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Are "we" (plumbers) tight?

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Hey Lads,

I just got back from a christmas function with the family and one of my cousins friends were there and we got chatting and to be honest, there is only so much christmas one can talk about before it becomes dull and we started talking about our careers. He is a web designer and when I told him I was a plumber he was *strike through text*surprised*strike through text* his response was "aren't you too attractive to be a plumber". I said no, being a plumber will generate a lot of money. This is when he started pmsl himself laughing.

We had the conversation and his argueement was based upon the fact every plumber he has come across are (in his words) too tight to pay for anything or just too poor. When I told him how much money I was spending and based that on how much I want to earn he understood and continued to say that not all plumbers had the same ideology. My own being if I spend £1 I want £3 back.

However to back him up, when in another post I mentioned how much I was spending I got a response via my inbox.


Dont spend too much on website. They are good to have but can be expensive and not good enough to rely on as a main source of generating business.

Have a look at mine

[link removed to protect id of person who sent mail - admin can confirm this is true though right?]

My mate designs sites for free and charges monthly 60 quid for all the seo work which is what gets your website onto first page of google and keeps you there.

I also have a few other tips for generating business which I will go into when I have more time.

Good luck

The point of this thread being... How do you see it? Would you spend £1 if you saw £3 back??

Marie x
I own the domain name
At the moment the site is down as I'm improving it.
However, it is SERPS PAGE 1 on Google for a great many search entries.The site is only online for someone with Gas Safe based in the Coventry area to take on my nipper. I will then load all their relevant information to this website. I can assure you that I daily knock back, or rather forward, work on to plumbers and gas engineers who do not even know where their work is coming from.I have to as , as yet, I've not succeeded in procuring the plumber/gas engineer needed.
WEBSITES WORK, and when done right,work bigtime.
He thing I've realised is that Google doesn't produce great quality leads really. Chances are they will be getting lots of quotes, all from competitors on Google. I got on the first page for our city and you could tell a Google lead before you had asked where they heard about you. There spiel started with 'how much will it be too ....'
He thing I've realised is that Google doesn't produce great quality leads really. Chances are they will be getting lots of quotes, all from competitors on Google. I got on the first page for our city and you could tell a Google lead before you had asked where they heard about you. There spiel started with 'how much will it be too ....'

From the web lead,arrange to go round and then give them a quote, a face and pleasant knowledgeable manner always help, sometimes the lower quoted price isn't always king.
No real difference from a yellow pages ad or and ad from anywhere else.
It's just another more powerful arrow in your quiver.
One not to be underestimated, especially with the way most are using their mobile phones to access information.
got my website via a friend for the cost of installing a couple of rads, isnt bad, bigger than most and he will update again for a few beers. I do pay 130 a month for a couple of local advertising mags EX33 Magazine and church mags. Also put my name in any freesite I see brwosing around, one such site bought in £240 last week at no cost to me. you got vto remember customers arent loyal, they come and go, especially if your busy and cant make it to them in the next 10 mins, I lost one today for that reason but I was at a new customer and got a combi swap by turning up and she saw me in my EX33 mag I use.
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