members of the public jumped in front of offenders car while some dragged the 18 year old from the car and detained him whilst the others ran off.

the ambulance turned up after a short while and the police after 20-30 mins (motor bike) followed by a car sometime after. the police were casually assisting the paramedics until the point they were told it was deliberate as the driver made a run for it but was caught. nearly 2 hours passed before they closed the road off to passing trafic and pedestrians contaminating the scene.
the boys mother turned up at the scene distraught after seeing her son in the road(naturally) screeming 'who did this to my boy?'. a police officer said its the lad in the back of the police car!, the mother tried to get the culprit banging on the car and trying to open the door only to be threatened to be arrested for public disorder!!!!!!!!
the forensics and traffics turned up at 10;30 this morning.

the boy had massive head trauma, but sadly the life support was turned off this morning.

he was a school friend of my kids and been at ours a few times and lived 4 doors up....

r.i.p rakeem
That's terrible. Really struggling to put my thoughts into words.
I don't care how any rat lawyer try's to put a spin on it that is cold blooded murder.

I hope that little scum bag rots in prison for the rest of his life. And his mates too as they had intent.

i often hear of things like this and as a human hang my head in shame how can anyone believe that this was ever an acceptable way to behave. We are all susceptible to red mist, but this gang mentality is disgusting. Whatever happened to fisty cuffs and the winner buys the looser a pint and the world moves on.

such a waste of a young life. That poor mother I can't begin to comprehend what her and her family are dealing with right now..
Absolutely lost for words. How can we call ourselves civilised when this crap happens?
Society is becoming increasingly violent, and we have more access to hear about violence via 24 hour news, and the Internet, I think younger lads are becoming desensitised to it.
What a horrible, horrible thing to read. We really are a savage species when we want to be...

Hope your wife and daughter are OK. Not an easy thing to witness.
sad day today, quite affected really.

6pm last night i drove down the usual road home, 10 mins later the wife and daughter followed behind.
when they arrived home they told me someone had been run over and the boy was there laying in the road with blood coming from his mouth. she told me two friends were hitting the driver in distress screaming as they did so.

turns out that the boy (16) was in a fight with 3 of his friends against 5 others with a car. 2 of them was beating this poor lad in the middle of the road when they had finished the driver drove his car straight into him, then ran him over again. on his third attempt after backing up for another run, a woman in a car who saw what was happening (with her 3 children) positioned her car 6 feet the motionless victim to protect him. other members of the public jumped in front of offenders car while some dragged the 18 year old from the car and detained him whilst the others ran off.

the ambulance turned up after a short while and the police after 20-30 mins (motor bike) followed by a car sometime after. the police were casually assisting the paramedics until the point they were told it was deliberate as the driver made a run for it but was caught. nearly 2 hours passed before they closed the road off to passing trafic and pedestrians contaminating the scene.
the boys mother turned up at the scene distraught after seeing her son in the road(naturally) screeming 'who did this to my boy?'. a police officer said its the lad in the back of the police car!, the mother tried to get the culprit banging on the car and trying to open the door only to be threatened to be arrested for public disorder!!!!!!!!
the forensics and traffics turned up at 10;30 this morning.

the boy had massive head trauma, but sadly the life support was turned off this morning.

he was a school friend of my kids and been at ours a few times and lived 4 doors up....

r.i.p rakeem
RIP poor kid,if i run the country they would all get the death sentence,take a life,pay with yours,my lads a similar age
Shocking but unfortunately all to common these days ...where did it all go so terribly wrong..Turnpin
The trouble with todays generation is mostly down to PEER PRESSURE.
Even if you go to extreme to give them the ''right'' training, the type of kids they end up socialising with could easily influence their behaviour.
A kid on their own will always avoid getting into trouble. Put 2 or more of them together and they will think they own the world and can do as the please? They tease one another saying things that make the other feel if they don't do something, then they are ''weak''. In effect, once one of them start, the others quickly join in.
Sad society we live in.
May your soul rest in peace Rakeem
Sorry to hear that your wife and children had to witness this mate, just keep an eye on them to make sure it doesn't effect them.
Somepeople just don't care what happens to them or others, what a shame.
RIP poor kid,if i run the country they would all get the death sentence,take a life,pay with yours,my lads a similar age
Its catch 22 part of me thinks the same, then the other parts says then we would be no better for doing such a thing. You just cant win until we as a species man up and stop this senseless violence of any shape or form. Then we really cant move onwards and upwards.
just a voice of experience sticking his oar in. It is so sad someone has died but be very careful apportioning blame etc before the powers that be have had a chance to get the full facts. Some 15 years ago a lad had left the school I worked in at the start of the Summer hols and he was seen stabbing another in the throat later that evening, he got away and a manhunt commenced over several days looking for the barbaric killer of another who was going to join the police etc etc. At the trial a year later, turns out the dead lad had been bullying this other kid for years, and when term ended, the bully promised to give him one last beating that night if he came across him in town. So the victim tooled up with a knife and went out with his girlfriend when he was attacked by the gang and bully. knife got drawn and it all went wrong as the bully lunged, tripped and fell against the bullied lad who was moving back as the bully landed on the knife severing his jugular. Because the bullied kid had gone tooled up he went down for manslaughter, but the bully got exposed for the true character he was, although he didnt deserve to die, but there was karma there somewhere.

so just wait for the end report, doesnt make it better but its often surprising!
Its catch 22 part of me thinks the same, then the other parts says then we would be no better for doing such a thing. You just cant win until we as a species man up and stop this senseless violence of any shape or form. Then we really cant move onwards and upwards.
trouble is the laws to soft and theres absolutely no deterrent
just a voice of experience sticking his oar in. It is so sad someone has died but be very careful apportioning blame etc before the powers that be have had a chance to get the full facts. Some 15 years ago a lad had left the school I worked in at the start of the Summer hols and he was seen stabbing another in the throat later that evening, he got away and a manhunt commenced over several days looking for the barbaric killer of another who was going to join the police etc etc. At the trial a year later, turns out the dead lad had been bullying this other kid for years, and when term ended, the bully promised to give him one last beating that night if he came across him in town. So the victim tooled up with a knife and went out with his girlfriend when he was attacked by the gang and bully. knife got drawn and it all went wrong as the bully lunged, tripped and fell against the bullied lad who was moving back as the bully landed on the knife severing his jugular. Because the bullied kid had gone tooled up he went down for manslaughter, but the bully got exposed for the true character he was, although he didnt deserve to die, but there was karma there somewhere.

so just wait for the end report, doesnt make it better but its often surprising!
can see your point lame,but sounds like a different story here TBH
sounds different, but thats exactly how my story sounded at the start, what with the sun etc doing front page innocent kid throat slashed etc etc, just hope the world up there stay calm till the truth outs.
sounds different, but thats exactly how my story sounded at the start, what with the sun etc doing front page innocent kid throat slashed etc etc, just hope the world up there stay calm till the truth outs.
true,see how it pans out
on the good news side,

charlie my dog was in kennels last week and not eaten since last thursday due to 'unknown virus'/?.
he was at deaths door tuesday and couldnt even bend down to drink, shivering and high temprature.

today he has started eating and starting to become a right dick again to the sum of £250 vet bill and course of antibiotics***********

oooh, the neighbours have just returned home..............
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im at a loss for words!
what a truly horrific way to die. i hope they throw the book at the scumbags responsible.
was it racially motivated?
It's sickening.

It no consolation, but hopefully the driver and a couple of his mates will die in jail.

They'll be nice and tough in there, and, with some of the things that will happen to them in jail, they'll wishing they were the ones under the car.

I hope they cop a pounding
trouble is the laws to soft and theres absolutely no deterrent

I agree. I know its something different totally but I watched a program the other night about repeat offenders in Dudley the main lad in it wanted to go to prison as he said it will be a break! The police were trying to pin a robbery on him which looked like the contents of a tradesmans van as it was mostly Dewalt tools they said he would probably be looking at 3 years in prison if they could find the evidence, I said to my girlfriend he should get more like 10 years as he has not only stolen someones tools but he has also stolen the food from his families table, When my girlfriend questioned what I said I replied if I had the contents of my van stolen I may be able to claim some back on insurance but chances are they wouldnt pay as my van is not in a locked garage no van vault etc so I would have to buy 3-5K of tools out of my own money meaning I would lose money for the next 2-3 months.

I think prisons should have a massive shake up as they admit they dont work hence why they try not to send people there. I think they should make that they dont have freedom they dont have luxuries they should only have enough time out of the showers to have a wash and a walk around for 30 mins they should eat sleep and crap in there cells, No gyms,TV,radio nothing! If they behave they should be allowed to work for 8 hours a day then have an hour after for washing and excercise then back locked up.
the stories are popping up now,
one is the lad was dealing a £10 hit to the driver and he refused to pay so a fight broke out!!

on a good source of info- the lad had a crack problem..

there is a facebook page set up so i will take a look if i find it
seems the truth will out, like I mentioned earlier, just let the facts be sorted and then see what happens
Society is becoming increasingly violent, and we have more access to hear about violence via 24 hour news, and the Internet, I think younger lads are becoming desensitised to it.

The evidence is that society - here and in the wider world - is getting less violent and has been steadily doing so for millenia. Perceptions of violence - your second point - is a separate phenomena which is always reliably uncoupled from the facts.

Good point of reference:

The Better Angels of Our Nature - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Have a skim, very persuasive.

I see the roots of violence as much in the comments posted here which call for harsh sentences - and even hanging - as I do in the feral acts of barbarity that bring them about. Mascarading under the banners of justice and fairness, people are really just seeking revenge. Pinker (author of above linked book) lists those impulses as our 'inner demons of aggression:'

  1. Revenge – The “moralistic urge toward retribution, punishment, and justice.”
  2. Sadism – The "deliberate infliction of pain for no purpose but to enjoy a persons suffering..."[SUP][/SUP]
This is what people really seek when they want to see the perps dangling from the gallows. Not the righting of a wrong. The impulse that drive those desires are as one with the impulses of the deranged ape that murdered the child with his car. The answer can't be more of the same.

I love this place. It's full of decent people who are utterly decent to the core. There's no pretence or loftiness, it won't be tolerated. But the second there is a discussion on something like this the replies all turn into the Daily Mail comment section. It's all "lock 'em up for life" and "throw away the key." Nobody seems much interested in what went wrong in the preceeding 18 years of that monster's life to bring this about. Whatever he is currently like: He must be unlucky to be like it. It is unfortunate, for him as well as everyone else.

But it's all plumbers here. Plumbers are predominantly working class. The British working class are predominantly socially conservative (and also patriotic, something i've never understood. why is it that the people who have the least and are compelled to work the hardest are the most proud of the country they live in, whereas those who take the most from it couldn't give two ****ts about it.) They subcribe to everything from the basics of greater social responsibility, up through tougher and longer sentences and all the way up to corporal and capital punishment.

I'm afraid I'm a devout lefty. Writhing in an agony of attempts at forgiveness and understanding and justification. I get more lefty as I get older. Every morning I wake up finding it harder to blame anyone for anything. I've probably got it all arse about face.

What were we talking about again?

This beer is good.
culprits been re arrested on a charge of attempted murder, perhaps didnt kill him on the first blow?
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